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Posts posted by Dragoteryx

  1. Usually the whip only shows when you are using the Lacera, however when you're using the Exalted Blade the game considers you're using your melee weapon so the whip is visible.
    This probably happens with other blade and whip weapons, maybe even with every weapon that looks different when holstered.

    Weapon holstered.


    When using Exalted Blade.


  2. I stumbled upon a bug with a friend while he was doing his first run of The Sacrifice quest.
    Even though you're supposed to play those missions alone, it seems there is a way to play them with a friend.

    When you select a solo mission when you are in a squad usually a popup tells you that you have to play this mission alone.
    But instead of replying yes or no, you are able to ignore this popup, and let your friend start the timer nonetheless.
    You are then able to play the mission with your friend even though you shouldn't.

    I didn't try this with other solo quests but I assume it will also work.

  3. 26 minutes ago, HerpDerpy said:

    im just hoping the music we make will have some impact on the abilities we use. Like if I have a fast passe high pitched song going on and my friend has a slow low pitched song then id hope that even if we use the same ability that they will do something different from each other.

    I hope not. The music should be a purely cosmetic thing or else people will try to find the best music according to their build.

  4. 6 hours ago, Hieracon said:

    Defy takes energy constantly and while it can be extended greatly with Rage it does also restore less healh per death until reactivated.

    NIdus gains more armor, health regen, knockdown resistance and elemental Resistance the more stacks he has.

    And lets not forget Parasitic Link which allows him to transfer damage to another target all the way up to 90%.

    There is that thing called Life Strike. You should try it while having Defy active.

    Nidus scales very well, however it doesn't mean he is OP.
    For the first time ever we have a Warframe that scales and there are still people complaining.

  5. I was farming Tyl Regor using my Loki Prime to get Equinox, and I wanted to Switch Teleport with someone outside the arena to bring him inside.
    Well at the same time the door closed so I was outside the arena while the fight had started. (ultimately I had to fight him alone as he joined me outside ^^')

    I even took screenshots °3°



    I don't think fixing this bug is high priority, but it's still good to know it exists i suppose.

  6. We should be able to replay the quests, without the loots, just for fun, or at least to rewatch all the cinematics of the Second Dream, not only the intro sequence. :P

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