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Posts posted by -Choa-

  1. Having an electricity damage mod on your gun won't adversely affect your damage against infested. It will still boost your damage but not to the extent a fire mod would. As for the fire and electricity combo, it would not be ideal. Instead, you would want to swap out electricity for ice because the Infested have a greater weakness to it.

  2. It'd be nice if they tailored the alerts to occur more often during daylight hours for each region (europe, asia, oceanic, etc.), but by doing so, they would also be eliminating the random nature of it.

  3. Similar to what everyone else has said, Serration and Hornet Strike require a significant investment in order to max. For this reason, it's better to leave them at around level 8 so you can max everything else. And once done (or when you have the mods to spare), go back and max them.

  4. A similar thing happened to me last night while I was farming both Nyx and Nova. It took me about an hour and half to finish each one but on the flip side, I managed to gather quite a few resources. Just keep at it is the only advice I can really give.

  5. They could use one more vote topic

    A real simple yes or no.


    Save us from ourselves?

    [ ] Yes, clean up our mess!

    [ ] No, we want to ride this to the end!

    This made me laugh, but I doubt they would. The Dev's owe these founders something and if they were to take this away from them then it would be a gigantic middle finger to those who paid a huge chunk of money to fund this game. The only way I can see this situation being resolved is if there is severe community backlash upon the frame's release.

  6. Doesn't sound like a very exciting frame so far. In terms of visuals, the frame is fine. However, ability wise, it's not the most unique or useful frame out there (if the currently winning abilities are chosen). Personally, I'd rather see more utility in upcoming warframes rather than an overflow of "glass cannons".


    Overall, it's a frame I'll buy, level, and sell.

  7. We all know how difficult it is to obtain neurodes, neural sensors, control modules, and morphics. Some of us have even gone so far as to run 20+ boss runs and not see a single one drop  A simple change that would remedy the current situation is to add them to the Void at a relatively high drop rate. Thus, there is a greater incentive towards exploring (opening lockers and containers) in the Void. Plus,we can finally fix that tool tip which says resources drop in the Void when they don't. 

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