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Posts posted by FrozenDreams619

  1. I just wanted to thank DE for the last few updates they did because most of my problemes i had or know good i don't have freezes or fps drops anymore and thats great and the biggest thing is that i can know do the first mission of archwind finaly :) well let's get to the point thanks a lot for all these fixes and hope last few problems will be patched

  2. Well after reading all three pages of this post i would to know how many people here had issue with fps and crashes on the first mission of archwind . I would like to know because put your self in the place of people who had like 60 to 70 fps befor u 15 and know they need to wait like 4 minutes to load a game in the middle of the game they freez have low fps and can't enjoy the game correctly and when they go and lok on the forum hopping to see a DE members saying that they are working on this issue then maybe or opinion of the game would change i played like to games in beta but it's first i see a game that needs more than 4 hotfixes after they do a big update i just don't finded normal so i realy want here at that precise moment who has still issue with the new update like drops fps crashes freezing and is not complaining about it who i would like to know

  3. Warframe is currently laging more than bf4 i can play currently better on bf4 than warframe i don't think that's normal i play at 100 fps everythings maxed on warframe now i play with every setting on low and i still have 40 fps in mission and under 15 fps when there is lot's of enemies it's currently unplayable and i crash each time i start the first archwind mission it's like so frustating and it seems DE isn't even working on it just because where a few people to have this issue and i find totaly not normal that issue is taking so long to getting take care of we don't even get reponse from DE saying that there are trying to do something about that . I realy find it not normal ...

  4. it seems to be that big group of players or still having issue whith the first archwind mission and the frape drops and very low fps that we had after the update 15 i just wanted to know if anybody in DE are looking over that and maybe if they are is going to be the hotfix for these problemes because it's litteraly impossible to play with these low fps and 7 minutes of loading to go in a game .

  5. Even with optimizing the gqme loading screen is very long still 1 too 3 minutes and frame rates are getting horrible when they lot's of enemy's on the map got 14 too 15 fpe max when they are a few enemy's that never happend before and there is still the issue on getting crashes each time the first mission of arcwind gets started .

  6. Après avoir fais les etapes que tu as conseiller sur un autre poste de effacer le fichier warframe du appdata j'ai alors relancer mon jeu puis fais une verification de cache jusqu'a la tout va bien puis apres que la vérification de cache arrive à peut près 3/4 mon launcher crash j'ai une fenettre qui me dit que warframe a crash sachant que mon launcher tourne encore et refais la verification de cahce et tous cela en boucle donc je ne peut même plus acceder au jeu maintenant ... Pourrais tu m'aider ?

  7. bah je n'est pas encore tester la car sa me frustre trop de le lancer mais je réessayer mais maintenant je rencontre des bug mes frame drop bien bas pas comment je ne suis pas sur si c'est parce que il ya bqc d'adversaire ou juste un bug du jeu car avant sa m'arrivais jamais 


    édit : par contre le temps de téléchargement reviens peu a peu a la normale suite a l'optimisation même si cela n'est pas encore parfait c'est déjà bien mieux 

  8. 1: directx 10 et 11

    2:widows vista

    3:carte graphique nvidia 


    je sais que mon pc est pas aasez puissant poura faire tourner le jeu mais en fenetrer est avec tous en bas je tourne a 60 fps izi mais sa continu comme meme de crash je tien aussi grandement a te remercier meme si mon etatt a toujours pas changer car tu la seul personne qui ma été d'utiliter pour l'instant merci bqc 

  9. Bah comme je n'ai pas pu faire la mission avant la ou se situe archwing la premiere mission je me retrouve bloquer car si je veut avancer je suis obliger de faire cette quete archwing qui me fais crash sinon je ne peut pas m'approcher de la mission du boss car je dois d'abord faire les autres et comme je les est pas faite avant d'accepter la quete je me retrouve coincer ^^

  10. sa fait maintenant plus de 1 journée après la mise a jour u15 que je n'arrive toujours pas a faire la mission en plus de sa maintenant a chaque fois que je souhaite rejoindre une autre partie le chargement avant de rentrer dans la partie dure bien au moins 5 minute se qui est énorme alors je post se message pour savoir si cela arrive aussi a d'autre personne et est ce qu'elle s'ont trouver une solution qui pourrais régler se problème merci d'avance 

  11. Hi im asking this question because i tryed this morning and i could like play 10 minites of the mission and then it started to crash ( shame for me i just needed to go to the extraction and i was finished :( ) and something else too add has anybody some advice for my loading time to go in mission because i take for ever to join one and it' already few romes done when i can finaly play it's a bit anoying

    Edit : all this just started after u15 so if anyone could help me i would very gratefull thank you

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