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Posts posted by -BM-Inservio

  1. 3 hours ago, (PS4)teacup775 said:

    Warframe animation interfers terribly with aiming.

    I'm unsure how you meant this. Did you mean the constant movement is distracting in the extreme? I fully agree with you there, if that was what you were getting at. 👌

    3 hours ago, (PS4)teacup775 said:

    I have to say one benefit of stealth frames is you get FPS experience. Warframe movements don’t drag attention away from targeted enemies. I spent the longest time learning to ignore where guns aim and focus on center screen. It’s easier to use an expanded minimap because then one can mentally ignore all the fancy graphics and focus on enemy location.

    Things flapping and moving about is insanely distracting, and makes focusing anywhere nigh-on impossible. It's part of what makes the virtually invisible reticle such a pain. Not everyone has the luxury of being able to "mentally ignore" as you put it, anything. Hence the need for a high contrast reticle that stands out unmistakably by virtue of being motionless in the cacophonous overload of incessantly moving visual effects that is this game. The post-it I mentioned is literally the only effective means I've managed to devise in four years play.

  2. 3 hours ago, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:

    Uh... The bit you quoted was in reference to the complaint that Limbo makes bubbles that envelope other frames defensive bubbles, making the inner one redundant. Each of the combinations I offered can produce similar effects. 

    Yeah the multiquote got lost in the fray, I see now. The quote you see pertains to the cooperative frost, not gara's visuals.

  3. Just now, TheRealShade said:

    Have you bred a Helminth Charger yet? You shouldn't get your frames reinfected after curing them, but maybe it's a thing if you don't own a charger? Or maybe it needed the initial Nidus interaction, anyway, I've cured all of my frames and it never came back so I don't know what to say.

    Both accounts have Nidus and the Helminth, yes. One even has a Santa hat to highlight the discrepancy between the model's head and what the accessories actually clip to.

  4. On 2018-11-01 at 10:07 AM, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:

    How's this different to a Frost - Gara? Frost - Frost?  Gara - Gara? Gara - Octavia? Frost - Khora? Gara - Khora? Welp. You get the idea. 

    Gara just blinds everyone, and until the inside of both her wall and frost's bubble are no longer skinned, there's just no way around that beyond choose black energy from the Smoke palette.

    Cooperative Frost, however, I like the sound of VERY much. Given how insanely distracting it is when someone has bright pink or green snow obscuring your defense target (or the entire game if you can stand it long enough to remain inside the bubble), how nested bubbles effectively turn into privacy glass, and how 90% of Frosts don't seem to know you can pop your own bubble with your first ability, it would be downright MINDBLOWING if Frosts could interact with eachother's bubbles the way they interact with their own.
    Bubbles cast within the bubble of another frost would stack rather than nest, with the stronger overriding the weaker, any Freeze would pop any bubble, and (totally seperate from this change but LOOOONG overdue) anyone standing inside such a bubble could get a buff icon indicating the bubble's remaining armour, a la Rhino's Iron Skin, to motivate better team communication.

    Heck, for such a change I'd even be willing to endure a nerf to bubble strength! 😏

  5. 23 hours ago, TheRealShade said:

    Is there really a need for that? Once you cure it at the chair that warframe will never be affected by it again anyway.

    Err... I have to RE-cure literally every warframe on both my accounts, pretty much twice a month. Have done for literally months since I came back to game.
    Irritating to be sure, since all my frames and energy are always black to be as minimally distracting as possible, and the flaming pink cyst is horrifically distracting, but afaik just a fact of WF life. 😔

  6. On most frames I find the reticle hard to see, but having recently started up with Nidus again, finding the reticle has become a veritable Where's Waldo, imho.
    On my main PC, I actually have a triangle cut out of a post-it, stuck on my screen pointing at the reticle. While that does help, it is obviously not entirely elegant, and for my work laptop, simply not feasible.

    Here's what I would propose : (scalable) reticle glow


    What do we think?

  7. I'd like to see the extraction timers get some love. Not all of us have the same connection speed, reaction speed, and computers. Nevertheless, pretty much everyone that has ever been slow getting to the end of a mission, has probably seen the chat pinging them to hurry up, and had the group abandon them after two missions because of it. That's not a nice feeling, and despite everyone having been new at this game at some point, not everyone remembers that time and empathises.

    I'd like to propose we add a vote to extraction, rather than a shortened timer. If two people reach the end, the 60sec counter starts, and an "extract now?" vote pops up. If everyone votes yes, the mission completes instantly. If not -even in the case of an AFK player- the counter continues. That way the people that cannot reach the end as fast as people with better connection/reflexes/computers, can stay in group and enjoy the game like everyone else, while the people that actually ARE actively slowing others down for whatever reason, can still be dropped from squads that do not appreciate that behaviour.

    What do we think?

  8. I love my new puppy, but giving her superpowers didn't work. She's still a treat, albeit a slightly radioactive one now.
    I thought I'd give her something to improve her selfesteem; something to distract from... well everything.
    So I tried the Santa Hat. Fun, festive, and quite the distraction.

    Somehow I was not expecting a result quite this bizarre : https://preview.ibb.co/dsFvhJ/what_the_santa.png

  9. 36 minutes ago, Brimstone said:

    There's no such thing as "get good" in a game that literally takes no skill to play. it's a GRING GAME not friggin Dark Souls.

    First is all, I hope you mean grinding, although even that is nonsense.
    Secondly, if you think the game requires no skill you're just not putting in the effort. Your choice, mind you, nothing wrong with being a casual, but that does significantly undercut your request to have things made even easier for you.

  10. 14 minutes ago, Dhrekr said:

    I am a veteran. I played for four years. Do you think I'm bothered by four days? Goodness me.

    Took the words right out of my mouth. I maxed a first account out, and have now started a second. The waiting period is nigh-on irrelevant, as you can build as much as you have the will to farm resources for, and I love that. Having dozens of prints come out of build at the same time means you're sooner out of plat on slots than out of patience on wait times.

  11. 1 hour ago, ModuloZero said:

    Let's say that to get the reward you either have to shoot one of the mobs, or enter the quest zone. Furthermore, if you have a bounty (but not a randomly generated quest) you should be "pulled" towards the fastest player if you're still far away and they're getting very close to the marker — it's a gamey mechanic, but it's reasonable to assume having a bounty means you _want_ to run it, it would save people a lot of frustration, and any weird situation when you're getting rewarded for, uh, managing to get halfway to where the action was.

    In fact, that's how far a penalty for idling should go — if someone keeps doing that, doesn't react to messages, and is generally a bit of an annoyance, they should be restricted to invite/friends only, for a while. Then they can truly do whatever they want.



    I like both these ideas, actually. Provided it's only applied to public groups, anyone not in the quest area simply gets the abandoning objective warning, and doesn't get the reward if the timer runs out. 🙂

  12. Just now, ModuloZero said:

    Of course they may be, but it's the company's responsibility to neuter that usage. Bullying via reports work when either the company in question has poor moderation staff, or when someone attaches an automated system and hopes for the best *cough* _YouTube_ *cough*. A competent moderation team can ensure that report harassment is ineffective and likely to backfire. An incompetent one will render a community toxic regardless of whether one specific report category is available or not.

    While shouting "leeches" doesn't help the issue (it's at best presumptive), idling in small instances is an issue, and framing is as "agency" is a bit much. If you just drop the bad word, then the first consequence of a bunch of reports would be a message from a mod, more advisory than threatening. What are you losing here? It's not like there's a benefit to fishing in an instance full of randoms, you're just exposing yourself to host migrations and lag spikes.

    Now THIS I can work with! Thank you for wording it so eloquently!
    The presumption of labelling someone arbitrarily and reporting them on that basis without a second thought, or worse still, reporting them out of sheer spite for something the reporter fully knows they did not do, are why I have a problem with reporting by players. I chose the word agency because I feel it is the player's right under the EULA to be able to play how one chooses, free from harassment by sanctimonious minorities that choose to project their own problems, onto those they deem as somehow lesser than them.

    Personally I almost never play anything but Invite-Only, and even then 99% with clanmembers (that's why I'm in a clan, after all), so I freely confess I have never encountered this "problem" of leeching. However, I foresee nothing but insane workload for any human or humans that must filter through the reports of every angry child in their game, which I believe will eventually lead to automation and the consequences you mentioned. While I personally never suffer from leeching or complaints thereof in our clan, I most certainly WOULD suffer under the proposed regulatory incursion into the golden rule of gaming : LIFE > GAME. I play from work and therefore vanish from time to time, but always apologise and explain my absence in discord when this happens, and nobody has thus far given me negative feedback on my priorities.

  13. Can you honestly not see that reporting tools are used to bully? Someone doesn't like you using maiming strike, someone doesn't like you running ahead, someone doesn't like you looting instead of heading to extraction, someone doesn't like you using Limbo, the examples are unfathomably numerous!

    I cede the point that you dont like leechers, and agree to disagree there. Reason I'm defending the freedom of agency (and not, as you insist, leeching) is that I do NOT want to have a tool in place that allows bullying. That way lies League of Legends. That way lies the toxicity of sanctimony and wanton punishments. Too many petty people on the internet to allow them to votebomb a player simply because they choose to.

  14. 6 minutes ago, AlMcFly said:

    The type of person who Leeches, is also the type of person at your job who hides in the bathroom while everyone else is working.  They are the type of person who tries getting everyone else to do their work for them.  They are the manager who takes all the credit for everything performed by their team.  They are that person who take a Sick day every week, but gets angry when they don't receive promotions and raises when their peers (who never miss a day of work) all get promoted around them.  

    This type of behavior is never isolated to just one area.  It permeates their entire outlook on life.  

    Issues much dude?

    Also... their entire outlook on life? I'm not all that sure you have asked them all. Could you check?

  15. I'm not sure when this issue started, but I noticed it yesterday while trying to place statues in our clan's donation room, and then again when I tried to sell duplicate mods for endo in my orbiter.
    Apparently certain keys on the keyboard, cause the MOUSE to move??? Did I accidentally activate mobility impaired mode or something? And why on god's green earth does the mouse jump to text fields when they pop up in places like the Mods interface? I realise consoles need a little help with the fine motor control of hitting plus or minus buttons with their joysticks, and I do empathise with their limitations, but we PC users can operate more than four buttons and a trigger.

    Can we PLEASE have the option to disable this INSANELY irritating console nonsense from the PC client? :thinking:

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