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Posts posted by Generic_Generica

  1. So I'm here to report a bug. Yes this is sort of spoilers. Kind of but not really but I'm going to keep it safe for now. Something peculiar's going on with Riven mods and weapon configurations.


    So this is my configuration with a veiled riven mod attached. Now if I switch configs to config A...


    Boom. Game freezes up. Mods disappear. I can't do anything. I can't exit the menu. Buttons don't work. Nothing works. I can't even close out of the game except by alt-tabbing ctrl-alt-deleting and closing out Warframe from my task manager.


    Yes chat is working. But everything else? Not particularly.

    Please help.

  2. Only Prime Frames should be allowed in the void, non prime frames should have to equip some kind of gear or something or not at all.


    ... No. How the hell would new players get primed frames to begin with then? What, farming to farm isn't enough for you? You want to make Void missions that much more obnoxious? 



    Mastery Rank - should be more in-depth should not be allowed to have Prime Frames/Weapons/Mods until like mastery rank 10. (They would appreciate it more.)


    No. Denied. Most of these items are already gated behind crap. EG: The Void, Baro Kiteer and his horrendously obnoxious prices, that sort of thing. If a new player has the ducats and credits to buy a primed mod then they probably know how to play the game anyways, and they proooobably have some apprecation because they've gone through this crap as well. They're not new players at that point.



    Should not be able to access certain planets without a certain mastery rank or the void.


    In order to access planets you have to clear the boss node anyways. Clearing nodes takes time. It requires decent weapons and frames and mods. This is completely unnecessary.



    Prime frames an weapons should be noticeable stronger than non prime. Like 5%-10% stronger all around. Armor, Health, Shield, Powers, etc. Just take 5%-10% off overall off non prime frames.


    NO. That's powercreep at its worst. Denied. 



    Prime weapons are noticeable stronger prime frames should be too.


    Denied. Because again, we don't need more powercreep in this game. There'd be no reason to play non-primed frames if primed frames were that much better.




    There needs to be separation from the Veteran players an the rookies.


    There already is. Orcus is mastery-gated. A whole bunch of weapons are mastery-gated. Rookies aren't going to have mods, or credits to fuse mods, or keys to go farm void missions, or anything like that. Rookies are already going to have to work for things and by that point they're not rookies anymore. They know how to play the freaking game. 


    So no. Denied. Repeatedly, vehemently, until the end of time. 


    I have no idea what you have against newer players, but making a game much more unfriendly for the newer folks who're trying to figure out what's what? Yeah, no. That's not going to fly. Ever. This is Mastery Rank elitism at its lowest. 


  3. I almost never use Radial Javelin anymore. I can count the number of times I've pressed three while using Excalibur since Excalibur's rework on one hand. All four of those times were in order to GTFO. (I also should've used Blind instead, but I panicked.)


    So no, Radial Jav doesn't make Excalibur a P32W frame. Radial Jav got hit hard with the nerf hammer. 

  4. I am a big fan of warframe but i have to admit, i can't help noticing some small changes that would possibly make the game better...


    here are some things that i would love to see changed...


    Imperator- Wouldn't it sound better if it were called Imperiator?


    Sentients- I thought it (may) sound better if they were called Sentinents


    Mods- I've been working on a Channel Nikana build but i realised; Killing Blow won't even work it's max potential on this knife... Really DE? same with my Crit Nikana Build... my mods wont work max potential... :( change pls


    Redeemer- DE, the redeemer is a instrument of DEATH! and it's finishing blow looks like some sort of execution! Shouldnt the knife be called Executioner?


    Maroo's Bazaar- Because of the bazaar, i can't deploy an extractor... REALLY?! Fix PLS

    Imperator vs Imperiator: ... No, that doesn't sound better. You might think it sounds better, I certainly don't. Because that isn't even a real word that means anything.


    Sentinents vs Sentients: ... Sentinents isn't even a real word. It's horrible English, that doesn't make it 'cooler' or 'better'.


    Mods: ... No comment here. I'm not sure what you're referring to, because I've never built for channel before. Can you explain some more?


    Redeemer vs Executioner: See the first three points. This is all stuff that makes the game better for you. Somehow. I don't see how any of this would actually make the game better except in your eyes alone.


    Aaand Maroo's Bazaar. No, the Bazaar doesn't block extractors. Have you finished all the new Earth Nodes that've popped up? 



    XD i was just writing stuff when drunk...


    Well that certainly explains a lot.

  5. And how many Conculysts have you already killed?


    Like over a thousand.


    "Detonite Ampule, Detonite Ampule, OOOH NEURODE! Oh wait. Crap. Uh. Detonite Ampule, Detonite Ampule, another freaking Detonite Ampule..."


    And that face I got when I saw a rare mod drop from a Conculyst... And the mod wasn't Vengeful Revenant. 




    I think that's when I just threw in the towel. There are so many other things I could be doing. There are so many other things I got around to actually do once I gave up. Because no. This is stupid.

  6. This is hilarious. I just want to watch and laugh.


    I want to be mad right now, but I can't. I want to say something about how there's a difference between tolerably slow progression and absolutely glacial progression, but I can't. I want to say something about how it feels like DE is forcing us into playing Draco or something buuut I can't. I don't want to.

    I just want to watch.

  7. Welp. Time to run Draco for the 493,892,899th time. Because heaven forbid we feel like running any node other than Draco, amiright? Exterminate? Spy? Rescue? Nah, screw that, Draco's the only node that matters and the only node that the game's balanced around, amiright?

    It's not like the entire affinity system is borked anyways, right? Right?

  8. It gets tiring when you have to argue the same point over and over again with different people who question the same thing.


    I'm not saying "BUT IT COULD HAPPEN". I'm telling you that "IT WILL HAPPEN!".


    So I want a buff that end game players, using Rhino Prime, are able to make full use of to improve their odds against the Sentients.


    Hopefully DE will understand this better than you guys at least. >=(


    Someone else take this. Too tired to deal with this right now.

  9. Hoo boy. My most hated enemies?

    - Nullifiers. Because shield that blocks all incoming projectiles and nullifies abilities... Yeah, that's more than a little annoying in certain situations.

    - Sapping Ospreys. Yeah, no.

    - Commanders. Getting switch teleported is just really irritating.

    - Corrupted Bombards. Because getting sniped from across the room with a freaking homing rocket launcher just sucks so hard.

    - Mutalist Moas. I hate these things so much. Tar is annoying, swarm is annoying, the buggers keep jumping around like fleas on crack and then they can just do that stupid shockwave groundpound thing.

    And... Favorite boss? Like what, favorite boss to punch around? Ambulas. Ambulas is such a pushover.

    Although my favorite boss would be Tyl Regor, because of that. Voice.

  10. It was a rush job, of course it's bad. DE basically ground out u18. Priority was given to the new quest, and then the focus system was more like, 'well this isn't completed and it needs tweaking but we gotta get u18 out the door asap. We can go back and fix it later.'

    So yes, it's a bad system, but the devs are in fact taking a long look at it now and trying to figure out how to make it less sucky.

  11. I know region chat was bad from what I heard, but this is my first time experiencing this.


    So basically long story short: what are the moderators doing?


    Reporting and ignoring people doesn't seem to be enough and people seem like hopping onto a racist bandwagon. 1 against many.

    The moderators are probably enjoying a nice five minute break before they have to wade back into the cesspool of scum and villainry that is region chat.

  12. The new end game is Sentients. 20 level 40 Sentients at the same time. If you aren't able to survive against them and effectively win and kill all of them, then you aren't even close to being a good Rhino.

    'The new end game is to kill 20 level 40 sentients that spawned at the same time and not being able to do that means your frame is bad' oh puh-leese.

    First of all you're not going to be able to fight 40 freaking sentients outside of the simulacrum. That's never going to happen. Ever. Don't even say it 'might' that seriously isn't going to be happening. It's entirely hypothetical. Balancing aroundwild insane speculation is never a good thing.

    Second of all... Rhino's completely capable of beating down sentients anyways. Rhino stomp stunlocks them. Even if it only works once, once is all you need because now you can run over and shank em/shoot em when they're down. Iron skin is honestly pretty darn tanky, so stop acting like it isn't tanky when you're effectively walking around with a mini snowglobe attached to you, recastable scalable health is not bad in any way shape or form so stop acting like it's just woefully underpowered when it really isn't. It really isn't.

    Not that it matters since you're probably never going to be able to fight 40 sentients outside of the freaking simulacrum in the first place.

    This entire thread in a nutshell. (Sighs)

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