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Posts posted by CRCGamer

  1. 32 minutes ago, KitMeHarder said:

    IMO it's a three-way race between Caliban, Nyx, and Hydroid for the worst frame in the game

    Hold up. Nyx is nowhere near worst though she has a play style that isn't conducive to big room clearing DPS which is what the game has devolved into. You just replace her 1 or 3 with another ability and move on. Generally I prefer replacing Chaos personally. Mind Control can nab a eximus unit or other things with which to tilt a fight. Her two with only 125% power strength fully strips all armor and shields. Her fourth ability with augment in conjunction with adaptation can give one close to a million effective health while still being mobile. Though most builds running an augment for a replacement ability will have around a half million durability instead. She does quite well for herself as a weapons platform as long as the energy holds out. So yeah she has a slight dinner plate addiction in very high level content. She simply is a fairly simple CC frame in a game where crowd control that doesn't kill has been phased out of meta and power creep has made anything that doesn't kill entire rooms in an eyeblink "bad". And once you replace her 1 or 3 with something more useful to the current meta she's very usable.

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  2. Basically you'd have to massively rework how most of the actively used mods work.

    Now if for example a weapon's base damage was inviolate and un-changeable...

    If Serration and company were a percent extra damage pool. If no elemental mods are equipped it just multiplies the base damage of the weapon out.

    If Elemental mods *specifically* pulled from the extra damage pool of Serration and company exclusively. Meaning that the damage is capped, but what is changing is the types of damage that pool is doing. So that the 220% Hornet Strike with a 90%, and two 60/60 mods basically reads as deal 150% of this combined element, 60% of this other element, and the remaining 10% of the bonus pool is baseline damage typed.

    If the percentage physical mods worked by making the bonus pool change the same new way elemental worked... such that one actually could go super heavy slash focus on a gun that didn't even have slash in the first place.

    Go ahead and just split the damage between bullets with split chamber and company. Proc/Crit equalization without extra damage. Main benefit for guns being being more procs dealt or a more reliable crit curve.

    Yes Serration is still core. But Elemental becomes a lot more optional in the face of being able to slash stack and other options. Split Chamber becomes semi-optional in that it would be still one of the best things to slot on a gun with unreliable crit or that is heavily status focused.

    You'd basically just cut damage bloat an absurd amount for standard builds in general since most weapons can only get 3-5x times base damage outside frame modifiers... which also means that frame based buffs get a *lot* more valuable. Chroma, Rhino, Banshee, etc would all be rather meta for being extra scaling options. So the devs would probably also need a bit of work over there to bring those things a little more in line with the lowered damage potential.

    Then massively downscale enemy progression curves. Without quadratic damage progression in the weapons you can *cap* enemy armor and mostly rely on health scaling. It also means big hit frame damage powers actually feel powerful again even if they aren't an always on global nuke. Because frankly the only powers that feel powerful an hour deep into content are those with percentage scaling (hello Saryn), explicitly avoid interaction like prowl (Ivara), or just chain CC things unto oblivion.

    Then go back and start adding Syndicate weapon mods again. Those damage bonuses, unique quirks, and syndicate procs look a bit more appetizing with revised scaling no? Definitely a more interesting way of giving under-performing weapons a leg up. Also a reasonable way of keeping demand in the market. Yes some vets would be cashing out lightning fast. But if you end up with *dozens* of such mods per syndicate you'll have a deep pool of trade options.

    And as a final thing. Base damage is inviolate. A riven with a negative of a base damage type would *remove* that damage type from the extra damage pool. Meaning shifting damage procs is a thing but outright total removal is a no-no. The flipside is that base elemental damage of a weapon *also* stays put so you could get amusing things like Radiation + Heat. It also means rivens with negative total damage just reduce the bonus pool. But they cannot reduce the base damage of a weapon.

  3. Its only taking us ~5 days to do the full reno project back up from a core of about three rooms and a few hallway connectors remaining from the old build. We destroyed the entire 2nd floor, removed all labs, removed half the power reactors for a new power layout, took out all but the core hall, etc. About a day and a half tearing things down and just over three days to build the critical components where we want them. The real limiting factor is how deep a chain you decide you need to build. If you properly plan and set things up for good density where you can chain 3-5 rooms off a single room from the 3rd day on in the build process things don't take too long.

  4. 2 minutes ago, WoodedSkate89 said:

    but most of those need godly rivens to make them effective 

    I massively disagree. Only the Kohm in that list is really riven dependent because of how status works and where it lands without the riven mod. And I'm just gonna laugh if you try telling me with a straight face that the Dread, Hek, Tonkor, and Penta are ineffective without a riven. They may *need* some specialty mods to hit full effectiveness, but a riven is certainly not required at all.

  5. You are likely in for having to do some trading regardless.

    The best you can do with only 30 capacity is something along the lines of Point Blank, Scattered Justice, Toxic Barrage, and Chilling Reload for the Hek.

    Kunai are a joke to be disposed via ingredient once 30'd (sad but its the truth).

    As for your Warframe I'd highly recommend farming out some of the lower tier Plains of Eidolon bounties to pick up the Augur mods from the bounty and the bosses. Steel Charge, Vitality, Intensify, Augur Accord/Message/Reach/Secrets all can be equipped at once without a reactor installed.

  6. 2 hours ago, el_chanis said:

    what would prevent you from using rage, pizzas, arcane energize and any other source of enery of your liking? How suddenly this became an issue when it isn't right now, with the agravating condition of being aviable in a single focus school? Im sorry, but this objection sounds incredibly absurd.

    And yet somehow, you made an even more absurd comment right next to it. New guys have literally NOTHING right now. The focus tree (and more importantly, the energy node) is locked behind The War Within. Thats a lot of content to go through without any sort of help, with my method, they will have a passive source of energy. Again, can't see how you failed to realize the absurdity of this comment.


    Cherry picking things out of context to complain about without reading an entire post does not give you a good argument. If you had bothered to to read through the multiple adjustments that would spread it out further the new guys would be better off than where *your* single stop shop would leave them. Because they'd have access to a slight drip from MR at 5+, a slight to moderate drip based on type of frame they are using from the very start, a somewhat improved Energy Siphon, etc. Meanwhile your suggestion is flat out MR 0 = zero and you have to grind mastery for a pittance of improvement per rank.

  7. I'd really say no to fully attaching passive energy recovery to mastery. If you are truly trying to even the playing field and make other options more viable you'd need to pretty much spread energy across a lot of different things so that you can opt into using multiple sources to get the gain rate up fairly high and fast, but that opting for a couple other options doesn't completely dry the well and leave you reliant on the dinner plates. Plus your method would leave the new guy who just started with no efficiency mods still being massively disadvantaged.

    So something along the lines of:

    Have .1 passive regen per 5 MR attained. Its a bonus, but a really small one.

    Bump the energy siphon aura up slightly to be better for solo play because in group play its typically 3-4 CP being wanted. However veterans usually can toss one of these at a new player pretty quickly... and it proves enormously useful to them before armor scaling becomes more of an issue a half dozen planets into the game.

    Warframes are split into several categories based on expected casting rates and thus are given .2, .4, or .6 base regen as a frame statistic. So that caster frames can cast and the tanky frames still have their moments of power even when the blue stuff is hardly dropping.

    Zenurik becomes more about extra oomph from energy orbs. Perhaps Zenurik could have a marking mechanic to make enemies spit out more energy orbs. Therefor *always* useful even to channeling frames but its not a constant baby pacifier of high energy regen that people use as a crutch.

    Introduce a new mod that is a shielded reserve core. Grants additional energy regen when below threshold and prevents energy drain effects from removing energy when at or below threshold. Put the maximum threshold at like 50 and no higher. Preferably stick this fairly early in the game... would serve multiple purposes. For the newer players it is the energy crutch so they can use basic abilities more often, for the veterans its all about that can't be screwed over by energy drain eximus or magnetic procs past that point. And as it takes a mod slot you have to determine if you really need it against what else you could fit in.

    And the expensive arcanes would still exist.

    • Like 1
  8. Jupiter's balancing isn't out of whack, its just enemy health and special features and units start getting a lot more apparent at that point of the game. And with the rework Jupiter ended up with a more modern pool of advanced units as well.

    Against Corpus units you generally want to directly target their HP and ignore the shields if possible to massively increase the speed at which you kill them. Depending on the weapons you are using you may want to go one of several damage combinations against the units on Jupiter.

    Status weapons can go Viral + Slash or Gas + Electric. Crit weapons prefer going Magnetic + Toxin or Radiation + Cold.

    Making sure you've been upgrading your base damage and damage multiplication mods is also an aspect of the game that gets increasingly more important the farther in you go. Realistically by Jupiter you want Serration / Hornet Strike up to 7 or 8 out of 10 pips at minimum. And it would be beneficial to have multi-shot as well.

    Are you using weapons and frames with Catalyst and Reactors installed? This doubles your modding capacity, which makes fitting in extra durability and damage considerably easier.

  9. Adaptation does make my Mag considerably tankier... to a point. Past level 150 its back to being one shot again because adaptation has to build up to the damage reduction cap and if you take a big shot at a resist not being currently covered you just die anyways.

    My take on it should be that shields innately always regenerate even if you are taking fire... but it does so only at half rate until the recharge delay for being out of combat goes through. And then beyond that instead of shield gating you instead get shield "surges" that regenerate over time. Taking a hit bigger than 10% total shields while you have a shield surge stored reduces the incoming damage by a percentage against the shields for the next 2 seconds. Fast Deflection would increase the rate at which you recover shield surges. Fortitude increases the damage reduction granted by the shield surge.

  10. MR caps are only enforced for foundry and in-game store purchases. DE went through and "applied" an MR re-balance to most of the ranged weapons currently in game using a formula where certain MR grades could get up to certain weapon stats overall.

    Event weapons and prime packs are given when you "qualify" by either completing the operation challenge or paying DE money that $$$ for shiny current prime access.

    For the anniversary event the difficulty of qualifying is significantly lower than normal. Basically log in and run a few simple missions instead of doing something like grinding a few hours a day for a week solid accruing points towards unlocks.

  11. Well the nerf to the magazine did make me drop from having 97 ammo maximum on the Cycron courtesy of my riven mod. Used to have 32 magazine under the original stats.

    So yes they did make it so I can't have 10 quality seconds of just holding down the fire button. Instead I get about seven seconds of firing before a recharge is required.

  12. I can already tell you why DE is probably not going to do it. Best use case scenarios that basically break the difficulty curve even through sortie 1 and somewhat beyond with current stats and with %max health scaling would break the difficulty curve clear through nightmare raids and beyond.

    Because it applies to all beam type weapons it is being heavily constrained because that category has both chaining and area of effect weapons. Furthermore specific frames can outright break the game for an extended period already using such weaponry and would be basically a W + Mouse 1 button gameplay pattern with occasional ability casts if the mod had %max health damage. To be more specific Nova and Saryn are two of the frames that when using modded beam weapons that chain or have natural AoE can already break the game. Nova already makes the explosion damage be doubled, in fact not only is it doubled it stacks with her Molecular Prime explosion damage. So Nova basically gets 4k+ damage waves of explosions across entire tiles already. Throw in your desired change on the mod and the insanity can go into the five plus digit range instantly where Nova just pressed 4 and kills 1-2 mobs and the wave of explosions clears entire spawn waves for lazy gameplay. With Saryn its a double-down effect on things already getting their effective health cut in half from her 1's viral procs and then the additional explosions plus whatever the AoE from her weapon is doing on top of it all. At which point %max health damage on something that has been already had its health cut in half from a viral proc is basically another case of wiping entire spawn waves for too little effort.

  13. 39 minutes ago, iceyShardZ said:

    why would a laser beam of all weapons even have a limited range

    Because an atmosphere isn't a completely empty vacuum, so you have some energy dissipation along the beam's path. There is also the fact that your man portable laser weapon in game probably has a significantly limited optics array for adjusting to successfully operate at a given set of distances.

  14. Its because *projectile* shotguns use a different formula for status than hit-scan based ones. Which is another counter intuitive system aspect of the game. I mean this was outright brought up within an *hour* of the initial weapon pass notes in the Warframe Reddit.

  15. I just tend to run a 200% power strength, 88% duration, 145% range, 170% efficiency build.

    The Plains are a non-issue for the most part, and chip damage is a non-issue because I just take along one of my three primed sentinels all of which pack Medi-ray. The new things you can do with Focus and operator mode enables a few new tricks... and the Arca Plasmor is stupidly fun to just punt into magnetize bubbles. Not to mention that Magnetize absolutely murders turrets or provides cover turning them into additional damage sources feeding your bubble. (Making those mortar barrages into your own damage never gets old...)

  16. Focus orbs need to die. Focus needs to have a far higher natural gain rate.

    You should *NOT* be forced into a few specific farm strategies to even remotely come close to a bare fifth of the daily cap.  The entire current focus system is basically dead on arrival because of stupidly high grind for no good damn reason. A game is supposed to be for fun and to have additional things come available over time to give new goals is fine. Having the grind be so monumental that a single tree of the five will takes YEARS for a casual player to progress through however is beyond stupid.

    Weren't they supposed to be making operators more relevant? Sure seems to be a backfired goal considering that to get to that point requires you basically having a second job for over a year because of the pants on head $&*&*#(%& nature of having to pay to unlock on a per-tree basis for the passives to carry over between trees.

    For some food for thought, the implementation of a daily cap means people expect that they should be able to reach it just by playing the game for a while. Now this actually is the case for the daily Syndicate grinds after you've run a couple defenses out to 30 waves generally. The focus however I'm lucky to have gotten ~30K of the 250K cap after those two runs out to 30 waves each of which is actually close to forty minutes of game time and a significant amount of the time I actually have available to play.

    And since so much of this game is about the cycle of getting new equipment to level up to change things up being locked into specific gear load outs with a very specific style of play every single day for over a year is immensely conducive to accelerated rates of player burnout.

  17. If puncture procs instead were a certain percentage of armor is bypassed for six seconds before the enemy armor applies a repair patch to the section that had the punch through... it would be a lot more useful. And a lot more dangerous for armor tanked Tenno as well.

  18. 24 minutes ago, Brunklebop said:

    We're getting corpus spider proxies Soon. Still, it would be nice to have a new corpus tileset and variant.

    Like some actual facility on Phobos instead of just ships? That would be absolutely nice to have an actually Corpus aesthetic asteroid base for a change of pace.

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