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Posts posted by willowki

  1. I think they're planning on giving Volt a little more synergy in his kit.


    His 1-3 abilities are fine to be completely honest. It's his 4 that's lacking.

    With that said, I just know that they're going to be looking at him soon and adding synergy between his abilities.


    EDIT: For example, I believe they plan to make his Electric Shield be like Frost's Globe, in that you can cast Shock on it and it will explode, dealing AoE electricity damage.

    that would be cool but only thing i'm worried about with the shield thing is how much damage i would love for volt to scale better :/

  2. so this is what I'm thinking. I would love for volts abilities to be more useful or at least match his description of alternative to gun-play. if any frames abilities is an alternative to gun-play its embers since she can just use her ult and kill most things. there are two ways I'm thinking of doing this. they could 1 just buff his abilities that he has so shock would increase the damage that volt does to targets similar to novas ult but only his damage and it doesn't slow. his speed ability is fine maybe increase the duration his shield to be more effective against infested maybe shock enemies that walk through. and his ult could detonate the targets primed by his 1st ability. 

    so to sum it all up


    1st ability: does damage proc electrical status and volt does more damage to afflicted enemies

    2nd ability: more duration

    3rd ability: shocks enemies that pass through

    4th ability: more damage detonates enemies primed by volts 1st ability



    the other way i was thinking of reworking volt is completely reworking his kit. i really enjoy the new changes making people have channeled ult abilities. so i was thinking of having something like wukongs ult except a bit more long range. like maybe dual whips that do electrical damage and can detonate enemies charged by his 1st ability. i think his second ability should come with shocking speed giving us a little more wiggle room with builds. his shield ability could change when his ult is active to give him a shield around his body for a reduced duration mainly to pick up fallen allies. 


    so summing it up it would look like this:


    1st ability: does damage proc electrical status and volt does more damage to afflicted enemies

    2nd ability: add shocking speed

    3rd ability: when ult is active shield only him for reduced duration

    4th ability: lightning whips or some sort of toggled ability that makes a difference late game.


    tell me what you think. which would you prefer  if you would prefer a rework at all? are these changes op? are they unnecessary? tell me what you think should change for volt. i would love to be able to use volt in endgame without having to spam shield all the time only to get one upped by a frost lol.


    tenno i am the lotus. i dont have much time my sister has discovared my betrayal. there is so much to tell you 

    so much you dont know. But in order to help you understand i must start from the beginning.

    many years ago, so many in fact that the exact number has been lost to me. there were no grineer no corpus

    no tenno. there were only humans. the humans were advancing in there technology and in doing so became arrogent. 

    they started to play with their own genetics and organic mutations. what resulted was a catastrophe. 

    what the humans created was not an advancement of any kind. it was a disease. the disease you may b familliar with. 

    it is what affects the grineer. this disease raveges the body and prohibits reproduction. and for awhile 

    it dessimated the population. but then a few humans who were immune to the disease appeared and in there selfishness

    insted of helping the humans afflicted with the diseas they gathered in a ship and left you may kjnow them as 

    the corpus. after years of stuggle against the disease a new entity emerged some humans evovled passed the 

    disease into a pure energy form without flesh. the grineer afraid of a reapeat of what happened to the corpus 

    captured the new humans. and created suits to house their energy. but the grineer underestimated the power of 

    these new beings. beings that will soon come to be called tenno.

    the tenno rebelled and escaped the labs. and by themselves began to creat what is called orokin technology.

    powerful weapons and armor to do battle with the frineer and save there comrads.

    this resalted in the great war. lots of tenno were lost and lots of technology was lost. but now that you

    are awake. you can regain the technology and help my people. i am the second queen and i apologize for deciving you

    my people are blind with rage they dont understand that the only way to b saved is to work with the tenno.

    i will continue to help you as long as i can please tenno help me. help my people.


    "disclaimer" so this is what i think probly could have happened. this was really a short thing that i wrote real quick and there are other things that i wanted to add but didnt really want to untill i got some feedback from the community. like do u like the idea of lotus being grineer or do u think its too overplayed to use a disease as a cause of all this. and are there any holes in the story? one thing that i just notice while i was playing earlier today was that the boss on tythes says whats under that armor? flesh? and was like hey that sounds like my story. like he was being sarcastic or something anypoo thats enough of my rants tell me what cha think or if this has already been thought of and what not tanks.

    oh and if this is not the right place for this could someone move it to where it goes thanks again. ;)

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