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Posts posted by Mystrunner

  1. DE (Ltd) is a Limited Company, meaning it has private shares.  Dependent upon their articles of incorporation, and the bylaws they set at that time, they can control who owns their shares to some degree.  Also, if they are smart - and I have no reason to believe they wouldn't have been - they won't offer more than 49% of their shares to parties outside of their sphere of influence, meaning the original share holders would maintain control of the company.


    It is not a publicly listed company where they have no control what so ever over their shares.  Unless I missed it, they haven't had an IPO, Their shares will be privately traded, not publicly traded, which makes a big difference and as such they have control over who they sell them to.  In that way, I would assume they are happy to sell to PWE. 


    Given the time and effort they have put into the studio, over the years, and having seen what selling out has done to other studios (eg Mythic and Bioware selling to EA, and didn't that turn out well /sarc) they will be making sure they don't lose managerial and creative control of their studio - ie retaining 51% controlling stake.

  2. Yeah, it's really a Quality of Life issue for me. I hate knowing I missed loot because I was busy trying to not die, or save a team-mate, or whatever other reason. The other carriers bring so little to the table for me in comparison to the massive value that the Carrier brings, I know for a fact that I'll not use any of the others that are currently available, although they look neat.

  3. I'd say they would randomly appear in a room on the way to an objective regardless of how fast/slow a squad is moving through the level. You can't run from them as doors are sealed one way and the squad will have to beat them to progress.




    I didn't want to say these otherwise it'll go off topic, but whatever!


    Adding to LunarWind's idea for the infested; let's use the technocyte growths as a base for this idea.


    Hidden in a technocyte growth is an organism like the Barnacles from Half Life. It catches (via waiting tentacle) and spits out unwary Tenno for some damage. Afterwards it creates a number of aggressive weak copies of said Tenno which will attack the group.


    As for Corpus:


    Fight Tenno with Tenno: Captured Tenno are wrapped in Corpus puppet skeleton proxy robots. These skeletons use the captured Tenno's Warframe abilities and will have different AI styles based on the Warframe's designed role. Destroying these skeletons frees the Captured Tenno who must be escorted to the extraction point.

    Loving this.

  4. The biggest problem I see is that there isn't any REASON to work together. There's no threat. If everyone stays close together-ish, the only plan you need is "shoot everything", and you'll generally (with very few exceptions) be just fine.

  5. So, another thread had got me thinking...

    In many third-person games that involve melee combat, you have movesets that involve various combinations of tapping and holding the attack key. Think, say, Devil May Cry, or Darksiders. Would it be useful or interesting to have some weapon combos (tap+tap+hold, sort of thing)?

  6. yeah her voice doesnt always match my favorite is when she says "multiple biosignatures, we got infested incomming" she sounds WAAAAAYYY to happy about it, but its kinda fun to hear

    This. This, right here. You'd expect the mysterious woman representing the Lotus to be... well, more mysterious, more formal, more restrained. She seems to have a very casual relationship with creatures that border on mythological, who as far as the game portrays them, are extremely controlled and methodical. It seems strange that most of her lines are so... Emotion-filled? Civilian?

  7. To be fair to OP, solo is much, much more difficult to play through than it is co-op. His complaint doesn't seem to be that he's getting finished off by the last few mobs, but more that he's getting overwhelmed, something I think we can all relate to.

  8. I agree with all of that.


    I think the enemy AI could be turned up a notch too. Remove the current pseudo-flanking where enemies will spawn behind you to create the illusion you're being flanked. Instead, make enemies use features of maps to flank you instead. The way the RNG makes the maps too could also be altered to help flanking. If you make the maps have more than one viable path to the same objective [lots of cris-crossing], then enemies can use that to their advantage to flank you.


    Yeah, it always bothered me slightly when more grunts pop up from a room that had no other entrances and had already been searched. I don't mind if it spawns them a ways off and they trek to catch up, that makes sense... but the AI definitely could use a few more glances at ol' Sun Tsu...


    Would certainly appreciate more tactical experience instead of bullet sponges, knowing devs they probably toss more greneer rollers just for giggles. OFF: you mentioned Mass Effect multiplayer, kind of miss tech/bio(nothing similar in this universe so far i know) combos, For instance Mag crush + frost bubble ice javelins in 360 cone would be fun.

    Yeah, I'd love some inter-class synergy. Not sure how that'd work, but it'd be grand...

  9. Well, then we keep making threads, keep providing feedback. If there was more difficulty, I'd probably keep throwing money at it. But there's no point in playing with a puzzle you already know how to solve...

  10. +1.


    As simple as that. Evolving suits?! awesome!


    That would give me more reason to hit 30, really :D


    But i would hate to see my suit evolving to a christmas tree, like in other games. Subtle changes, that's the way!

    This. This, this, this. Visual representations of change and strength always feel rewarding.

  11. The classic advice on game design, as far as I'm concerned is, "If you want them to love you, make 'em bleed. Don't kill 'em, but hurt 'em. So they come out bruised, bloody, slightly broken, but still standing. They'll love it."

    Playing solo has provided me a challenge. I still remember an alert I attempted to solo where I ran out of rifle mags, and had to use every trick in Loki's arsenal to stay alive, barely making it to extraction. Best experience of the game. Other times, that wonderful moment when a dual-locked door slowly opens to reveal NPC troops huddled behind every bit of cover, opening up and filling the screen with light... knowing that every second you're alive is in part due to the fact that your team-makes are furiously trying to take down part of the seemingly unstoppable hoard in front of you... that sort of thing is what I live for in Warframe. 

    We need more situations that make us think "Oh S#&$. This is going to be touch-and-go." We need to be forced to think "here's what my 'frame brings to this fight, and if I don't use it right, my team-mates will die, and I will die, and I will be vexed." We need the threat of failure, and it needs to be real. Not the reality of constant failure, but the imminent threat.


    For specifics... 

     - Enemies need more tactical variety. Things like the Grineer "you come here" teleport are good, or the Corpus's shield drones, they make you have to prioritize targets, they force plans to change. The enemies need combos like we get, they need things that stand out and scream "growing threat"! When Lotus announces there's heavy enemy resistance ahead, that's a fantastic opportunity to hit us with a higher level group of mobs. Make those warnings MEAN something, and not just be a bit of fluff.


     - It'd be truly fantastic (and probably very unlikely in code terms) in games with mutliple 'frames to introduce enemies that target specific types of frames. Enemies that debuff armor and actively SEEK OUT heavily armored players. Enemies that heavily nerf weapon damage temporarily, or absorb elemental damage of certain types. Again, against teams, and intelligently. You wouldn't want a mob that can only be killed by "power" damage against a group of Loki's.


     - Scaled difficulty. It's pretty obvious to me (and perhaps I'm wrong), but the game is very difficult solo, and with a full group, generally gets to cakewalk territory quickly. It'd be nice if the game would adapt to new players entering the game, by increasing the number or difficulty of enemies, or even alternate between the two.


     - A difficulty slider. I know this has been mentioned before, and I think it's a great idea. ME3's multiplayer had level difficulties, and the feeling of clearing a platinum stage was simply fantastic. With increased difficulty comes increased reward as well. Better drops, more cash, so on and so forth. This is why "remove your great mods" does not work as an increase in difficulty. You worked for those mods, so why should you be punished (IE, enjoy the game less) for using them?


    More to think about. Might post this separately later.
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