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Posts posted by (PSN)torvahn

  1. hardly the case, prior to the life support changes t4 survivals were much more difficult because you had to extract due to enemies barely dropping life support and burning through pods and the only way to get to 2 hours was run n gun.

    with the advent of nullifiers t4 survival had regressed to camping and the record on ps4 was 9 and a half hours, nullifiers are a joke, i welcomed the change but with frames like nyx and mag this game will always be easy mode, even defences are easier now.

  2. The problem with DE nerfing things is they dont understand their own game and just knee jerk react to everything, combine that with incessant low tier players complaining over what they think is balanced and overpowered.

    The logic is mind boggling, its a @(*()$ pve game for the most part, competitive pve is one of the most moronic concepts ive ever seen in gaming, i havent tried the new pvp and probably wont.

    DE needs to stop listening to dad gamers and low tier players.

  3. a kid in trade chat types

    wtb nueral minded and blind roar

    As a god tier merchant i knew exactly what he meant, told him i have narrow minded and blind rage and asked him if he needed any other mods, I made 5k plat off one guy in the space of 15 minutes.

  4. For people who keep themselves informed DE stated that they want all the platforms to be on the same rotation,its not entitlement its complete ignorance and anyone who complains about lack of/quality(which is interpretation) of items supplied by the trader are idiots and their nonsense should be rewarded with bans.

  5. I stopped reading after you wrote "Mag is the best frame in the game".

    little checklist for you to accomplish before your opinion becomes relevant on the validity of warframes and their usefulness

    - 1 million+ kills in a week

    - 4 hour+ t4 survival

    - wave 90+ t4 defence

    - mastery 18

    - 100m+ earned total credits

    - 5k platinum made from trade tab

  6. Mag is the best frame in the game, dps god, the advent of egate was a method pioneered by some guys in that Q clan, they have an indepth understanding of the game and greedy pull was a mod introduced via the design council i believe and outside of egate its an incredibly useful mod, a good example of how useful it is is t4 defence, it mitigates all risk of brain damaged looters.

    Egate is not an oversight by DE, things like This have to happen because each time something like this happens DE learn more and are able to better understand their game. This thread is nonsense and as long as you dont macro it you would be a complete moron not to take advantage of it because it isnt cheating it isnt exploiting and your sense of gaming morales is laughable.

    I had extensive contact with them in regards to the matter before i pursued 1 million kills and the only way people can be banned outside of macroing for this is DE has auto detection in place for players with irregularly high amounts of mods and received auto bans, the amount of mods doesnt matter but it is in place.

    The uninformed punish themselves with their own ignorance.

  7. after they nerfed radial blind and massively increased life support drop rate this essentially killed off an artificial difficulty in survivals, prior to life support being common place you'd have to run and gun in order to get past 60-75 mins because life support dried right up, now its regressed to how effectively you can camp.

    I personally loved t4 survivals prior to the ls change and radial blind nerf.

  8. Unbelievable the moronic sentiment shared among all these players who believe it's this great travesty that DE rewards people for supporting the game and because you found it earlier you believe there should be a special privilege afforded to you? are you going to singlehandedly fund DE in their business ventures so that you can ensure you keep getting ONE TIME ONLY things rather than ANNIVERSARY EXCLUSIVES?

    DE will NEVER. rerelease founders, so the founders have nothing to worry about, anyone who complains about S#&$ after that are morons.

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