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  1. I appreciate the support it was never my intention to argue or anything just to have a conversation on syndicate pricing. The feedback you gave is really helpful. I guess some are nice and some are rude what can you do?
  2. This is partially true I accidentally deleted Azima but also wanting the companion mods. This will be helpful and appreciate the feedback for steelpath and such. But yeah it is just the fact they are priced sorta high compared to other syndicates like suda or even Solaris United.
  3. This is my first post so I hope this works and please bare with me. I was looking at Simaris' items that he offers and its great we can get the weapons back, but for a 100k standing seems too steep. Also the way some of the companion augment mods are 75k-100k standing too is ridiculous. If this game wasn't meant to be grindy then an item we want shouldn't cost an arm and a leg for a single MOD. I hope someone sees this and would at least look into this again! This isn't to bash anyone but to start the conversation again for pricing on standing based items.
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