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Posts posted by Enett

  1. There are 29 warframes in game, and more will be added. If you don't like Valkyr use another frame. It's not like Valkyr is ruining experience for other players on mission.

    I'am not saying that she can't be made more interesting/engaging, but Valkyr isn't really that much OP. Yes even at higher levels she can survive longer and revive other players, but as soon as Scrumbus appears she can die instantly if surrounded with enemies, not to mention energy leach. And although Valkyr can kill relatively fast, she cant compete with Ash or Ember or Mag or some others.

    They should rework frames like Oberon, Zephyr, Hydroid and other frames first because they are almost useless. And than, after that, DE can spend as much time as they wont on tweaking frames to be more fun to play with.


  2. 1 minute ago, 4InLine said:

    My 2 accounts (alt and main) are on the "latam" server, so I don't think that is the server. What I really can think in it's that most of the affected players may be playing while the DDoS started, but not everyone has this issue (a friend can log just fine, like a normal day and we where playing but just I got kicked from the game)

    How do you check what server are you on?

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