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  1. Thank you very much for this answer, the videos were extremely helpful. This strategy was a god-send, With your help, I have been finally able to beat the boss.
  2. Thanks for the tip! I use Dreamer's Bond, but that takes a while. I sadly don't think (please do correct me if I'm wrong) you can heavy slam Dex Nikana.
  3. The Volt warframe (Dreamers Bond, Redirection, Vitality), together with Paris and Dex Nikana have proven good enough to rush the story including the Second Dream, and I was able to cheese most junctions by slightly outranging my enemies in melee. Now, for quite a while, I have been stuck on Sedna Junction. Not only do I not know how to deal with the toxin (that basically instakills my warframe if I get hit twice), I also can't effectlvely deflect the bullets with my sword (a strategy I have been using because my shields regen slightly faster than the specter's) because somehow the toxin splatters. Does anyone have any tips for how I can beat Saryn, preferably with as little grind as possible? Is there any additional information I should provide?
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