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Posts posted by TenTwoJuan

  1. First 2 sentences: Reeson foreaagn kaaraar detekted. Araagaan anknoun.

    Probable meaning: Reason foreign carrier (?) detected. Origin unknown.

    Edit: Tenno'd. I agree with the Redditors, it's a sloppy transcription.

    Thanks! I wonder what it could mean?

  2. Clan Name: Disgaea

    Warlord IGN, me: TenTwoJuan

    Clan size: Shadow. 18 member at the time of writing this 

    Time Zone: North east America around New your mostly

    We're looking for a cool allinace to play in at the time of writing this there are 5 active members at all times and i'm always on. The I also want the nice nice alliance emblem.

  3. Can you guys help a colorblind tenno find the colors for this wonderful volt prime? Before you say it I did ask the person who posted this picture but i don't think English is his mother tongue.http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=459739821

    Edit: I think i got it http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=463466911

    The pink is from classic saturated 4th row from the top, far right

    The green is from infested color pallete 6th from the top, far left 

    the blue is from infested color pallete bottom row, second last to the left


    now the the base color ;-;

  4. Warframe offers quite a bit of options when it comes to color customization but with a person who suffers from protanpia I can bee too much. Time and time again I make pink warframes instead of grey ones and there is no way for me to find out until other players ask why the hell my Nekros is pink. Is there any way possible for DE to offer modes for colorblind people? Just a thought is all.

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