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Posts posted by Grandzeit

  1. From what I understand, Excalibur's charge ability isn't effected by the melee weapon it's using, correct?


    You shouldn't be trying to spec a weapon for the ability if it doesn't effect anything about it.


    It increases the range by a SICK amount to have a Heavy weapon. The initial damage at the end of the charge is also affected by your melee weapon.

  2. However there is always a big problem, why I have to pay more on Steam? If they create a new Payment system I'll pay more anyway? I know it's a free fantastic game and I love it... but if the Hunter Founder Pack cost 38,50 € I'll pay only 38,50 €


    It's more than likely just a mistake. 

  3. Scavenger Artifacts?


    And buy ammo boxes if you have ammo trouble. And now that everyone is rolling in the dough.... there is reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally no excuse.


    I meant something that would make the pickups you get BETTER, not something that made half the ammo pickups Rifle rounds.


    And it should apply to Health/Power as well. 

  4. So I've been noticing lately, more and more, that my head shot count has dropped off dramatically from when i started playing the game. I just finished a mission where i killed around 350 corpus and ended with 2 headshots, and had a mission where i called about 200 grineer and ended with like 4 headshots. However, during those missions i distinctly remember getting some where in the range of 30-40 headshots. Does anyone know if its an official bug or anything? Im using a latron and i rely heavily on headshots for high damage so i know its not my skill dropping off or some spray and pray gun. Thanks for info in advance!


    -Nevermind- Didn't see Latron at first. 

  5. Are you entirely sure about that? Although I cannot verify this myself (since I signed up during closed beta), there is an option to buy a founder's package directly from this website when you sign in using your account. Or is it that this option simply doesn't appear if you signed up through steam? (cause I thought steam still made you create an account on this site).


    100% certain. The Devs even confirmed it.

    If you log in using an account created through Steam, you'll ONLY have the Steam payment action, both ingame and on the website, Steam browser or not. This both applies to Platinum and the Founder Pack. 


    It's... Odd. But yeah, I just hope it gets sorted out soon. 

  6. How can i buy a founder Pack without steam?


    You cannot. If your account was signed up through steam, it can only use Steam Wallet. If it wasn't, it can use anything but Steam.


    They mentioned trying to fix this issue back at like the 6th.

  7. <p>I can't remember a game I played that sold colors that gave black away for free. In games colors drop, bloack seems to always be the most rare. Everyone wants black. It's one of the few things they ask you to pay for here. I see no problem with that. I'd rather they ask me to pay for black, than for new weapons.</p>


    Blacklight: Retribution had a giveaway with thousands of keys, which gave you free permanent Black camouflage, for one.


    Besides, DE just recently gave away two entire colour palettes for almost free. 

  8. Stick to Redirection and Vitality trust me. Steel Fiber is kind of bad considering it only effects health and it's your last line of defense.


    Steel Fiber + Vitality on Ash. 1000 HP and 62% damage reduction when maxed. Pretty sick.



    I'm ... not sure about that anymore, actually. I seem to be taking health damage here and there when my shields are low but not gone.



    Pretty sure that's Toxic damage, then. Ignores Shields, but not Armor.

  9. If you're above him or jump, he knocks you down. You can get him stagger-stuck on fire hazards, Paris, melee or Bolto®. He can also get stuck between a projector and some stairs. Fairly easy if you keep him on a distance.


    I just spammed Dual Ether's base attack. Staggers 90% of the time. 

  10. Different things are different. Apples and Oranges.


    Ash ultimate is useless vs bosses. While with a mag friend who casts Bullet Attractor on Boss, all your Javelins will hit the Boss. Talking about burst dmg eh?


    Bladestorm is pretty amazing on a boss, especially if there's minor enemies like Jackal's Osprey around. You teleport straight to them for some good damage, and get back to a safe spot in no time. 

  11. You.. Wouldn't want sickly powerful Mods dropping far too often, especially at the lower levels. It takes a high amount of mod spots to actually use, and ranking it up to an effecient state isn't cheap. 


    Plus, that takes away the concept of having something actually rare. It's not meant to be easy - that ruins the joy of actually finding one, either way. 


    Good luck finding one, though. 

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