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Posts posted by Altrunchen

  1. 1 hour ago, Vakoda said:

    Would love to see this, and even if they don't turn out to be user defined, would be a great way to add individuality to different weapon categories. Good concept!

    Thanks! It seems other people have suggested stuff similar to this in the past too. I wonder if DE will implement something like it?

  2. Introduction:
    Hey so I thought it might be fun to make some generic reticles for Warframe as a suggestion. I mean, other games have it, and it's a fun way to help tailor the user experience towards their individual preferences. So why not have it in this game too?


    • More reticle options
    • Scalable reticle sizes
    • Adjustable reticle opacity
    • Adjustable reticle color

    Note: Just because these reticles are static and don't include the power selector dots at the bottom, doesn't mean they would remain as such if implemented.

    Chart of Generic Reticles:

    Preview of Reticles:
    Here is a preview at 35% opacity.

    What do you think?

  3. So I'm curious to know which alignments people typically play over others and to try and get a good idea of this I'm going to go to various forums around the internet and post this straw poll in the hope that I'll get a decent amount of results. Mostly because I'm just curious and I'd like to get some sort of answer about which ones are the most popular.

    Poll Link: http://www.strawpoll.me/14736660

    Please use the link to vote and feel free to post what you voted here! :smile:

  4. 2 minutes ago, bluepheonix13 said:

    Am I right in understanding that you want to destroy the free market? Because if yes, than I'd prefer the current system.

    Not exactly. I just want to prevent trading clans from exploiting the system. When it comes down to it. All I want is a simplified, streamlined system that precludes needing to load up maps or use a chatbox. I might have my own flawed ideas, but that's really all I want in the end.

  5. 3 minutes ago, AdunSaveMe said:

    All we need is warframe.market implemented into the game. That's it. No fancy new system, no pseudo-auction house. wfmarket is exactly the perfect solution to the problems of trade chat. The only issue is rendering the website obsolete, but it's absolutely the best solution.
    -It doesn't require you to sit in a chat all day.
    -It doesn't require you to actively compete with other players whenever you can send a message.
    -It doesn't require you to babysit a trade.

    The only change it would need is to allow players to be open for trades of other items, rather than solely being plat-based. Then people can approach you with an offer when you list what you've got, which is basically already how the trade chat works, but it does it in a way that's much better for everyone involved.

    The issue with having the game decide the worth of items is the fact that trading in general and the 'worth' of items varies a lot. It varies based on how much the buyer needs it, and it varies on how much the seller wants it, or values it. Someone might sell a prime helmet for 50p but I might trade it for a more common chassis if I need the latter more than I need the former. Fixed, pre-chosen prices (even if they're just a 'guideline') destroy that, and it's a vital aspect of trading - for profit, haggling and for generosity among traders - that should not be snuffed out.

    I see your point honestly. I'm just making a suggestion to be fair. All I really want is a faster/easier trade that's more fair than having to guess prices.

    1 minute ago, (PS4)kamil_demon said:

    I don't know about this but so far all the auction house suggestions are better then this because:

    Negotiating is all part of the experience and the game could mess up the prices e.g primed chamber might be calculated into only 50p because it unranked


    Yeah but apparently in other games allowing for negotiating causes for trading clans to undercut other people and cause huge dilemmas. Honestly my real goal is to push for SOME kind of new trading system that doesn't require loading up maps or waiting in a chat.

  6. I have my own idea about how this could be done, but honestly all I really want is a streamlined, automatic, and robust trading system that doesn't require you to have to load up any maps whatsoever or wait in a chatbox. That's it.

    But if you want to read up on my idea then I've put it in spoiler tags. It's not perfect but it's something.


    First off.

    This would not be an auction house. The standard values of each tradable item, in credits and in platinum, would be auto-calculated in-game based on a formula. Players would not specify the price.


    Hey so I don't know about you but I'm sick of trying to use the chat window to trade. Having to wait for someone to open a tab, go to a dojo, and then FINALLY trade something. I also hate having to haggle for something without knowing the real price of something.


    To make trading faster and easier.



    There would be a base price set for endo, platinum, and/or credits for each tradeable item. The prices could be automatically calculated based on the following factors:

    • How common the item is among the playerbase.
    • How rare of a drop the item is.
    • How long it takes to construct (if applicable).
    • If it's a mod: How many ranks it has.
    • If it's a mod: Whether it's damaged or not.

    The calculated value of the item would then be used to approximate what a fair trade would be given the item's value. This is for the purpose of allowing trades with only items AS WELL AS trades for currency.


    Trades would still have normal and clan taxes applied to each transaction.


    There would be a node on the player's ship that could be used to access the trading system. From there they would have several options:

    • Research
      • Look up an item's price in credits, platinum, and/or endo.
      • Compare the values of items.
      • Do a test-trade to see if the offer to buy/sell an item for a given amount of currency and/or items would be a fair one.
    • Sell
      • Offer an item to be sold.
      • Specify if the item is to be sold for credits, platinum, endo, or other items.
        • Can be a combination of items and currency if desired.
      • The item sits in a slot indefinitely until a buy offer that meets the requirements comes up.
    • Buy
      • Make an offer to buy an item.
      • Specify what is being offered to purchase the item.
        • Can be a combination of items and currency if desired.
      • The item sits in a slot indefinitely until a sell offer that meets the requirements comes up.


    This system would, in all likelihood, remove the following:

    1. Remove the need to haggle and potentially get scalped.
    2. Remove the need to visit a dojo to make an exchange.
    3. Remove the need to advertise an offer in the trade chat.
    4. Remove the need to be a part of a clan to make a trade.
      1. An advantage to buying/selling while part of a clan could be implemented.
    5. Remove the need to wait for a map to load in order to trade.
    6. Remove the need to be invited anywhere to make a trade. (including the bazaar)
    7. Remove the need to talk to someone in order to make a trade.
    8. Allow for commerce to occur whether someone is logged in or not.
    9. Prevent unfair price-fixing and undercutting via the value formula.
    10. Still allow for commerce.
    11. Still allow for commerce to benefit clans via taxes.
  7. Spoiler


    Hello there. I currently have an idea for a clan and I would like to check and see if there would be people interested in it before I go to all the effort of setting one up. I have a premise and a general concept. But I'd like to see if enough people in the community would be interested enough to make it viable. I see a lot of recruitment threads in the clan section. But I'm not recruiting just yet. I'm currently only interested in testing the waters, so to speak. I just want to post an interest check. And I'd like to know where is the best place to do that.

    Does anyone know?


    Question withdrawn.

  8. 51 minutes ago, Repligon said:

    Now it doesn't block all damage.

    And stats are subpar.

    Really? Then what's the point of the shield? You'd think this would be the idea tank weapon.

    50 minutes ago, Cyborg-Rox said:

    Stamina drain was the reason people didn't like the Silva & Aegis? I thought it was the poopy damage.
    Anyways, Silva & Aegis are kinda left in the dust now thanks to the Ack & Brunt, but I hear there's a new Augment Mod coming for the Silva & Aegis, so there's still hope.

    Well it looks awesome, but it sucks that it  isn't up to the job.

    32 minutes ago, AtoKitsune said:

    I dunno, I use it a lot and it blocks tons of damage. My Weeping Wounds Corrosive Blast build of it strips armor and crowd controls well with Final Harbinger. Takes ~50(give or take five) hits to kill a level 100 heavy gunner, but it could be worse. It's one of my favorite weapons, even if it's not great for damage.

    Huh, so compared to other weapons how does it stack up? Are you saying that you think it's worth making?

    30 minutes ago, SquireAngel said:

    Silva and aegis is a status weapon, but one that only hits about 65ish%. With lower attack speed, lower dmg, and at the time, only eleventh storm as a stance, s&a still isn't a first choice for a reliable melee.

    Dang, so there's really no way to mod it into a viable weapon? Or no matter what is it just a bad idea to have?

    13 minutes ago, Deidaku said:

    It's ultra underwhelming.


    It needs a straighforward damage buff and more damage reduction.....it's a goddamn shield..

    Hmm, think I should start a petition to have it buffed? I don't think it'd be that hard or that unpopular of an idea. What do you think?

    13 minutes ago, (PS4)Akabane85 said:

    Haven't try eleventh storm, but fury and final harbinger is fast enough for me, plus the mobility. 

    I really like the Silva and Aegis but the damage really needs a buff.

    Alright, think we should make a petition or at least a poll about this? To see if people want it to be buffed?

  9. Just now, Xekrin said:

    I wish we had more capabilities for movement along walls and ceilings and alternate travel in general.  Currently we have a 5 second wall latch, we get stymied by the tiniest of curves in adjoining walls or ledges and other than valkyr's ripline (that hardly anyone uses) we have no ninja style way of scurrying along ceilings.

    For ninjas we spend an awful lot of time on the ground.

    That we do, we also tend towards overt combat way, way more than the concept of a ninja suggests. Warframe seems to use the Naruto definition of a ninja if you ask me.

  10. 6 minutes ago, Keiiken said:

    I like the idea, fits in with the time schism in the moon spy missions.

    Why not throw in a bit of spacial distortion and altered gravity as well?

    Altered gravity? That sounds awesome! So sometimes you could jump higher and sometimes not as much? That might cause a few platforming issues but probably it could probably be tweaked to avoid them.

  11. Just now, (PS4)Elctrcstel said:

    dont be a stranger on the forums either. there are some really nice discussions that can be had, and also build tips for frame/weapons that can be found

    Thanks dude! I remember my frames seemed pretty effective when last I played but now I'm a bit worried about playing some missions because I think I'm gonna get stomped lol.

  12. 14 minutes ago, Airwolfen said:

    This post tackles the largest changes so you can look them up



    14 minutes ago, (PS4)Elctrcstel said:

    its a lot to read, but here is all the info you may need. feel free to ask more if its not covered in the link


    11 minutes ago, motorfirebox said:

    Honestly, your best bet is to go to the wiki and read through the updates. You can probably start with 16.7, since that one dropped at the beginning of June. You don't have to read all of them, the important stuff is in the major updates (16, 17, 18) and the one-decimal updates (16.7, 16.8, 16.9). The two-decimal updates (16.7.1, 16.7.2, 16.7.3) are hotfixes.

    Thanks guys! I'll definitely give these a read!

  13. Poll:

    Please vote here how in-favor or how not-in-favor you are of this idea: http://www.strawpoll.me/10229021


    I'm really into making maps and experiencing them in various games. And I've drawn some inspiration from the Nintendo game Super Mario Galaxy. If you've played that game then you're probably familiar with how the maps allowed people to move along surfaces that weren't necessarily the "floor" per-say. My idea isn't for small planetoids that people run around but is a bit similar.


    This idea is for maps where sometimes you walk on the floors, sometimes the ceiling, and sometimes the walls with transition points here and there. Think of this idea as a simplified (and physically possible) example of the concept suggested by the famous M.C. Escher drawing:


    Except instead of structurally impossible staircases and doorways you would have ordinary spaces where you could walk along pieces of the walls or ceiling or the floor (like we're used to). I think this might make for a new gameplay experience that could really stir things up in the game.

    Think of it less like an exact replica of the drawing and more of a realization of it like the Stone Tower Temple from The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask.



    Lore Implementation:

    I'm not the most knowledgeable of the Warframe lore but I think I know some of the important details. My idea for implementing maps like these would be that they could be in special void maps. Perhaps these maps would be in dimensional distortions in the void, places where the laws of physics start to warp and bend. I'm thinking that these could be called Distortion Maps.


    Warframe has some really fun maps and it seems like DE is constantly exploring new ways to expand and improve Warframe. I think that this idea might provide a fun expansion to all that.


    Maps where you can sometimes walk on the walls or ceilings and not just the floors.

  14. Hey how's it going? I haven't been able to play Warframe since June of 2015 because of personal reasons. It now seems that there have been a TON of changes since then and I feel kind of lost. Would someone be willing to help me out? I was hoping for a list of all the major changes and stuff since then. I'm talking about stuff like new Warframes, nodes, gameplay, events, and other stuff too. I know this might be asking a lot but I'm hoping that someone is still willing to help me out here.

  15. I do miss that, that is for sure! A mouse makes some things easier, that's for sure. Definitely envious of a mouse for corpus hacking. Controller input for it leaves much to be desired at times. 


    We're getting a litte off-topic here. But yes using mouses for this game can be a distinct advantage, but the ergonomics of a controller can be preferable to some.


    At any rate, I hope DE is able to see this post and maybe it will make a change for the better. Or maybe it won't.

  16. Yes. I'm rank 19. Always willing to help any of our guys do whatever, even the sucky stuff, ha! Did the raid last night, in about 38 minutes. Recruited 2 people. Then one of my leaders took 2 of our guys through the False Profit runs. Then went off to Destiny to get owned in Prison of Elders, lol. 



    I do have to say, having played games on both PC and consoles for a long time, it seems to me like the pc community is less "personal". As in a lot of people don't use mics, there's much less casual banter, that kind of stuff. That's why I've stayed with console gaming, as a vast majority of players have mics, and it seems much more social and personal, which can be good and bad at times. I'm not talking about just Warframe specifically with that comment either. 

    I personally prefer playing Warframe on the PC. Not that I've played it on console games. But I love the mousepoint accuracy of guns. I'm no fan of joysticks honestly. But I respect your preferences and your right to express them. :)


    reading through this thread brought some ideas to mind:


    speed runs, time challenges, the faster you go the better the reward. 


    One thing I've done regularly to challenge myself is go for 100% headshot kills on extermination. 


    I think things like this would be good motivation for the community if we could organize such challenges, community challenges, in which we offer up x amount of plat or other  prize from our personal inventory. Of  course this would be even nicer if we could generate player driven maps. Designing our own mission parameters and mobs.

    Perhaps DE  in  some way matches said prize, generating further community  interests, holding competitions through community challenges. 

    there are in fact plenty of ways we can generate a more community oriented activities that would challenge the soloist like myself and entertain the group minded people  among us,  and give us that sense of involvement and development we want.


    Just thought I'd add the thought to the conversation.

    >Player driven maps

    >Designing our own mission parameters and mobs.




    I could not possibly press the like icon hard enough for this idea. I love customizing things to no end whatsoever.

  17. I've had a clan in every game I could pretty much. I think my first one was back on the original Ghost Recon GRAW. (original xbox then converted to 360) I've learned a lot in the process, especially how to be a good leader, and oddly enough, it's helped me in real life. You learn a lot about different personalities, and how to deal with people and stressful situations on the fly, that's for sure. Just booting people all the time doesn't fix the issues, lol. 


    Playing with like minded people really is what makes Warframe good. Sure, I solo stuff, a lot. I do enjoy it. Even when I'm solo'ing stuff though, I'll have a clan chat party going and bs'ing, which generally leads to putting a team together to do something, or just helping someone do something. 

    Community is where it's at. For sure.


    I get the impression that half the fun of being a high level MR player in warframe (which I'm not), is being able to help out your clan mates and maybe make their day better. But then too each their own of course.

  18. Agree with most of what was well stated by the OP.  (Except I have a harder time of tearing myself away for anything more than a week or two...)


    All those suggestions seemed to come from the heart versus just another ranting complaint - kudos!




    Also, in addition to what was posted, I really find myself enjoying the 'total' immersion in the Warframe Universe.  This goes beyond just "playing" the game:


    I look forward to the bi-weekly Devstreams. (I like to sit, relax, share beer, and listen to 'old friends' shoot the breeze.)


    Prime Time can be fun to catch (especially if the girls are in a giggly mood).


    Prowling these forums is always an entertaining way to keep your finger on the pulse of what is new and happening.


    I even own some of the Warframe T-Shirts!  (Kubrow one is great).


    I do have a life outside of Warframe, but this game is certainly my "go-to" game when I have time.


    Thanks for the fine post!

    I'm glad you are able to gain so much enjoyment from the Warframe experience. I will admit the regular devstreams are head and shoulders above the vacuum of communication that other developers operate it. I might find Rebecca's prominent usage of the word "tenno" a bit disconcerting but it's all in good fun of course and it adds a certain charm to things. Online games should focus on community and this game's development staff definitely makes a good effort in doing so.


    Thank you for the genuine response! :)


    All I hope is that we as a community, continue to raise our voice respectfully and diligently over our concerns on matters such as the above. That is the only way that we'll stand the test of time. I've seen countless number of people come and go into warframe. Generally they leave by the time they hit rank 2 if they are shot term. I've seen many level 10+ people leave as well though, as once you hit about rank 8, the game is just about getting fusion cores and forma so you can make your good weapons and mods better, and leveling up the not so good weapons to increase your mastery rank, for pretty much no reason aside from a standing increase. (I start our new guys out in our clan by suggesting to them they level up the not so good weapons first, so they will REALLY appreciate the good weapons when they get to them, and it's not such a burden to go back to them later). 


    --off topic--


    Honestly, me making my own clan gave Warframe a new life to me. It gave me a lot to do. Recruiting, building, leading. I enjoy finding new people, getting to know them, and helping them out. I like to help new people, teach them about what a lot of us love, and share the love of Warframe. I really think clan's need a huge overhaul, as clan's can and should be so much more in this game, and much less about the dark sector's that a good portion of people could honestly care less about, because face it, it's pointless to have one of those nodes, and they give no real benefit. A good portion of my clan is moving to Elder Scroll Online right now, and I'm thinking of doing the same. The story/content and then everything you can do with clans/guilds. I've been asked about starting up another branch of my clan there, so I'm giving it some serious thought. This is my 11th clan to run, and I currently have a Destiny and Warframe clan going (both same name) so, why not make a 3rd branch. :-) 


    As per the Witcher 3, I can't recommend it enough. Get lost in the story, get lost in the world. It's a beautiful thing. 

    Wow, 11th clan? I salute you sir or madame. That must be one heck of a resume of community organization. I've started wondering about starting a clan myself, but I wonder if I'd really be interested in maintaining it or whatever. But I will admit that playing with other people is a lot of fun, and getting together with like-minded individuals adds more to a game than any graphical update ever could.


    I will see what I can do about Witcher 3 as well lol.

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