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Posts posted by IFHQ

  1. DE I know you guys are absolutley SWAMPED and I get that, you guys are working super hard and I totally understand, but can you please release SOMETHING, from this update, anything thats ready to go and is just waiting there, we need something to sink our teeth into, this Content drought is KILLING us. the Reworks, Grendel, ANYTHING

  2. ok so i really really REALLY dont want to be confrontational or mean to anyone on DE's staff, or anything like that, they are all super awesome and they worked super hard on this game and I really really love the Nyx skin its amazing great job, BUT, as it turns out, myself and lots of other players are reporting our Kogake Rivens just gone, just flat out gone, as if it never existed, this has of course left me quite nettled.  As long as the problem is known Im happy, if something can be done about it im even happier, but I'll take what I can get, Missing rivens are nothing compared to CTDs and the like, wish I could provide proof but like, there was no way I could have predicted this, 



    anyhow anyone else with this problem, if u got pics of the riven in your build, post them here, maybe we can get something going

  3. First of all lets get the Obvious out of the way, I am positively in love with this new skin, everything about it is incredible, from the Armor Like Mutations to the Zombie like non mutated helmet, to the fact that the Nosos Syandana has an actual Moving eyeball on it.  However I do have one thing that would make it the greatest of all.  If its possible, I would want to see the Syandana's "wings" move in tandem with mutation and/or Nidus' abilities, as in instead of them expanding just when he jumps around, I would love to seem them flare up whenever his mutation stacks reach a certain level, or whenever he casts one of his abilities.  This would make it way easier to go full fashion mid mission, and it would look cool as hell

  4. Hello


    Before we begin I just felt I need to say, I know what the most common counter argument to this is "just wait for it to come out before giving feedback" and to that I have a counter counter argument: DE has an... interesting track record in this department, they have a bit of an issue actually "balancing" anything. more comfortable either having something borderline broken, or something so useless its like trying to kill a sortie bombard with inaros' pocket sand alone... and your pocket sand has the lowest pwr strength possible. which is what has led to these concerns that I bring forth today *ahem*



    First and Foremost lets get the elephant in the room out of the way: slash damage is absolutley Powerful as hell, I know that, you know that, and Clearly DE knows that, but their proposed changes will not solve this issue it will just widen the gap between End game and Mid game players, End game weapons like Tigris Prime, Galatine Prime, and atterax (with a proper riven) will just climb ahead and become the only weapons widley used by the veteran community. This is GOING to happen because DE finally addressed scaling, but the WRONG KIND of scaling, our scaling, not the enemies' scaling, and no amount of Reasurring will fix this, taking a long look at what we are using now and why we use it WILL fix this, taking notes from the community and whatnot, you have twitch streamers who have personal connections with their viewers, go through them and survey their communities, have them be HONEST, and you will see we want slash damage to work on our non slash based weapons, BUT we agree that slash is used far too much and something needs to be done to the other two damage types to make them viable.  Which brings me to my second point


    Puncture Damage... If Im being totally honest Im not 100% sure WHAT puncture does right now, from what I can tell though it's procs are basically useless, why don't we just simply fix Puncture damage from not even knowing what it does its so needless, to being really good NOT by trying to bury slash, (which personally is kind of super petty if you think about it, thats like a girl hanging out with the ugly girl in school to seem more attractive by comparison) instead, and Im going to have to mirror the sentiment of the community at large here, MAKE PUNCTURE DAMAGE ACTUALLY "PUNCTURE".  but if your really going for gimmick overload, you could make it so we can root enemies to the floor by shooting their feet, but the consensus seems to be to make it break armor down and add weak points.


    and Finally... Impact, oh boy impact...  Ok whatever you do DE, for the love of god don't make enemies ragdoll when they get hit by it, that is probably going to be the single most annoying thing in the universe, I have a hard enough time killing things with mag trolls pulling them around everywhere and sonicor spammers, I don't need it with literally every impact weapon in existence doing the same thing. so for the love of god DO NOT make it ragdoll everything.  for what to do about impact I can't really think of anything, its just always been kinda there, (maybe make it stun things? but then its just finisher bait idk)


    so thats my two cents, as said in the beginning, I know people like to "wait and see" but waiting and seeing never gets anything done, we all know what we want, I know for a fact DE knows what we want, so just try and take into account that we actually REALLY like mid tier weapons being made end game with powerful mods and broke &#! rivens. but thats a can of worms for another day, for now.  Just please try not to stay complacent everyone "The only way Evil can Triumph is for Good men to do nothing" DE may not be evil, but if we do nothing weapons in this game truly either will be "meta" or "trash" and no one wants that


    Thank you and have a good day

  5. Greetings Everyone,


    Now before we begin, I feel the need to make it clear that I am not trying to Say " the People at DE should do this and that cause I'm upset and stuff!" I've got almost 2000 hours and Im loving every second of those hours, but I feel that In this particular case I should make my voice actually heard in a Way that can be seen, and hopefully even make a difference, now then, with that Caveat out of the way, Lets begin Proper




    As we all are aware, The Plains of Eidelon, or PoE update for warframe is fast approaching (possibly not as soon as we think, but I'll get to that in a minute) and all of us Long time and short time tenno are as excited as a puppy that just discovered its tail.  However Veteran Tenno are worried about some of the costs of this update, not the Inevitable Glitches and falling through the map kind of stuff (lets all be Reasonable about this, there's going to be at least ONE falling through the map bug, the Devs are good, but no dev is THAT good) but whats going to be needed to hunt the Eidelons, which brings me to my real worry, The Revamped Focus system, I know that DE has said that they will sledgehammer the whole thing, but a sledgehammer doesn't have to Disintegrate its Targets, basically what Im saying is, I truly believe at least letting us keep the Zenurik tree's Energy per second regen would be really beneficial, this power is an absolute necessity for a lot of powerful setups that many players run, while we did survive without it in the past, I feel that there is going to be harsh backlash that will resonate throughout the community, but now Im rambling...



    On to my Second Point, While I love the Devs willingness to Put all this content into one major update, I can't help but feel they might have shot themselves in the foot with this one, I mean, think about this Lads and Ladettes, They want to give us, all at one time: an Entire 9 KILOMETER  space to run around in, an entire frame that they said they still have to work out quite a bit with WITH associated questline, the entire Focus system rebuilt FROM THE GROUND UP, AND a Deluxe skin package, From a Player's Perspective thats a little overwhelming, from a developers perspective, well... Im frankly surprised that the folks at DE still find time to even HAVE Devstreams, let alone try and stick to the Promise that this will all be done This Month, what Im saying is, well and this is more Directly Pointed at the Guys and Gals at DE, is that you may have gotten a little overzealous with this one, and if all of this ends up being released just before the end of september, I will gladly let Steve slap me in the face with a frying pan so hard you could Call me Oberon Prime, and just this once, if this update gets pushed back a month or two, I hope the Community will understand on this one,


    anyways thats my rant on things, Thanks for taking the time to read my nonsensical ramblings, TL:DR is at the bottom for a more coherent point, but Caveats will be missing so... yea.





    1) please let us keep Zenurik 4 energy per second regen, its super useful

    2) DE probably got too ambitious and tried to release too much content at once, so expect a delay,

    3) if Im wrong Steve can Slap me with a Frying pan of Justice

  6. On ‎1‎/‎14‎/‎2017 at 1:06 PM, (PS4)NoVa_Erk said:

    Oh ok, is that fixed or does this happen every time you use the ability w/ the augment?

    I'm not sure if it got fixed or not, but it hasn't happened, it could have been a total fluke, but Lots of Bugs are like that aren't they

    (also I'm sorry I had to fix that sentence)

  7. When I triggered Avalanche while using Icy Avalanche Augment in Hieracon, while wearing the Deluxe skin for frost, this happened, and it stuck for the rest of the game








    Pls Help, I look like I'm half in and half out of a Freakin Predator Camo

  8. On ‎1‎/‎6‎/‎2017 at 4:15 PM, toafarmer said:

    No fix for the broken Hema research cost?

    During the Devstream they said that they will not change it because some people actually completed the research... somehow, therefore it is not fair to those people, whom of which can be a VERY loud group at times, so they will endeavor to make sure costs like this do not happen again in the future, but Hema is staying as is

  9. Ever Since the Latest Hotfix I've been having ludicrous Issues with my connection, I keep getting network not responding, and I'm trying to farm the mutagen mass for my clan by finishing eris and deploying a titan extractor prime, setting a timer for 6 hours, heading off to bed, the coming back

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