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Posts posted by eStecko

  1. Rather simple question, but when you activate your ability and get passives from your Focus Ways, are they shared for all players? Or only some of them apply, like Naramon's Shadowstep or extra XP for melee kills (if not, do only I get extra XP for melee kills or is the increased XP shared for other players from my kills but not from theirs - if the first answer is yes, then this expanded question is pointless)?


    Also, just in case they are shared, do they stack up or only highest apply (and therefor it would be better to use 4 different Ways)? - Obviously if the answer is that they are not shared, it doesn't really matter. :P


    Thanks for your answers. <3

  2. I wish this were a thing thought , even thought it might not be smart to use this first person view , it would be really cool and fun.


    First person mode would be cool... if your camera was not stuck right behind your head in every other instance of you not sliding. ;D

  3. Seems like this issue is tied to using hacking panels and revives.


    It seems like if player runs and uses a panel, then bumps slightly into a wall, player's camera can get stuck inside of the character model. When using revive as a client, FoV can change for seemigly no reason - it looks like the FoV changes to what ever the spectator's one is set to(?).


    Running - Direct Link: http://i.imgur.com/CsoZsMn.jpg



    Standing - Direct Link: http://i.imgur.com/lCQnYVO.jpg



    Sliding (actualy looks cools :D) - Direct Link: http://i.imgur.com/I6X2C4h.jpg


  4. I agree with you on Ash and banshee plus Saryan.

    That why Saryan should get buffed because of powers and damage over-time

    In a core of a problem i dont think many of those things are problems of damage of specific skill on specific frame. I think it is a design choice of the game as a whole. If you look on ultimates, many of them do 1,000 damage in area. They obviously differ in functions and exact numbers. But the general idea is, that they get less effective the higher enemy level is, as enemies scale with their level number, which increases their health/armor/shield/damage numbers. It is a game of numbers, based on a formula hidden in its base core. And some warframe abilities' numbers scale well against those enemy numbers or they do not. Here is why you most probably wont see a Saryn in wave 100 defense setup. You will see Nyx, Trinity, Nova and meybe some invisibility frame for revivals, just in case someone would get oneshot or Necros for farm runs.

    There is just simply no scaling on enemies beyond their numbers alone, no abilities, no real reason to go Nightmare mode*. The aura enemies are well made, but their spawns are far too rare and they can be easily killed to be any real threat -> Persecutors, kudos to you DE, well done. Also a lot of enemies do not require any tactic to be dealt with other than pure damage or getting CC'd.

    *Nightmare is also a very potential improvement to those things. You could make a lot mutators in Nightmare, make Nightmare optional everywhere and having to select mutators by your will to get stuff like +5% XP/drop for each one enabled, etc.

  5. Those are always problems with "less efficient" characters/builds. They are fun to use for some people, but some other people like to use better or universal ones.


    I do agree with you to certain degree.


    Ash, Loki and Valkyr are pretty much all melee characters. Ash has higher melee damage (due to aura slot). Loki has longer invisibility and more CC. Valkyr has invicibility and attack speed buff. They are all ~similiar but have their differences and i do think they need improvements in areas outside of those i said.


    Banshee is still very viable Warframe against high level enemies due to Sonar and aoe CC on her ultimate. Although buff is surely needed in areas no mentioned.


    Saryn is a tough one. Especialy her melee enhancing skill. She is not a melee character per say and has no real survival skills outside of distraction one. But you will have to build her into a melee character by going into a lot of vitality/armor if you would like to make her viable in melee. But then you sacrafice her damage abilities to the point they are almost useless.

  6. I think the Nikana things were fixed already?


    In my personal experience and from experience of my clanmates, it seems like the new tileset is having quite a lot of fps drops.


    Gardens and Trophy Room in general are limited with low capacity for some reason. Iam still confused WHYYYYYYYY?! :'(


    Anyway, i pretty much agree with your topic and for many people melee 2.0 falls into category of "Hype is the first step on the road to disapointment."


    Now for the Dark Sectors... do not get me wrong, i do like the idea and new enemies... But, there is no purpose to them in current system. I mean all of them are in conflict right now and even morbid things like tax-free rail vs tax-free rail are a thing. There is no incentive for players to play those things as clans do not put up any battlepay. And battlepay is limited to credits only, while doing conflict that has 0cr vs 3cr rewards is rather pointless, not speaking of people that dont need credits at all. The biggest downfall is inability to access the Dark Sectors at all, since they are and most probably will be in permanent conflict. I feel like Dark Sectors shoud be a custom difficulty sectors with extra modifiers (like nightmare), but you could select the modifiers from a huge list and get +5% extra xp/drops for each one.

  7. Ok, my buils on dragon nikana: pressure point, killing blow, jagged edge, focus energy, elemental with % 90 dmg, spoiled strike, corrupt charge ( and parry). Now my calculations say that i should be dealing 2500 damage per second with crits included, and that is with 0.8 hits per second. Well that surely doesnt explain my 20k or 10k crits on grineer, but my hits actually somehow deal around that without the crits, on channeling. O wait... of course i forgot steel charge. Now it makes 4k dps, to multiple enemies... still low

    I wonder if stances actually raise the dmg or speed.... I cant calculate that far... And yet, stance is always the same so dps wont give us an actual number, but a mean to compare melees with each others but not with other weapons

    Yes. Stances do change your actual attack speed, but this doesnt seem to be reflected by the ingame number. Also some parts of combo attacks have damage modifiers, this mostly applies to last ones in the combo chain.


    Looks like the ingame stats only show melee damage and actual attack speed for quick melee.

  8. If you kill a boss, you will get a weird mail from Stalker - this is refered to as Death Mark. Than there is 3.5% chance that he will spawn during one of your missions and try to murder you horribly. You will notice him spawning, if your screen is flickering. This can take up to 5 minutes tho. Also you need to be mastery rank of 5 or higher to get the Death Mark.


    General tips against him... dont stop moving, have a lot of damage and shields/health. :P

    Abilities mostly dont work against him, since he can use clarity to dispell them and stun you.

  9. Is there a reference for this? Or heresay and experimentation?

    Unless we get an exact formula from someone who can datamine those things, it is all left up to killing a lot of Grineer. Or Corpus.


    Also some stances provide a damage modifiers. Final combo in dagger stance Pointed Wind has ~5x damage modifier with multi-hit attack. On the downside, previous attacks leading up to the combo are very slow and you will dps down squishy targets faster with using quick melee.


    Reference to this topic - https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/210840-channeling-vs-melee-looking-at-damage/

  10. Venus - E Gate (Survival)





    So i was wondering why enemies did not come. One of those bugs from the "old beta days" ;). Another room didn't load up and doors didn't open.


    Also AI has some problems on Earth - Cambria (Survival). Mostly pathfinding between different areas can result in the AI getting stuck in places where areas are connecting to each other.

  11. jorR27a.png

    Mugetsu - Moonless Sky


       We are currently recruiting players that like to have fun and play alongside active clan members. Our only requirements are to be mature (18+, obviously exceptions are possible) and to speak english (TeamSpeak client not mandatory, but very highly recommended). Also you must have mastery level of atleast 0, so yes, we do take new players.



       On a dojo side, we have pretty much everything and we will be joining an alliance soon to compete for free Dark Sectors. Our labs are 100% researched and gardens are growing... meybe way too much.



       If you would like to know more about us, have a chat about joining us or just to pop into a TeamSpeak to play with us first before going in full time, feel free to contact us here on forums or one of our three leaders ingame...

    • eStecko
    • Doombringor
    • TerrorOfDeath1




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