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Posts posted by buttchili

  1. I would place a lot of money on:


    If they had never offered t4 keys in the first place, then this whole thing wouldn't have been an issue. You might have had some people claiming 25k was too high, as people complain about anything really. But this whole outrage over voting, or that DE is ruining the game by upping the cost would probably be extremely minimized. 


    Edit: There are better ways to get keys, but they require some effort. You can buy the mods/weapons and sell them for plat and then buy keys. You can farm keys from missions. The keys for rep is very convenient, rep accumulates as a byproduct of playing, and it boils down to being a relatively effortless ways to grab up some extra keys.

  2. My favorite is Itzal, zipping around is so much fun to me


    Second would be Odonata. I actually get some good use out of the 3-skill. I tend to use my primaries most, so they're a good supplement when strafing around shooting targets in an Interception.


    I find Elytron to be too sluggish, I don't enjoy it as much.

  3. For 3, I'm ok with the way they made their decision. They wanted to make a change, came up with solutions that THEY were OK with and let us pick which of their two solutions we'd prefer. DE hears a lot of our feedback, I think they do a pretty good job of interacting and listening. But that doesn't mean they HAVE to implement our "better" solutions.

  4. Um, no? Hotfixes are patches too. Big ones are called Updates around here.


    Yes, hotfixes are patches.


    Not all patches are hotfixes, hotfix should be reserved for those emergency fix things that the last patch just broke.


    Planned scheduled updates, major or not, don't really qualify for the term hotfixes imo.


    but my point is moot, it doesn't really matter what we call them. That's why I nerd raged.

  5. I think I saw something on reddit about serration being replaced by damage+situational mods

    Can someone clarify? Because that is awesome


    I'd suggest watching the Dev Stream, they aren't getting rid of Serration. They were simply discussing wether there is potential for mods that could serve as alternatives

  6. This..Is..Only..A remeby..against people who enter the game like invasion to do nothing and wait when the team does all the job. Deserve or not deserve is not a concern here, and I partially agree with this innovation. Partially because consider the situation: a team goes for some orokin extermination and one of them dies his last time for today half way through the map. OE usually spawns around 150+ enemies, which takes time to kill. There is no way of finishing the mission within a minute because you'll need more than a minute just to reach the extraction point.


    Do you, DE, suggest to abort the mission and start anew in such a case?


    You are taking a risk joining a mission with no revives, make sure your teammates are aware so they can rez you

  7. When my friends and I do T4 exterminate, I often remain the last one standing, and carry the team ALONE against more than 50 enemies and Vor. So this would mean I would be the only one to get a reward? And if my friend dies for a minute and 3 of us keep fighting, he gets absolutely nothing?

    This is terrible. Also, I would prefer seeing people stading idle once in a while instad of not being able to go to the bathroom once in a 30 minutes survival or getting my reward if I die 61 seconds before the mission ends.


    You get everything in a mission that you collected, if you get revived you get everything, if you are AFK for 4 minutes and come back at any point you get everything.


    The only time you miss out on something is if you are dead or AFK for the final 60 seconds before extraction, the ONLY things you dont get are end of the mission rewards for Exterminates, Capture, Assasinations (The reward for finishing)

  8. Still not a very good idea.

    Can you elaborate on the "This timer only matters relative to when the mission is completed" quote of yours? I'm still confused on that matter.

    Although your still gonna have a lot of annoyed players, myself included.


    It means the last 60 seconds of a mission

  9. Well, me and my buddies all made it to extraction after 50 minutes, and still didn't get rewards. So all this did was make us waste 50 minutes...


    The update dropped less that 30 minutes before you made that post, there's no way you were playing on the latest client version.

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