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Grand Master
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Posts posted by muccmaster

  1. This is going to be way too annoying to run with other people. No one is going to want to choose anything but the bleeding key and the person with the movement speed key is going to be left behind. This is an even bigger smack in the face for people who would rather solo things like this because we're going to be wasting void keys for only a 25% chance at getting a reward.

  2. I'd like primes to be an upgrade. Like once you build the prime version your normal frame is automatically upgraded into the prime and all your forma'd mod spots go along with it. Kind of like evolving or something.

    3. The AI does on always hit you. I rarely equip Redirection and i rarely die, hek, i dont have redirection on Ember. I have been saying this for a while, this is a run-n-gun so do that and you will stay alive, the enemies STILL need to target you to hit you and if you are moving this is less likely to happen.

    That's because you're playing in a group so there's more people to soak up damage. Try playing solo against grineer, they ALWAYS hit you because their weapons are hitscan and they have ridiculous autoaim. The second you come from behind cover you get hit and even running full speed barely makes them miss.


    As i recall back then there were some major performance issues both with the net code which could cause brutal lag for no good reason, and CPU threads not being properly utilized resulting in lag (on host machines) if there were too many enemies spawned at a time.

    The netcode is still atrocious and the game still picks the worst host 90% of the time.

  5. As promised:




    Use this if the above video doesn't work correctly: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g6DHXZ2Bp7E - 1440p should provide the best experience.


    Rank 28 Grineer Sabotage. Energy drain, no shield, and low grav, soloed with an Excalibur and no Sentinel. Stalker even decided to show up.


    A pretty half-assed job in an easy mission, but it's the best I could come up with on short notice. I had to rush near the end to keep file size manageable (it was 70 gigs before transcoding). Next time they move around I'll try to get a nice high level Ceres one.


    More examples to come.


    1. Click above link.


    2. Speak for yourself.


    3. Bite me.

    LOL! Congrats, you used stealth to get through an incredibly short and easy mission with level 30 enemies that barely spawned while using the two most overpowered weapons in the game. Because every mission is like that right? On the big maps where enemies spawn from all sides it's not that simple. I never said it was impossible, I said the two mods together when solo are broken and they still are. One incredibly easy mission that was cheesed means nothing fool, F*** off.

  6. It's total bullS#&$ that raid was the least played, they removed it because it was the easiest and fastest mode to run (running raid NM mode was by far the best for resources and rare mods) and DE wants everyone moving at a snails pace in terms of progress. It's pretty hilarious that they lie to our faces about such a blatantly obvious thing. Far less people play sabotage because it's just so bland and even less play rescue because of how bad the AI is.

  7. Personally I think it makes the round fun. 


    Solo is annoying as hell, but nightmare mode doesn't work well for Solo any way. 


    With others though, just stick together and rush. 

    I guess I should of put that in my OP, yes I'm running it solo because I'm sick of awful/laggy hosts. In a party it's much easier because there's more bodies to soak up damage and you can be revived. Solo it's completely broken, but I guess that's more of the games fault for not adjusting AI settings regardless if there's 4 people in a party or 1.

  8. It's Nightmare Mode, not Wet Dream Mode where they hand out rare nightmare mods for three minutes of challenge barely worthy of a tutorial.

    Seriously, they already nerfed the snot out of it once; make it any easier and it and it will be a complete joke.


    So no, I cannot agree with this suggestion.

    Lol I love tryhards like yourself who try to look cool on the forums but alt+f4 every time they get this combo. Against Grineer it is broken and cheap due to hitscan and AI aimbot, please post a video of yourself playing this bogus setup so I can laugh as you eat your words. NM is a joke because the mods are a joke aside from these two, how about they fix broken setups like the one discussed and add some more challenging mods to the pile so NM isn't incredibly easy on one end and ridiculously broken on the other.

  9. Getting 0 shields and energy drain in nightmare mode is incredibly broken and borderline unplayable, these two mods should never be together. If you play against grineer or even corpus with these mods on good luck, you're probably not going to get very far unless you use Rhino and get enough energy together quick enough to cast Iron Skin. The  aimbot/split second shooting as soon as you come out of cover the AI has makes playing a game like this absolutely unfair and is some of the biggest BS I've ever seen in a game. Make it so these mods never can pair together and how about introducing some interesting effects to Nightmare instead of bland artificial difficulty mods?

  10. So basically they didnt answer your questions to your liking so you leave.




    The dataminers didnt show anything that anyone that has played games with loot drops doesnt know.

    You claim you know something about game design and actually use that data mining silliness to try to prove a point?

    Sorry man but as a person who has played games for a long time, doesnt matter when i started, all i do when people release the drop tables is laugh at anyone flipping out over them. Because all that shows are people who has NO IDEA about what type of game they are playing.


    The data mining proved nothing at all. Zero.

    You are incredibly stupid.

  11. I want the original survival mode too. This one doesn't throw enough enemies at you and there's not enough air drops. The maps are too big and constantly having the big air drop spawn all over the place causes confusion and usually causes the party to get split up. Just bring the old survival back, it was so much more fun. Keep this one too if you want and name it something else.


    Also you couldn't just sit in a corner and spam 4 in the original, you had to move around and get air drops to stay alive.

  12. I completely agree OP. The new survival mission is lousy and not well thought out. There should be one set area where we stay in and defend for as long as possible and then once you've had enough go to the extraction room. Survival maps now are too big, there's not enough enemies, and enemies don't drop enough oxygen. Add in the fact that everyone is so much slower with the awful stamina change, running back and forth trying to open oxygen tanks is tedious. Also the mission setup now is too chaotic. You have too many dumb players running off their own way killing things and not heading for the big oxygen tanks so everyone gets split up and it's just a mess. Return survival to how it was during the event, there was nothing wrong with it. Stop messing with things just for the sake of messing with them DE.

  13. Nekros, Lanka, Energy siphon, Shadows.


    Hunt big game, press 4, repeat ad infinitum.


    Yeah, Nekros is UP.....if you don't bother to learn how to use him, like say, Mags new pull (Which is amazing and nearly OP but people think it sucks because they don't learn the new tricks, gg)

    Congrats. One of his skills is relatively good, the rest are outclassed by similar powers and 3 is just a farming tool. Shadows is incredibly buggy and you don't even get exp for enemies that are killed by raised allies. He still sucks overall.

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