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Posts posted by HeppilyEverAfter

  1. So me and my brother played together in a private game.  We got the boss and then it killed us both with its special attack. We both decide to revive but from that point everything is bugged. We couldn't see how much damage we did, the map said we were at the same place no matter what. It displayed the weapon we used before doing and that amount of ammo no matter what. Since the map bugged, we had no way of knowing which direction to go.


    That's it.

  2. meh at the winners (-____- )

    I thought it was about creativity? I'm disappointed.

    Only the first (Edbazokatone) for making it look awesome and possibly the last deserved it (M15u53r) because of the difficulty of taking that shot.

    The other three are just plain crap. Very disappointed.


    Was expecting more from the winners - but seeing this - I won't take any part in any other contest.

  3. evolution_of_pineer_2.jpg


    Me and my brother's entry for the competition.


    About the "art": At first, we didn't know what we wanted, but it became clear to us shortly after joining the game. Our first idea failed and then we came up with this. We wanted to make some sort of evolution of Grineer! Ours is from left to right though compared to the traditional. They are slowly adapting to standing up. From crawling, to walking on all four, to walking on their knees with straight back, to walking on their legs with better posture (ノ・∀・)ノ


    For anyone submitting entries - good luck. This challenge was seriously harder than imagined - anyone who has given it a try knows that. Took us about 3 hours and a tad bit more. Being creative with this is hard because they disappear quite fast so you have to be really fast about it. We had big problems getting the grineer to stand up - but we finally made it! A tip is to use shade and if the grineer don't want to move, just randomly move around them. They seem to panic over that sometimes and re-position. Vauban seems to be really fit for the job. Also, be really patient! Good luck, Tennos (• ε •)


    Hope it won't be an issue, but me and my brother will both go outseas for a week. We are hoping to see good news when we're back :P Also, I took the screenshot having my normal settings on, which are seriously crappy (-‸ლ), and I don't understand how and why my graphics card ate away a part of my Soma - if it wasn't for the screenshot, I would never have noticed. I seriously need a new computer (ლ‸ლ) My brother, who was supposed to take the shot, failed to take a successful screenshot in time, and we didn't want to continue trying after this. So we're happy with this ¯\_(⌣̯̀⌣́)_/¯ except the quality (╥﹏╥)


    As for uploading a photo for those who see this. I just uploaded the photo and then I copied the image (not the link, but the actual image) and pasted it here. So it's simple copy pasta work.


    End of essay.

  4. Same happened to me. I just went through the wall where I was supposed to wall run - It was as if there was no wall. I used all attempts/retries on the same wall. I even tried to walk on the top of that wall, and still, I fell right through as if there was nothing. Wish I had an excalibur to super jump or Loki. It would have saved me 24 hours.


    This made me annoyed because I'm good at in-game acrobatics.


    Please try this level and fix it.

  5. I like the ideas even if there are flaws - something new would be nice - almost anything really. Although, ultimates would be too devastating in such a scenario as colosseum. That's one of the arguments I'd put against it combined with it being too hard if Grineers happened to be your enemies(?). (This is not the only one with flaws imo). All I can think of how funny it would be if there were three gates, or ports, whereas every race have one of them and you happen to be in the middle because they are tired of Tennos playing pranks on them (so.. a set-up). Would be somewhat funny too, if for example, you had to solve a sequence of codes like that mastery level to close the gates.


    Some sort of Ninja mode would also be nice I suppose. Either stealth and/or some sort of tactical assassination - so target would run away upon detection and you'd have to rush before it gets away or whatever. There's not so much "ninja" about this game as it is.. Stealth only mission might not work because it's not like Metal Gear Solid anyway whereas you can grab their attention with tricks or hide so it would be quite not so fun unless you have a stealth fetish.


    Would be great too if they had games where you'd be forced to work as a team. So two would have to stay at some sort of tower and snipe maybe(?) - bound by the absolute need of having to solve puzzles to make it possible to proceed the mission(?).. and then the other two would have to do something else to get to their tower or station, and then, it would be reversed roles. So basically.. I like the puzzles being used even if they don't make sense: (why would the enemy have puzzles for ninjas? advanced technology, huh?), and the idea of team work.


    Hahah even tower defence would be sort of funny xD stop the enemy from reaching their goal (they ignore you and just run past you). Would also require team work and marking of enemies I suppose (for harder ones). The obvious flaw is that only toxic ancients would do any damage to you if they ignored you + some enemies are fast + lag would mean instant defeat.


    I don't know, but new modes definitely. It doesn't matter if it has small flaws in the end as long as we get new gameplay experience.

  6. http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Vauban_Systems



    What I mean is that it seems like everyone misses out on it. Seems to me that they only appear in convenient hours for people living in certain time zones. It's not just me that misses them. Check the link yo~


    Seriously, these alerts need to be longer! And it's not only systems, (even though that's the one that always appears when European people are sleeping (except the zombies and the vampires who stay up playing at such hours)).

    Or it could be that all vauban parts appear at the same time for 30 minutes or so, and then, you'll have to choose?


    Don't know, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, but fix it, please!

  7. Let it load for quite some time. Nothing happened - it continued to load so waiting seems pointless.

    I don't know if it contributed to the results, maybe it did.


    Instead of ctrl+alt+delete, I clicked alt+F4. If there's any difference in that, then I wouldn't know about it.

    So, I got to keep my mods - all of them. So that's awfully pleasant.


    Therefore, for future people with this issue; there is hope!

  8. So.. I'm stuck at the loading part. Same as everyone else - the host disconnected.

    Why I'm making this is not to highlight the problem as I'm sure the problem is known to happen already.

    Although it would be cool if it got fixed. Not first time it happens anyways. I remember that it could be fixed if you

    gave it "real time" priority and let it be for a while, but it stopped working a few patches ago.


    So what I want to know from people who have been terrorized by this if they were to keep their mods?

    This is the second time I get multishot, and I don't want to lose it again because of a bug.

    First time, the game crashed after a patch. It feels so sucky, but I know I'm not alone to lose rare mods.


    Thanks. I'm going to leave it be while I cook food - I'll just post what happened and if I did get them.



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