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Posts posted by D0NE1

  1. There is a bugg in fortuna where if you hunt animals and are in the inspect menu (the menu where you see information about the animal) and someone goes in operator form and melees the animal the host will crash

    steps to reproduce the bugg:

    step 1: start a hunt

    2: capture animal

    3: atleast 1 player has to be in the inspect menu 

    4: another player melees the animal in operator form

    5: host crashes 100% of the time

    ive already reported this bugg to DE with a ticket

    take care and don't do public even tho this bugg is fairly unknown someone might read this and try to do it to you. 

  2. 7 minutes ago, FlusteredFerret said:

    Biologically there is only male and female. Or in extremely rare cases - hermaphrodite.

    The whole concept of gender neutrality / third gender / identifying as an Apache attack helicopter, is simply a human psychological condition, suffered by those unable to decide which gender they want to be...or even deciding they don't want to have any gender at all.

    Frankly its as ridiculous as concepts like Free Love, World Peace and rule by anarchy.

    You can decide all you want that you don't want to be male or female, but as long as you have the relevant body parts, you are either one or the other (or in some cases, possibly both).


    i find your response quite disturbing the fact that you dare to bring up human psychology in this and not being able to recognize that i'm just taking the piss m8 lmao

  3. im more upset because there are only female and male gendered animals , maybe some of them dont identify as binary genders the hunting is literally unplayable for me because i get so tirgered by this society we live in binary gendering animals that dont even belong in our society cmon DE its the current year.

  4. Now that the raid school bus has become the burning bus school we thought we would start anew with the Eidolon Non Meta Bus. Due to the issues of DE poorly implemented mechanics and bugs within the Raids, hence the retirement of them on the 28th February, all those difficult to obtain arcanes along with all the useless and worthless ones are coming to the big Eidilon hunts. So in order to help DE implement its policy of having every so called late game content accessable to all players whether they or not they know their bless trin to their EV trin, we have decided to make a new discord for these new raid types. Meta frames are not going to be required as all frames are obviously equal in their execution of a mission. Looking forward to all max range Embers fighting the Eidilons? We can do it. Join us in our Discord for the new and exciting end game content for those lovely Transmute Riven mods and Arcane Healing!

    our discord: https://discord.gg/wGuM8uS

  5. 2 minutes ago, PakkiTheDog said:

    I hope in the end we won't be asking for a rework of a focus rework... this one already took for ages. I hope the warrior mode is worth it and has other uses other than fighting the big guys. I mean why put so much content into operators if we will continue to use them like 5% of the time? Taking away focus abilities that we use now 99% of the time and brining new arcanes, something we'll have to grind for, so we can spend 5 min in an operator mode? The warrior mode must be good than right? I really hope so. I know they have said you can use the warrior mode outside of plains, but you can use current operators outside of the kuva siphons, but the problem is they do jack S#&$. Is the warrior mode gonna be effective in other tile sets in the fast passed missions or are we going to be using it for only ONE BOSS FIGHT!!!!! 


    Pleaseeeeee let it be worth it. Please don't F*** this update up. This devstream hasn't hyped me for the update, just gave me worries.

    I smell another fail like Archwing fun for the first 10 minutes and then you wont touch it for the next 6months.

  6. 1 minute ago, RoninJed said:

    Hehe but DE honored the first people who completed the hema research requirements. Why couldn't DE have said that to the few clans who completed the research for hema instead of upsetting a much larger portion if the Warframe community. I don't expect any reimbursement just pointing out how the "it's beta" excuse gets used when it's convenient for DE I guess. 

    DE always does this stuff. Same as when the tonkor and symulor were nerfed they just gave 1 forma to us who put 6 on them, that guy will never see "his" plat.

  7. 1 minute ago, Scimitar2976 said:

    This is great and all but learning that id lose my instant revives completely ruined my day. I just finished leveling my last weapon the other day too but that just feels crappy now. I was really excited for plains and also for this devstream. Not so much anymore. There is still some hype left but I will miss vazarin for sure.

    I'm Voting DE as presidents of my country so they can nerf the caffeine in my coffee next :highfive:

  8. 1 minute ago, --Nef-Anyo-- said:

    We need to remove energy restores as well because having those is no different to Zenurik overflow. Its so OP and it makes energy reduction sorties a complete waste of time. We still have Trin for the current time but she will get nerf as well. I mean we have OP guns so why do we even need energy in the first place? :D

    Energy is over rated they should just give us 300 energy at the start of the mission and that's it just 300 energy at the start and use it like with care every ability matters also they need to remove EV from the game because it ruins the immersion of the game and we all know trinity hasn't been nerfed in a while.

  9. 6 hours ago, RoxasDD said:

    Hey how's everyone doing? I was just wondering what is the easiest way to make platinum? I'm new so I'm looking for a fast and easy way to make platinum. can anyone help?

    You could get a group and do vault runs if you get lucky you can get rare mods and sell them unranked anywhere between 20-40plat each and maxed from 200-350 or you can go get relics and farm for rare parts or sets 

  10. Just now, -N7-Leonhart said:

    Yes, what is so difficult to understand. Penta has more shots but does less damage per shot, Tonkor has less shots but does more damage per shot. Right now, Tonkor is not meant to be a weaker or stronger weapon than that, but an equal weapon.

    let me calculate for you in base stats i'm going to use the secura penta for this example both same builds (my tonkor build with 6 forma)
    Penta: ~2625 if it crits with every bullet 5250 (dmg per full mag) (10% crit)

    Tonkor: ~800 and if it does crit on every bullet with base stats its 2000 (dmg per ful mag)

    ill also include my full build dmg numbers

    Penta: per bulelt no cirt ~13602.3  full mag ~95216.1 no crit / 25% crit 4.4x multi gives you roughly 1 in 5 crit chance so every 3d bullet should crit w split chamber lets say out of 7 it crits 2 times ~187711.74

    Tonkor: per bullet no crit 12091.6 full mag ~24183.2 no crit  / 62.5% crit 5.5x multi lets say every bullet crits 133007.6

    conclusion penta does more dmg base and more dmg fully moded with a tonkor build for comparison reassons

  11. 2 minutes ago, -N7-Leonhart said:

    Penta has no criticals to speak of. Tonkor clearly has more damage to compensate for it's 2 shots.

    your math is kinda wrong on that one they do the same dmg just tonkor has more crit chance but if you consider the mag size of the penta it is a better choice and does more dmg + you can use tether grenades on it 

  12. i'm the warlord of my clan and today i have purple text in my dojo but not in clan chat or alliance (i'm the founder of the alliance) is this a bug or was it intended to be so?

    if it is i think its kinda useless for it to be only in dojo we need something like that in the clan and alliance chat.

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