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Posts posted by (NSW)123er432

  1. As a Banshee Player I can proudly say that I have yet to be overcome by Banshee Bloodlust. That 4 key is amazing, but I would like to remind you that her other skills are also very good (other than silence but we can pretend that skill doesn't exist).


    Sonic Boom: Very effective vs Infested and MOAs, specifically shockwave MOAs (Using this while they are charging their stomp causes them to go into a slow motion air fall which is hilarious and very handy). Also great for keeping heavy Grineer down while you kill them.


    Sonar: 400% damage (on the target area) for 50 energy. Need I say more?


    but yeah, Sound Wave is king in defense/mobile defense. 

  2. Well due to the diverseness of people's frames you'll probably see every frame in here in short order but w/e.


    Banshee Prime. I want to see how they would pimp out her Fin (which I think looks pretty cool already, screw the haters). 


    EDIT: Banshee is also my current favorite frame, so there's that.

  3. Just to Reiterate, Banshee really does have some amazing Ultility:


    Sonic Boom: Knock down huge numbers of enemies, making them vulnerable and unable to retaliate, gives you time to reload if needed


    Sonar: Used against High level enemies/Bosses this skill is more useful than most AoE ults due to Increasing all damage done by 400% if you hit the target


    Silence: Don't use this


    Sound Wave: HUGE area damage skill, deals 1200 base damage (at level 3) (as opposed to the usual 1000 base damage of most ults), gives 7 seconds of invincibility

  4. I would highly recommend Banshee. Her skills make her useful for pretty much any situation. Ember's Skills are too focused on damage to make her useful in nearly as many situations.


    As for Banshee being ofetn classified as a "stealth based" frame, I really don't understand that. Yes, her silence skill gives her a little bit of help in the stealth department. All three of her other skills, however, benefit a much more aggressive playstyle, making her "Stealth" Classification make no sense whatsoever.

  5. Banshee is a pretty well rounded frame I'd say, with good overall stats and 3 good abilities (looking at you silence). But there is one glaring problem with her that really needs to be addressed.


    Her sound effects, especially for the Frame that is all about sound, are way too quiet/generic.


    Below, I will post some suggestions for different sound effects for her abilities. Feel free to post your own suggestions


    Sonic Boom:


    Current sound effect: 


    Suggested Sound effect: 




    Current sound effect: 


    Suggested sound effect (Only one or maybe two pulses needed): 


    Silence: Actually, this sound effect (IMO) is fine.


    Sound Quake:


    Current sound effect: 


    Suggested sound effect: This one is harder to place, but loud pulses of actual noise would be a HUGE improvement.



    Overall, I think that these or other changes to her sound effects would contribute greatly to Banshee's overall theme and make her much more satisfying to use.

  6. <p>Honestly I don't see why you've put the extra charge cost on charged shots. The Paris, as a good comparison rifle to this, Deals more damage on a fully charged shot while still using one unit of ammo. Not to mention that people will pretty much always want to use the fully charged shot for max damage, you're really limiting yourself in way of max ammo.</p>

  7. Sound quakes Damage is put out in one second intervals, capping at 6 seconds and 6 waves of damage. The reason this ability isn't effected by continuity is it would just make you take longer to deal the same amount of damage OR would increase your damage by too much  (6*0.3=1.8 seconds [2 seconds rounded up] which would give banshee 2 extra waves of damage)


    However, Banshees Sonar SHOULD be affected by continuity and currently is not.

  8. Well if you look at it, Ash needs some extra Hp due to being more melee based, and Saryn, while having 100 armor, doesnt really have any skills that make her act like a tank.


    Frost and Rhino, on the other hand, have skills that help their survivability in addition to their armor (Snow globe, frosts slows, Iron skin/Stomp) which greatly reduces the amount of HP they really need.

  9. on the passive bonuses, lots of these seem pretty nice, but the Banshee one seems like it was just thrown on, not to mention that its just a much weaker version of her current silence, and has no use once enemies are alerted.


    My suggestion would be to give HER the passive enemy radar (take it off of her Sonar or have using sonar boost the range for its duration) or maybe some form of  enemy pinpointing (like how you can see allies through walls but applied to enemies).

  10. I think Banshee is fine as is on the 1,2, and 4 keys.  But Silence needs a purpose after the alarm.  If you're in a group, you're essentially playing a 3 ability frame. 


    Also, either they need to make moremods have V-polairty, or change (at least) one of her polarity slots, especially considering one of the two available V mods, Continuity, only affects Silence, the solo-only ability.


    On the subject of Continuity, is there any reason for it not effecting the duration of sonar? that just seems like a slap to the face.

  11. So, after reading through this thread, the consensus seems to be:


    Sonic Boom: Fine, too quiet

    Sonar: Great, but too short and hard to see under status effects

    Silence: Useless

    Soundquake: Fine, too quiet


    I would personally love to actually be able to hear better sound effects for her skills. For a sound based frame, the sound she makes is rather minimal.

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