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Posts posted by Chinese_Bacon

  1. I'm not the guy to start forum posts, I usually hate these. I have been playing this game for a few years now. There has never been anything like this before. 

    With that said, the Hema is ridiculous. However, the player response to this is not going to do anything to remedy this. 

    If a weapon were to require this insane amount of materials to build; it should either be a GOD TEIR weapon, or be one of the most fun and entertaining things in the game. If it is not one of these, then it should not have these requirements. 

    Lets start a thread and try to give suggestions as to how to fix this and not just complaints about the lackadaisical response to the problem.






    In all honestly tho, i am in the same boat you guys are. my clan still has yet to even come close to the requirements, 

  2. So, I am well aware of the EULA saying that you cant share your account. I have yet to break that rule. 

    I would like to ask the community for support before bringing it to become a legitimate thing.


    If you are like me, you don't play this game all too frequently. I don't play much more than once a week if even. If you are still like me, you also have friends who play a WHOLE lot but RNG is not with them. They don't have the ability to do any high tier missions solely because they don't have any good weapons/mods to handle said missions.

    What I am asking is: "Why can't I just let him use my account when I am not so he can have some fun with weapons/frames he doesn't have access too.


    Lets take a poll... Who all would like to be able to share your account with trusted friends?

  3. I had the same issue.. I ran all four for Neffy and at no point did I switch sides... I didnt get my Karak (Or whatever it is called) either. I actually didnt even get a point for one of the mission sets I did.

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