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Posts posted by MyungWol

  1. Warframe's community is exceedingly unique in that large numbers of players fear and hate the very concept of a nerf. A nerf is a fundamental tool in the game designer's belt; to deny the developer the nerf is to deny the carpenter the hammer. I was horrified when I first noticed this trend! I've never seen anything like this before I got involved with the Warframe forums. It's downright appalling to see so many people misunderstand something on such a fundamental level, and I have a theory on how it came about, so allow me to do my part to fight the nerf-hatred plague.


    Whenever I've had a discussion with a chronic nerf-hater, even the most toxic, far gone ones, their reason for hating nerfs always boils down to one thing: nerfs make things useless.


    Well there's your problem! The purpose of a nerf isn't to make something useless. Nerfs and buffs serve the exact same purpose: to move the game towards a state of balance. Useless is not balanced. If a nerf makes something useless, then that nerf has failed at its intended purpose.


    And whenever I get down to the root of a chronic nerf-hater's problem, I always tell them more or less the exact same thing:



    I also frequently see people claiming that balance doesn't matter in a PvE game, and we don't have to use overpowered gear if we don't want to. It's easy to think that balance doesn't matter when you're not subjecting other players to your stupid broken overpowered BS death ray of murderkilling, but this line of thinking is flawed as well. I usually respond by saying:



    Overpowered content in a PvE game does two things:

    1. Reduces player choice by forcing them to use the OP content if they want to be as powerful as possible

    2. Makes the game easier


    Obviously both of these have profound negative effects on a game, and saying that balance doesn't matter because the game is PvE is flawed and fictitious.


    But now here's the real question: why do people have this cancerous mindset in the first place? I have a theory on that which I would like to present.


    The first part of my theory that needs to be established is that DE is not very good at balancing content, on both the buff and the nerf end of the spectrum. We get the 0-accuracy Vulklok, we get permanent god mode Hysteria. The Synoid Gammacor and a few other weapons from around its time were roller coasters of ham-handed buffs and nerfs.


    I think the reason behind why DE is so bad at balancing is that developers often work autonomously from each other, resulting in changes that aren't well thought out or don't line up with each other. On

    , [DE]Scott spoke out about the Vulklok nerf, and said that there often isn't consent inside DE about changes that go out. If this is indeed the case, it would make sense that balance changes are often quite poor.


    This allows the second part of the problem to become visible. Because of Warframe's forma/weapon upgrading system, massive amounts of time and effort are required to get a piece of gear to its maximum effectiveness. When a half-baked nerf is thrown out and ruins a piece of gear that everyone put a ton of effort into...


    There's a vicious cycle going on. Here's a sequence of events:


    1. DE releases a crazily overpowered weapon that was not agreed upon among the developers


    2. Because this weapon is so strong, players instantly sink gigantic amounts of time and forma into it


    3. DE realizes how OP the new weapon is, and quickly releases a nerf that is also not agreed upon, making the weapon go from god-tier to trash-tier


    4. After this happens many, many times, "nerf" becomes something that players hate and fear, as it is associated with the negative experience of wasted time and forma


    And that is the root of the problem. Still, this is only what I infer is happening based on what I've seen in this game's history. It seems to be the most likely scenario at this point.


    Hopefully this thread helped in some small way to dispel the atrocious hatred of nerfs that still plagues this community.


    I 've been avoiding the game so many days now 'cos of the nerf thing.Spend so much formas on the weapons that got all nerfed.


    Happily playing Black Desert.


    nothing much to do in warframe now after reaching MR 20.

  2. I play so much less now 'cos of all the nerf. Only purpose is get to rank 21.Not much else to do.


    Farm for atlas and trinity prime?That can wait till their nerf adjustment are done after some more hot nerf fixes.


    Not going to spend any more formas on any new weapons yet like the sonicor 'cos predictably it will be nerfed.Bad experience with synoid,penta and


    so many other weapons .

  3. Warframe Nerf 


    Thats the mentality in playing this game so far.


    Outcome a warframe but not too long later it is being nerfed.


    Same for weapons.


    All formas spent to make it more powerful becomes comes to nought because of this nerf mentality in warframe.


    It is really frustrating and makes me quietly angry with each nerf update.


    Come on just a game why nerf the weapons or warframes or mods.


    You can just buff up the enemies or mission.


    Makes  me play warframe less.I have reach rank 20 and nothing much else to do other than wait for the next WARNERF.


    I have switch over to black desert which has no nerf,better graphics,no host migration,f2P .


    Most importantly the greatest enemy of Warframe is almost non existent and that is DISCONNECTION in the thick of a mission.

  4. How do you guys deal with getting burnt out on this game? After 100 draco runs in a week and everything in the void being a blur of the same 5 enemies it starts to get to me. I've left for a few months it sucks because I missed all the events but now I'm thinking about leaving again after only 3 weeks because everything is tedious instead of fun. 


    Primed mods take 500+ rare cores to max

    All kubrow mods have 10 ranks

    Archwing is just terrible

    Every void run gives you another key or a forma bp or one orokin cell


    Rewards for actually playing the game instead of doing the most efficient thing are non existent. Blah

    Go play another game.

    I recommend Black desert.Open sandbox go anywhere .

    No host migration no disconnect.

    Overwhelming things to do.

    There is also parkour.:)

  5. Pardon me if this has been posted and ranted before.


    I hate the most in warframe is not the grinding and stupid rewards .


    It is not about the  rude players or poor rewards after spending an hour or 2 in survivals or interceptions.



    The HATESTEST and HORGIBLE(horrible and terrible) thing about Warframe(is a great game) is



    HOST and PLAYERS disconnect when you are in the thick of battle and mission.



    When you try to rejoin the game tells you the objective has been completed.



    Of course you scream WHAT THE BLOODY HELL!

  6. This is the parkour 2.0 melee bug.


    Happens to me ALL the time cos' I like to 'Fly' Parkour.


    If you dont do much P2.0 then sometimes it leaves you alone.


    If you become too hyperactive it just auto shut down E button.


    What to do? Just parkour around with rifle or side arms till mission completed and it will reset itself.




    P.S You can join me to get the melee bug triggered.

           Best place to do it Ceres or Earth  or any nodes with open spaces.

  7. I believe those who wanted DE to do away with coptering will regret after they find out that they eventually suffer from premature keyboard and controller button failure.

    They may even have to see their hand MD for repetitive strain injuries as a result of Parkour 2.0.

    Complaints will come.

  8. im less upset about the chance at getting the rare stuff being small but more that some of the rewards are literally worse than the normal drops from enemies in the mission. i did three today first round got a transmute core, ok fair enough decent reward for the effort not what i want but still at least valuable. second i got fiedron sample. 1 fieldron sample. just fracking 1! i got 16 detonite just from kills that mission. did a third and i got a singular mutagen sample. again just 1. One of a resource that i have absolutely no use for. my clan research is up to date minus zanuka pigment, ive leveled all the gear to date that needs fieldron mutagen mass or det injectors, and i have over 1k of all three. even if i had need of research resources 1 would not be worth anything.


    Either the fieldron or mutagen (and im willing to bet one detonite ampule is a reward but youd have no idea since YOU PICK THEM UP BY JUST PLAYING!) needed to not be on the drop tables or they needed to be like 20 or more to even be worth anything. they are literally worse than getting credits caches in this situation...and credits are usually the worst case scenario. you pretty much get nothing for the tedium of the mission....ugh im getting rambly forgive me....its just upsetting to get essentially nothing for work put in.

    Work even harder...

  9. I've done 38 times the new Tactical alert, to earn A mod.

    Wich I didn't earn.

    With an average of 20 min  each run... I've done it in 12 min, and I've done it in more then 20.But only play with ramdoms thats my choice.

    All I want to ask is... is this fair?

    The accumulated time it's around 12 hours in THIS type of mission.

    Tell me if a want a reward that I missed, because I didn't even know the existence of this game?

    Is this fair, do you even you suggest it?

    What's your line of tought?

    I'm a player with 29 D 6h and 52 min ATM. Since 12 February.Because I really love the concept of this game, and spent some money on it.

    Not a considerable amount has some of other players have done(founders and PA players).

    But if someone responsible want to check it, I'am totally confortable with it.

    Also I've influenced some of dear friends to play this game, on different platforms besides all the issues... and to spend some money on it, instead of buying call of duty or battlefield,not that I'm on referal programm or something... But I did it simply because I liked it.

    Now regret it.

    Why? Because if a player want to achieve something you propose,they do have to spend more time in game, than in work that provides food and money to pay for it.

    This is NOT farewell unless I get banned.


    And this is not just a post , I can't get what I want, because I've done x times this mission, I've done more than 30 times capt4 for a volt bp.... not the time that I've spent on caps.. but to earn then that was some time(more than a week)I'm cool eith eith didn't have the lcuk fine.

    This is exclusive rewards you won't see for months, and when I see my friend(besides many that I deal with dayly) that came from another country on vacations and tell them, Man there's an exclusive reward on game that we both like (warframe) that its time limited, I would like that person or whatever person to get it, so that they won't miss it the first time like I did.And guess what no matter how much they play it they wont get it!

    That's rng? Yappp-

    Edit: Sorry my bad english. I hope you can get what I'm expressing.

    Because whoever grinds more hours in this game, than in work on single day, or week should know to respect it.

    Here it goes another Edit Because of grinding walls, and overall fairness:

    Stating, NN13,comenting on the past event that granted some rewards.

    ''Yes, I agree. But the only difference was that we knew that after 10 points, we will surely get the mods.


    In this case, a player have no visible end to his grind. He may run the mission 100 times, yet not get a single Slash Mods, let alone the whole set.''


    Also, Gate Crash was not as boring as doing 25 Waves Defense, repeatedly.

    Edit: because someone stated excal and braton 1000 hours players, wich I see has someone who needs a lot skill and pacience to keep playing this game.... but I reply even to that comment.. I'm MR 18 , with all warframes and almost all weapons besides those that are event exclusives to some events.Not that this add anything to this post, but if this slaked your curiosity there you have it.

    I would also like to touch the wound! wich nobody did, and it wasn't a rant, That is, why would I tell any of my friends to play an endless grinding? that is a one time oportunity...Independently of the rewards.

    Work harder brother.

  10. Posted Today, 03:57 AM

    Kalimando, on 20 Jun 2015 - 2:52 PM, said:snapback.png

    Coptering needs to go. Not only does it make PvP a nightmare, its turned every mission type besides defense and survival into a race. There was a time earlier in the game when people would walk and run during missions.


    When I first started playing around update 8 or so, it was easy to get into the game since everyone was still playing the game as it was meant to at the time. I can't help but think that when people join warframe today, they enter these missions and get paired up with people who get to the objective in thirty seconds and are only past the first room. I feel the pace of the game should be much more uniform, because as it stands now, its a playerbase divided between the new people who don't know, and the old people who do.


    Imagine your first boss battle in warframe being finished before you even get into the boss room, its got to be disappointing.


    This post right here is the perfect summary of my first experience attacking a boss (Phorid).  My brother and I play together in the same room, and we had a couple of other people running this Assassination mission with us.  We had no idea what Phorid looked like, or how to beat it, and so we deferred to their experience.  Suffice it to say, mission starts and these 2 vets zip through EVERY room leaving a wake of disintegrating Infested corpses behind them and finished off the boss in under 5 seconds, while my brother and I had gotten to the third or fourth room (can't remember precisely).


    Never saw the boss, never noticed the loot it dropped and they had already hit the evac point, so the 1 minute timer had elapsed before my brother and I ever got to Phorid's lair.  We just looked at each other rather stunned and disbanded the group.  We did the other two runs on our own after doing some weakness research and beat Phorid ourselves.  It was rough, but challenging and enjoyable.


    We're both new players, and old timers IRL, and although we both understand there are speed freaks out there with limited patience, my brother and I like to take our time going through the levels at our own pace.  We compliment each other well.  We're looking forward to the new Parkour 2.0 and its new breath in the life of this game.  My only gripe is keep the wall running/walking aspect.  Get rid of the bunny hopping.

    Nothin needs to go.You play what you want.Don't dictate what others play cos' you can't catch up.

    There is a public mode there is also a friend and solo mode.Want to enjoy the view go with your friends or solo.In public anything goes.

    If money were to drop from the sky would you tell ppl to pick slowly so you can have a fair share?

    I was like a tortoise in the beginning.I started to learn the way of the old high lvl players till I 'masterred' the art of jumping and melee in mid air to go fast. These are  tips  laid down by the tenno councillors themselves in the upper left corner after a mission was completed.

    The only ppl who can kill it are DE developers.Is their perogative since the game is beta.

    Cant catch up then bloody hell learn howto and dont be a cry baby.

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