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Posts posted by ObsidianRaven

  1. I've not seen this at all.  I've had my entire screen covered with innumerable mutalists, including moas, their locust-swarm affect, zephyr's dust devils, my own Valkyr's red rage and associated stuff, myriad drops, etc etc.. no appreciable slowdown I couldn't attribute to just having a lot of objects to render, and I was host.  The game was still playable to me with no graphical 'lag'. 


    Potential reasons why an 'entire team' may show a graphical slowdown is it's likely they are all using the same combination of hardware, that is Nvidia GPU/Intel CPU or AMD GPU/Intel CPU... etc.  Since rendering is nearly all client side, it would make sense if there's a poorly optimized pipeline somewhere that shows up with particular combinations of hardware and drivers.  Nvidia GPUs are by far the most common graphics cards in gaming PCs so a problem that affects them wouldn't necessarily affect others, especially if it's affecting specific models of a GPU (like mid or lower, or higher end).  I've run into problems with GPU hardware that only affected single models and no others.  But it would seem widespread simply because Nvidia has a high market share even with just one generation or model.


    Point is, when YMMV it really means YMMV.  Don't assign your problems as a 'majority' problem even if it seems like that to you.  If you have a general load issue and your computer slows down while being a host, then every other team mate is going to desync because your computer isn't able to keep up.  This can happen because of bugs in software, drivers, firmware, or hardware and it doesn't matter if it's a 'high', 'mid', or 'low' end computer.   The devs keep up with the numbers apparently affected by known bugs.  They have to so they can allocate the appropriate resources to diagnose then decide if there's an easy fix or if it needs much more time because of a design or implementation flaw.


    Best thing to do if you know your computer has issues, regardless of cause, is to try not to be host.  Have a buddy that doesn't seem to have similar problems and get them to do the invites.  That's actually what we have to do in my clan because one of our guys has some undiagnosed issues that cause connection problems.  Our host is 'any one but <him>'.  ;)

  2. Yup, this problem is cropping up again.  It's definitely NOT my end.  The proper NAT rdr rules are in place, confirmed states status in the logs.  Either my ISP (MediaCom) is blocking ports, which doesn't seem likely or I wouldn't be seeing the connections in my logs.  Or there's a server/firewall issue again on the hosting provider.

  3. I got the alert myself, and sorta kinda finished it.  The actual mission is nightmare mode.  Trouble is, I don't have Europa cleared so I shouldn't be even seeing, let alone able to participate in, nightmare alerts.  Definitely a bug.

  4. It just makes it so they can dodge into and out of the Rift at will, without having to walk into a Cataclysm, and would give a way to cancel being Banished.

    Accidental banishment is a big problem if you tend to be in the middle of groups of enemies most of the time like tank warframes.  Frustrating!  Would like to have a way for either Limbo or the team mate to be able to break it when it occurs.

  5. He's certainly not "noob friendly." It's going to take awhile before the average PuG can be trusted to play Limbo well. Hopefully the less adept players just go back to playing Nova or Rhino after they get Limbo to 30.

    No he's not easy to play, but personally I think, in some cases it's the abilities themselves not being team friendly even with a tactical thinker.  As for your second statment, your 'elitism' is showing.  Nothing wrong with playing a Rhino or Nova.  "noobs go back to <warframe>" is plain absurd.  There's garunteed to be someone else that think you're the noob and should be 'sent back to <warframe>".  That's the problem with elitists.  Always someone more 'elite' than you.

  6. If you've ever played League of Legends, ObsidianRaven, you'll notice that when new Champions come out, people tend to play them too much, and die too much. Plus, in this game, we have to level our gear from 1 to 30, so experienced players will try to level their rank 0 frame in Ceres, and then wonder why they keep dying.


    Never played them, and really have not much patience for people that level grind.  However, these two i have specifically in mind were lvl 30 frames on a pluto defense alert, infested.  Both Limbos just weren't cutting the ... well... flesh.  But I agree with you in general.  New 'classes' make for people trying them out and seeing if they can play them.  But by level 30 players should be expected to play moderately well with a basic mod set.  I've generally not seen that happen with Limbos.  It still doesn't help with not being able to pick up ammo, especially if you're using a high ammo consumption weapon. I use Ignis a lot on infested missions and even with ammo capacity and rifle mutation mods, I can have issues with keeping ammo if I can't get access to it, honestly only happens in defense if Limbos show up.  Not hating on Limbos, just would like to not run out of ammo because it's stuck in the rift.

  7. Have no idea if this is related to Limbo himself, or if it's just the player is learning his frame or what, but I'm constantly having to pick up off the ground Limbo frames as they stand there waiting on their abilities to do whatever it is they are supposed to do.  I'm a tank-like frame in nearly all the missions I play, but Limbos nearly always cause problems, either going down constantly, or keeping resources (especially ammo and the all important energy orbs) from being used.  Sometimes that's a major problem and headache with zerg rush enemies like infested.


    I defend them as much as I can, but in the end, Frost or Rhino can only do so much to keep them alive.  Run out of either ammo or energy at an inopportune time even with an enemy appropriate melee weapon, and bye bye Limbo!


    Cool top hat though, very fashionable.

  8. (Apologies for putting this in the wrong forum, mods please move it to warframe suggestion area).


    My first frame after Excalibur was Frost.  I've played him fairly solid since first creating him and I'd like to share some suggestions and thoughts with the developers if they will read this. 


    I really like Frost but find him more situational than I'd really hoped.  Globe is great, and has several different uses but it has a major drawback, that is, no one can shoot into the ball.  That's great!  It means that I can handle melee range aggressors while the rest of the team handles the distant guys.  Works good if you have a tactical team familiar with this setup in defense missions even against infested.  It doesn't work at all if everyone assumes they should be trying to shoot through a globe from the outside, a problem I often run into till I explain it's to slow down aggressors till I can shred them.  That's one situation, only works on defense type missions.


    Avalanche takes a lot of energy to use, so I have to be careful, without the relatively rare second mod that drops it's energy use down to roughly 35 to 40 energy.  I don't have it.  So very much a weapon I try to use when either I get overwhelmed, which sometimes happens, or I need to resurect a team mate.  Not such a big deal really, again, tactics.


    Now here's where I think Frost is just kinda missing the boat.  I find that he's much less useful in missions where there's no single point to defend.  Occasionally I'll globe a single bottle neck to slow pursuit, on rare occasions where enemies bunch up into a line in a corridor I'll use the frost shard attack, and if they really bunch up into a single area, avalanche.  Usually before any of that happens one of the higher DPS frames has already killed all the enemies. Understand I'm not asking for Frost to be made into a DPS dealer.  I'm more interested in enhancing his tank role.


    Now, here's my suggestion for making Frost a little more versatile and less tied to single points in defence missions.  I never use the single target cold attack.  It's just not very useful at all.  I'd certainly sacrifice it, and perhaps even the shard attack, to get a couple of mobile abilities.  My suggestion is to replace either of them or both of them with an aoe frost debuff making the enemies in a certain area, either around Frost or in a target area, less resistant to Frost damage.  This would make Glaxion a weapon of choice for Frost warframes. 


    Second, would be nice if there were a way to slow enemies, even briefly, with a less situational slow than globe.  Or even, for a bit of comic relief, give Frost an ability to freeze areas of terrain to make them 'slippery' for a time.  Enemies (or team mates) that venture to step on it automatically either slip and fall or go sliding across it. 


    Another nice addition, if there's an aoe Frost debuff, create further cold based weapons:  a shotgun that fires ice shards, a sniper rifle that fires a single high velocity shard that shatters on impact. 


    Anyway, just my two cents in hoping to improve what's still my favorite frame.

  9. A second minimap that corresponds to a perpendicular plane might go a long ways to helping with this. But I haven't played any games that handle minimaps in 3D well.


    Hmm, you may have a point.  Perhaps a XY, XZ rotatable or self flipping map (like every 5 seconds) would be better unless you could pull up a full scale map overlay in 3d with marked axis and direction indicators.

  10. Ran into another possible bug.  Was helping a clan mate with the end Archwing questline.  There were three of us, two of us have previously completed it.  Both of us appeared about 10k meters from our clan mate that hasn't finished it well outside the mission area.  The mission became impossible to finish after I killed the last "zepplin" that produced the shield net.  We all gathered around the end point and nothing happened other than waves of Grineer kept appearing, the capital ship kept firing it's beam if we were in the open, and otherwise launching missiles.  We had to abort and let him do it solo.


    I should probably mention that the shield nets aren't bullet proof, not only the Grineer can shoot into it, but any team mates outside them can as well, enabling higher level team members to take out the zepplins really quick!  LImiting the quest line missions to those that haven't yet completed them might be a good way to keep the mission integrity intact.


    Adding suggestions: 360x360 degree navigation would go a long way in making archwing missions more playable and 'believable'.  Using the same map system as ground missions is way too confusing when you are navigating a twisting and turning wreck in full 3d, also... clipping inside ships when it's clear you should be able to fly through an opening is erm... 'immersion breaking' and illogical.  Would be nice to have a 3d map on ground as well as the tile sets are in 3d and it gets a little confusing where the trail should go at times.

  11. I seem to have found a screwy bug and as yet not found a common denominator for it.


    Was kicking around mercury doing exterminate missions to initially level Vectis and Amphis.  I seemingly randomly teleported to areas I may or may not have been looking at through the 'scope'.  Very annoying since that usually meant I was setting up a shot.  That happened about 3 times.  The fourth time I wasn't looking through the scope at all and randomly teleported across the area.  Seems like either a possible lag issue, although in one case I'd not yet been in the spot I'd apparently teleported to, or it's possibly a bug with another warframe's abilities being applied erroniously to mine.


    I was using a regular Rhino at 24, Vectis 7, Akvasto 30, Amphis 7, in sector Eminescu, Mercury.  Before anyone says it was a scorpion, there weren't any on that mission.


    Anyone else run into these odd teleports?

  12. huh, so at the end of the day we get to pick our syndicate based on the weapons or warframes we favor? great..


    Self interest governs all, even with this.  There's only one faction that you'd call charitable, anyway.  The rest are certainly more mercenary-like.  Besides, you can't 'help' the syndicate if they don't help you in return.

  13. Two thumbs down.


    Archwing may be fun but getting it sure as heck ain't.  A note to the devs:  I hated grinding for stuff in WoW, and that's what Warframe has become.  A bare gloss of 'quest story' over grind grind grind.  Ain't happening.  I hated the excavation missions to begin with, now i have to grind them and get the same bp over and over again hoping on the off chance one of the OTHER necessary prints is found. 


    Maybe it makes some sense if you look at it cockeyed, but from a fun point of view, anything but!

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