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Posts posted by HellStalkerNook

  1. I very much enjoy this concept. I feel like Carapace is a little similar to Saryn, but it's far more overpowered because of its relative power drawn from Arachne's stats. Otherwise, it is creative and interesting. Please let me know what you think of my concept. 


  2. Hello all. This is an old concept that I have reworked slightly. I hope you all can give me health criticism to help it evolve realistically and shed some light on what areas could be improved. Thank you.


    Vampyr - Ancient-melded Vampiric warframe. Stronger abilities require less power in exchange for life energy (health). A lone Warframe who ventured too far into the Dark Sectors and became lost in the infested graveyard, who emulated the Infested, specifically the Anicent Infested himself through adapting to their ways. Aesthetics - Mysterious and incredibly powerful. Vampyr is the incarnation of the toxic and life-stealing infested that surrounded him while he was in lost in the Dark Sectors. His tongue is rough, hypertonic, and serrated, which is used for impaling and absorbing his victims life force. Vampyr is incredibly fast and has an impressive health pool, but he trades shields and armor in return. (Orokin-Infested Origin)

    Passive - Forbidden Blade - his Blood Impaler will act as his main melee weapon after he activates when he has used his second ability to absorb essence. Based on his health and essence stacks, it will lead to higher amounts of damage, however, his health will inversely affect the performance of his blade as well. Based on power strength in general, the anemic blade will draw on current melee weapon strengths as well as health and essence stacks to create a deadly weapon of precision and lethality.

    Definitions for Terms:

    Blood Impaler (Forbidden Blade): A feature of some of Vampyr's abilities. The Blood Impaler is a blade hidden within Vampyr's arm that is conjured from very rigid blood that is forced into the shape of a sword that he uses to impale his enemies through his left arm.


    1st Ability - Anemic Carnivous - Vampyr uses his sawtoothed tongue to slice open enemies in forward rotative small AOE in front of him and absorbs their life energy. Damage and Life steal (5% based on health cap- Ex. 200 health total yields 10 health points in life steal) - 25 energy (normal, no life force is required) Also gives a Slash (Bleeding) Proc to the enemy as a status effect.

    2nd ability - Rupture Cannon (Unique) - Vampyr grabs an enemy and consumes their essence into his arm via his blood impaler (Changes base melee attack to Forbidden Blade passive that gets stronger through stacking). This will damage the enemy (killing them possible) and stack a shattering ball of blood and tissue in Vampyr's impaler, which when the 2nd ability is again activated, it shoots and causes damage through a spray of high pressure blood rupture beam that inflicts slash and blast damage in a directional frontal attack at a long range (Stronger with stacks of essence); adds Slash (Bleeding) proc. The enemy you assimilate will increase your 2nd's damage as well as your passive Forbidden Blade. - 50 energy (15 energy and 35 health sacrifice)

    3rd ability (Requires Re-Thinking; too relative to other frames.)- (Transfusion) For Allies, (Vladimize For Enemies) - Vampyr takes a token of his life energy to instantly heal a ally or cause an enemy to explode from reactive potent blood that works as a radial AOE around the enemy - 75 energy (30 energy and 45 health)

    Alternative 3rd ability - Deathroller - Vampyr uses his tongue to drill into an enemy, which ragdolls them around incredibly fast. Vampyr cuts their limbs off into the surrounding vicinity with his Forbidden Blade; littering gored tissued at high velocity speeds around the map at surrounding enemies causing high impact damage.

    4th ability - Blood-Letting (Possible Rework) - AoE Damage, Vampyr spins himself like a top with his Forbidden Blade in an AOE that serrates surrounding enemies, causing them to bleed to death. (if enemies survive, they will receive a Slash (Bleeding) Proc)); massive life steal from enemies that restores a significant part of squad's health. 100 energy (50 energy is used, but halves health based on current health points - More efficient if used when Warframe is weakened.) Will Update Math soon*

    Alternative 4th Ability (Small rework required. Crit chance and power strength bonuses relative to other existing frames) - Bleeding Rain - AoE Damage, Vampyr throws an enemy into the air and cuts them infinitely with his anemic blade. When they are reduced to their innards, they will rain serrated bones and tainted blood that causes heavy damage and (Bleeding) procs. It will also slow down enemies significantly and cause them to inflict reduced damage from blood loss. Allies will receive crit chance bonuses and also power strength via Bleeding Rain's power. For the incredible power that this brings however, Vampyr will be weakened from the incredible sacrificial requirements and will restore health from a regenerating aura as an after effect, which is 2 hps and a duration of 10 seconds (Can be increased with mods and as the ability levels, as well as Bleeding Rain dam. and duration, slowdown, etc.). 100 energy. (50 energy is used, but halves health based on current health points - More efficient if used when Warframe is weakened.) - Efficiency will help to decrease health utilized for the ability, however, energy will stay the same, due to the incredibly low requirement. Will update math soon*

    Base Stats:

    Shields - 25=>

    Health - 200=>

    Armor - 15=>

    Speed - 1.4

    Power - 80


    Max Stats:

    Shields - 100=>

    Health - 600=>

    Armor - 15=>

    Speed - 1.4

    Power - 120


    Below is concept art that a friend of mine developed for Vampyr.

    Entire Body Composition:


    Head, Leg, Arm, and Foot Detailed Composition:


    Body - Detailed Composition:


    ^Art is credited to Aliuas. Check her out for more art and creative designs! She also takes drawing requests for all of your Warframe needs!



    Thanks to everyone who looked at this and commented. This design is in its infancy at the moment still. I plan on updating it progressively and trying to workaround the kinks. Please offer me any advice or critical analysis that may balance or improve this frame. I heavily based my ideal design and ability ideas around the character Raziel from the Legacy of Kain series as an example, who was from the Soul Reaver Series. I also drew influence from Carnage from The Marvel Universe in some design and ability points. I used their designs to create an original character, Vampyr




  3. 5 minutes ago, Aliuas said:

    Nice, im glad you re-vamped this concept (hehheh get it)


    If you need an art update you can always ask, the arts kinda out of date plus ive gotten alot better (if you want i can show some of my more recent art im working on in a pm)

    And yes Aliusa! :D I'm sorry, I've been very busy recently and this design is outdated. This was made before Inaros, so I have a lot of catching up to do. I'll def PM you in due time. I would love a colored concept to see how the designs contrasts with the Warframe (: Thank you!

  4. 3 hours ago, -MNT-Erlking said:

    Single target Molecular Prime? How does 50 energy (15 energy and 35 health) works?


    Rhino rush with its augment? Same question about cost.

    2 hp per second is way too low (2hp*10sec=20hp total). Unclear if 35% is heal whole party or just Vampyr. Again question about cost. Also it is bit weird for direct healing power to cost health. Overall very similar to Inaros 4th ability without 'charging' part.



    Description of abilities lack numbers and clear description of how it works. Overall I would suggest to think on desired playstyle - what do you want this warframe to act in game, how would you play it, what could be its role in group and most important - how would it be fun in a way that is not occupied by another frame.

    Art is really good, I like small details and how everything is done in same style.

    Main problem with your concept is that life-stealing health tank role is already occupied by Inaros. Not that it should limit you at designing your vision of frame, but there is inevitable analogy. As I understand from ability kit you want more mobile, less CC more punch in face and stack buffs health tank. So try to make abilities work well with this playstyle, add some synergy to powers.

    Btw there is really good, somewhat similar concept of parasite frame, maybe you will find some ideas or inspiration there.

    Oh, one more.

    You want blood mage, I have some for you. My own concept with frame that draw blood runes with her health to activate powers.

    Thank you friend. I'll think about what you have told me. Otherwise, some of the points you brought have been answered within my descriptions. I'll work on the math for Vampyr's ultimate, but his regenerating aura is improved via leveling, power mods, and duration mods. The immediate health that is regenerated with the ultimate is given to the other squad members, not Vampyr directly. That is why the regenerating aura was incorporated as an individual buff. I understand that it is relative to Inaro's 4th, so I'll work on the schematics of the ability as well. The 2nd ability is relative as well. I'll work on a new concept for that one and hopefully I can come up with a more interesting ability that doesn't replicate a current Warframe. Again, thank you so much for your criticism -MNT-. (:



  5. Vampyr - Ancient-melded Vampiric warframe. Stronger abilities require less power in exchange for life energy (health). A lone Warframe who ventured too far into the Dark Sectors and became lost in the infested graveyard, who emulated the Infested, specifically the Anicent Infested himself through adapting to their ways.

    Aesthetics - Mysterious and incredibly powerful. Vampyr is the incarnation of the toxic and life-stealing infested that surrounded him while he was in lost in the Dark Sectors. His tongue is rough, hypertonic, and serrated, which is used for impaling and absorbing his victims life force. Vampyr is incredibly fast and has an impressive health pool, but he trades shields and armor in return. (Orokin-Infested Origin)

    Passive - Blood Lust - The more health that Vampyr uses will cause him to go into a frenzy called Blood Lust. He will gain crit chance when his health drops below a certain percentage %.

    Definitions for Terms:

    Blood Impaler: A feature of some of Vampyr's abilities. The Blood Impaler is a blade hidden within Vampyr's arm that is conjured from very rigid blood that is forced into the shape of a sword or spike that he uses to impale his enemies.

    Vampiric Shield: The Vampiric Shield is an effect of the ability Hyperassimilation. It grants a temporary shield that absorbs surrounding enemies health to Vampyr and damages them if they attack him directly as well.

    BL: Short for Blood-Letting

    BR: Short for Bleeding Rain



    1st Ability - Anemic Blade - Vampyr uses his serrated tongue to slice open the enemy and absorb their life energy. Damage and Life steal (5% based on health cap- Ex. 200 health total yields 10 health points in life steal) - 25 energy (normal, no life force is required) Also gives a Slash (Bleeding) Proc to the enemy as a status effect.

    2nd ability - Hyperassimilation - Vampyr grabs an enemy and consumes their essence into his arm via his blood impaler. This will instantly kill the enemy and send out a shatter of blood that causes damage through a spray of high pressure blood rupture spray that inflicts slash and blast damage and gives a Slash (Bleeding) proc. The enemy you assimilate will increase your power damage and gives you a Vampiric shield (absorbs health and damages surrounding enemies) for a certain amount of time. This effect can be stacked, but only up to about 5x. The math is as follows(5*X=Y) (5*A=C) (5*D=E+Y) (X=Power Damage) (Y=Total Power Damage) (A= Vampiric Shield Duration) (C=Total Duration For Vampiric Shield) (D= Vampiric Shield Power Strength) (E= Total Power Strength Of Vampiric Shield) Specifics for the Vampiric Shield will be updated soon.  - 50 energy (15 energy and 35 health sacrifice)

    3rd ability - (Transfusion) For Allies, (Vladimize For Enemies) - Vampyr ingrains blood into an ally or an enemy via the Blood Impaler. The effects are different depending if the target is friend or foe. For an ally, transfusion will allow the squad to take on Vampyr's buffs, and Vampyr to provide health or buffs via Anemic Blade,Hyperassimilation, Blood-Letting, or Bleeding Rain, specifically through his regenerative aura of BR and BL (Ally's health (buffs) will still be increased normally from the AoE Effect of Blood-Letting (Bleeding Rain) itself, but with the addition of regenerating aura. If the target is an enemy, Vampyr will take his tongue and bring them up as he splits them in two with his blood impaler, slowly allowing them to die as they profusely bleed from the anemic effect of his impaler. While the enemy is split open, Vampyr will integrate the blood and gain blood lust temporarily and also increase his critical chance ratio% significantly. This effect can also be stacked x3. Will update for math soon. - 75 energy (30 energy and 45 health)

    4th ability - Blood-Letting - AoE Damage, Vampyr draws out his tongue in a swift slash that ruptures enemies, causing them to deflate and bleed to death (if enemies survive, they will receive a Slash (Bleeding) Proc)); massive life steal from enemies that restores 20% of squad health and expands their health caps (increasable with power strength mods and ability level) of only the Squad's health caps. Vampyr will not receive this immediate health bonus and instead will receive a temporary regenerating aura - 2 health points every second (can be increased in effectiveness with power strength mods as well as ability leveling). Standard effect time is 10 seconds (Correlative with power duration mods and as the abilty levels up). 100 energy (50 energy is used, but halves health based on current health points - More efficient if used when Warframe is weakened.) Will Update Math soon*

    Alternative 4th Ability - Bleeding Rain - AoE Damage, Vampyr throws an enemy into the air and shoots a large needle of blood into them to make them explode. When they implode, they will rain blood that causes heavy damage and (Bleeding) procs. It will also slow down enemies significantly and cause them to inflict reduced damage from blood loss. Allies will receive crit chance bonuses and also power strength via Bleeding Rain's power. For the incredible power that this brings however, Vampyr will be weakened from the incredible sacrificial requirements and will restore health from a regenerating aura as an after effect, which is 2 hps and a duration of 10 seconds (Can be increased with mods and as the ability levels, as well as Bleeding Rain dam. and duration, slowdown, etc.). 100 energy. (50 energy is used, but halves health based on current health points - More efficient if used when Warframe is weakened.) -     Efficiency will help to decrease health utilized for the ability, however, energy will barely decrease, due to the incredibly low requirement.         Will update math soon*

    Base Stats:

    Shields - 25=>
    Health - 200=>
    Armor - 15=>
    Speed - 1.2
    Power - 80

    Max Stats:

    Shields - 150=>
    Health - 600=>
    Armor - 15=>
    Speed - 1.2
    Power - 120

    Entire Body Composition:


    Head, Leg, Arm, and Foot Detailed Composition:


    Body - Detailed Composition:


    ^Art is credited to Aliuas. Check her out for more art and creative designs!



    Thanks. This design is in its infancy at the moment still. I plan on updating it progressively and trying to workaround the kinks. Please offer me any advice or critical analysis that may balance or improve this frame. I heavily based my ideal design and ability ideas around the character Raziel from the Legacy of Kain series as an example, who was from the Soul Reaver Series. I also drew influence from Carnage from The Marvel Universe in some design and ability points. Obviously this sounds like it would be a generic ripoff, but I used their designs to create a new character, Vampyr



  6. hello!



     im done with the full drawing of vampyr, it might take a while but il have the picture up soon :)




    as for the bow, sure I can do that





    also 3 more things: I added a little pattern to vampyr's nose and back of his helmet, I think he looks better but if you don't like it lemme know



     second: I drew a little bust for what the back of the helmet looks like (made it match the 6 things on his shoulders)



    and third: this is my 123rd post :D

    Sounds good, can't wait to see ^.^

  7. UPDATED: with griffin, new tech frame drawings, and vampyr drawings, go take a look!

    Amazing drawings, I love it! I prefer the first helmet to the second, but I think both are amazing. If you could make a full frame sketch, that'd be awesome too! I'd like your permission to use the concept art for a concept thread and a model I'm planning on in the future if you don't mind!

  8. Hello, fellow Tenno! Nice to see ya! Now, before we start, yes, I know that it's probably humorous that I'm writing this post during a devstream that revealed a little bit of a heads up about a certain something (if you missed it, my mouth is sealed)! ;)


    For those who DO know/did hear (and know what I'm talking about):

    I am totally aware of this, and won't lie, for the fact that it was revealed within the same week that I was set to finish my concept, I was a tinnnny bit discouraged, but no, it will not keep me from uploading this project! The show must go on, right?! So, on with the show!




    I present to you not only my first Warframe concept, but my first Manga Studio project, Sculptris project, AND first Zbrush project as well, the Archer, Artemis! She's has been the main concept I've focused on creating for Warframe, and has been a steadily developed work of mine that I've been building on for roughly a year. It has been TEDIOUS, but I refused to quit. Between drawing out several rough concepts on paper, migrating to drawing her out digitally (2-D), reworking her digitally (2-D), and then migrating to 3-D, and reworking her features several times more WHILE working with a program I had absolutely no experience in, it was the first time I ever rage quit an art program, but with patience (and plenty of stubbornness), I prevailed! (Take THAT, evil Zbrush UI!)


    When I say my concept started out as a sketch, I'm talking about what's in the spoiler tag below. In it you'll find MANY alternate versions that I constantly updated over time, eventually leading to what you will see at the base of this post. This spoiler tag is a 'development timeline', if you'll accept the terminology. And it's a very long spoiler box. You've been warned, BUT, if you want to see how the concept was born, I encourage you to check it out!


    This is the original sketch that started it all:





    Eventually, I looked at that concept, and went "What was I thinking?!" because it didn't really match up to Warframe's unique style in my eyes. I then moved on to sketch 2, focusing a bit more on a predatory/hunter look for the frame--something with an intimidation factor that you DEFINITELY wouldn't want to run into when you're alone (I know I wouldn't!):






    While I liked that concept a bit more, it wasn't enough, and thus it was left unfinished. I needed to be able to constantly alter things I thought could be improved on the piece. I then stopped progress on this drawing, and moved on to digital 2-D, with a new physical concept worming its way into my brain meanwhile.


    This is what came of that project:




    (Yes, I'd cheat. In order to find a a good color combo, I took a screenshot of the picture and use color sliders until I found a color combo I liked. Hey, it works! You'll just have to excuse the oddly fashionable task bar and UI. :p)





    With that concept, Artemis finally started to settle into a style that I found a bit more suitable for her theme. She not only had a bow (with energy string!), but still gave me the sneaky hunter/predatory feel that the earlier concept had.


    HOWEVER, this STILL was not enough.

    Being almost obnoxiously picky about detail, I needed to be able to view every angle of the frame. A flat, non-rotating sketch wouldn't give me that, so after building up some courage to face the complexities of 3-D rendering, a good friend directed me to a little 3D program by the name of Sculptris. I LOVED how simple it was. This is was the beginning of a new field of art for me, and I have Warframe to thank for the motivation and inspiration to delve into it (also for allowing me to meet said-friend that introduced me to this program)!


    Before that derails into mushy 'thank you so much' stuff, I'll get back on track with mentioning that Sculptris allowed me to carve out the helmet concept that I made in the sketch prior, and with relative ease. But there was a problem....


    What was this problem, you ask?






    Yes, there were plenty of bumps in the road. The helmet looked so much better in 2-D than in 3-D, so of course, that meant it was time to rework the helmet once more. This is what it became:





    I didn't necessarily think it looked 'bad', but after completing the full body, I realized that all the tiny details really threw off the balance of the frame's decor, and I still had trouble accepting it into her theme. Here is what I'm talking about:




    This is the basic concept that anchored its way into the finished product for the most part. This is also where I made the daunting jump from Sculptris's simple UI, to Zbrush's Narnia of settings. Ack! Roadblock! This took most of my time, as it was a LOT of trial and error. And I mean a LOT. To start, my PC had a bit of trouble handling the render, so I was waiting 3 minutes for one brush stroke to process at first. Getting tired of that, I got brave and dipped into the settings, allowing it to run a lot more smoothly, but I still had to accomplish the task of learning how to work the UI. After a while, I'm proud to say I've gained a general knowledge of quite a bit pertaining to Zbrush.

    ANYWAY, after reworking the helmet (for a.... fifth time?), I had finally settled on how she looked. Her overall persona is very assassin/rogue-like physically, in my opinion. Keeping this in mind, while working on the helmet, I started adding more details around the body. And sorry, the bow sitting on the arm like that? Nope, not happening.


    The warframe eventually evolved into this:


    100% satisfied. B)

    From here on, it leads to things that could be put OUTSIDE of the tags, so this is where the spoiler tag stops!

    Alright. Tossing aside the spoiler tags for the moment, we're getting into the final product.

    And here she is (all those polys later)!



    To start out, some close-ups showing a bit more of the detail:










    If it's hard to see, the heel is a split wedge fashioned after deer hooves. Within the spoiler tag is an unpainted version for better visability, and a paint/sketch of deer hooves for comparison!


    I want to emphasize that it is the heel, and heel only, not the entire foot. The front half of the foot was given more of a padded 'predator' style (while trying to retain the humanoid appearance). Fleeting as a deer, yet stealthy as a predator on the hunt.

















    Now for a full view!









    I do apologize for the quiality of the pictures. I may update this with some better ones if I can get fraps to not be stubborn.

    Anyway, I'll take this moment to  explain a little about my inspiration for Artemis.


    Theme Inspiration


    As I would hope of a frame with more of a huntress/assassin theme, I envision this warframe as quick, sharp, and lethal. Imagine something of a venomous snake that has spotted prey, lying in wait silently, ready to strike at the first sign of vulnerability.


    What is my inspiration for her name and design? Well (aside from the beginning concept), if you're familiar with your mythology, Artemis was known as the goddess of the wilderness and hunt. Her symbols, of course, were the moon, stag, and a silver bow and arrows. Her sacred animals ranged from hounds, to deer, to bears, to snakes. She was also known to have a pack of hunting dogs. Having various symbols to work with, I took full advantage of brainstorming on this between the time that I moved from pen and paper to sketch tablet and computer screen.


    Bow/Quiver Functions

    Now, being as I've attempted to implement this identity with the presented design, crossing this over with a Tenno, on the left wrist, I have made a dispenser-like quiver that creates energy arrows at the flick of her hand. The created arrow would then slip in-between her index finger and thumb, allowing for a quick nock and more practical aim/shot (or at least as much of one as I could get with this style). This is what I'm referring to (paper and tape to the example-rescue!):



    I added the bow to her right arm. It attaches and unfolds at the wrist, and could be seen in the sense of a crossbow that unfolds when used, like so (and as with the quiver, excuse my attempt at a budget bow as I display an example of what I'm getting at):


    And yes, for all of you curious archers out there that may read this, the concept frame I've made is technically left-handed with a bow. ;)

    Stats And Abilties

    Anyway, regarding her durability, I tend to look at it more along the lines of Loki. Archers aren't generally close-range fighters, and won't have much for armor. Considering this, a friend of mine took the chance to help me out with some durability/ability ideas, mentioned here (the following ideas for stats and abilities that are hilighted in red are all his):

    Artemis;  shield and health medium, armor low, speed high.

    Passive ability: reload speed doubled with bow weapons.  

    Abilities 1) marksman stance (very fast toggle). Assume a kneeling posture. Cannot move but accuracy and critical hit chance of weapons is greatly improved  

    2) Rain of feathers (duration on target location). Pull out energy-bow (or use bow in hand), shoot one arrow into the sky. At target location, a withering hail of arrows sleets down. Arrows do damage and enemies that are hit have a high chance to take impact status.   

    3) Chase (duration buff on self)   While active, periodically create short lived decoy images as you run, or every time you jump or flip.  Decoys work like Saryn's, with shorter duration.  

    4) The Hunt (duration summon). Summon 5 spectral dogs. Dogs do no damage, take no damage, have extremely high threat generation. Enemies that are "bitten" get confused, dogs can also "howl" to scare.

    When it came to abilities, I had an especially rough time due to updates over the span of this concept's development. As with the physical design, I had to clean the slate and start over. Prior parkour 2.0, this frame had originally been based on a balance of offense, defense, mobility and support. The following abilities were some of the thoughts I had for a warframe based on the goddess of the wilderness:


    Springfoot: Sends Artemis into (x) amount of leaps forward. If contact is made with anything, Artemis will 'ricochet', gaining substantial height on the jump, allowing for quick evasion, or access to higher grounds (which I would find suitable for archery, but this idea was developed prior parkour 2.0, which made it absolutely obsolete)!

    Lunar Surge: Boosts ally defenses for a short time while increasing Artemis's agility (Okay, so that was probably a bit off-the-wall for an ability either way).

    Feral Cry: Releases a piercing cry that shreds nearby enemy shields (this acts much like Phorid's cry, but I figured it would probably be weird since vocal-themed abilities are a bit more likened to Valkyr's style, and not a super sneaky ninja archer. :p)

    Piercing Barrage: An energy arrow is shot into the air based on where the player is aiming. After it hits it's highest point, it bursts into a shower of many more arrows, picking away at any enemy unfortunate enough to be caught within it's range.


    Another idea I had was an unnamed possibility that might have worked in a similar manner to Nova's Molecular Prime, but instead of slowing enemies, it would slightly slow projectiles. Enemies would continue at their normal pace. However, I have no knowledge as to whether or not something of this nature would even be possible script-wise.

    Well, that pretty much concludes what I have so far. I refused to let myself touch a backstory/questline, because for one, lore is still mostly a mystery.

    There's also the fact that I'm a HUGE fan of the Stalker and would probably find some way to tie this frame's story to something related to everyone's favorite king of edge if I could, BUT that's another discussion. ;p *Coughmovingonnow*

    And last but not least, thank you, friends.


    If there is one thing I definitely can say, it's that I was not alone with the development of Artemis. While they respectfully go unnamed for privacy's sake, I want to thank each and every one of the friends that have endured the plethora of progress pictures, and pleas for critique, making sure I didn't miss even the slightest detail. I don't think Artemis would have turned out this way without your feedback, which means a LOT to me. Seriously, thank you. I can't say that enough.


    Heh, well, I'm very happy that I've finally fiinished this this piece after working on it for so long. I think I've put more work into this concept than I have for many other things, and no matter what, at the very least, I hope you all enjoy what you see. :) Thank you very much for taking the time to check this out!

    Hi, I love your concept, models and all. I was actually curious if you might be willing to enlist your creative abilities to help me out with a concept I've been working on. I'm getting a sketching for the concept I made and would love to make a model for mine, just as you did for Artemis.

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