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Posts posted by Tempest

  1. Eu apenas tenho certeza que seria super emocionante um modo pvp com outros sub-modos, como por exemplo, um grupo tem que pegar a maleta e protegê-la enquanto o outro tem que tirá-la deles e não deixarem eles pegarem novamente... entendem? 


    Mas caso ninguém ache isso possível poderíamos abrir uma votação para a desenvolvedora abrir um servidor próprio, pois é quase que impossível jogar com certas pessoas que não tem net boa, eu falo isso por que minha net não é boa e é quase impossível alguem finalizar o mapa comigo de host...



    Coloca o limite de ping pra 200~225, eu uso desse jeito e jogo no NA East sem lag nenhum.


    @Edit: A idéia desses sub-modos é boa sim, só precisa de planejamento e dedicação por parte da empresa, então creio eu que em um futuro não muito próximo isso pode acontecer.

  2. Com o sistema de damage e level scaling atual, Defense/Survival high level são um saco. O player é forçado a usar essas armas OP's sem graça, fica extremamente repetitivo e o jogo te pune de um jeito ilógico, a.k.a. levando hitkill por alguma besteirinha que geralmente nem significa falta de habilidade.
    Entre as duas opções prefiro Survival, porque é mais fast-paced e consequentemente exige mais mira e posicionamento (enquanto Defense depende mais da sua build, excluindo um pouco o lado in-game), fora a dinâmica melhor que até a própria DE menciona.

  3. more nerfs and Pay2win .. really ?? :l

    Do you even know the meaning of p2w? It means making something exclusively for those who spent money on the game, and guess what? The only things "forced" by plat on Warframe are absolutely COSMETIC.

    If someone is willing to pay, they get commodities, not superiority.

  4. Pretty strange issue, I really don't know if this was supposed to happen, but since my reset ALL profile pics got unlocked (even Prime stuff).

    Not some really serious problem, but still probably a bug that needs a fix.

    OBS: Nothing was made by my part, I simply logged in after the reset and all of them were already set as "owned".

  5. You all complain too much about little things. When DE adds a little bit difficulty to the game (probably it is now possible to use IRON SKIN + RETRIBUTION on Rhino) most people act in such a disrespectful way, only because they got out of their confort zone and will have to deal with a challenge.

    They work hard for us and release patches/hotfixes always as quick as possible. Don't give that kind of immature feedback without even analyzing a patch fully.
  6. wow really? they nerfed the one thing that could make rhino usable? While trinity has infinite energy and not only full invul, but reflects damage? Well.... to throw rhino to the garbage then :/

    Iron Skin was like an "Easy Mode". If you needed that to stay alive and keep playing successfully, then you can't deal with any kind of difficulty probably on any game.


    kinda screwed yourself with that link and yet saying not irritating pitch changes and random noises

    Bratkilla: Instruments, beautiful voices and well made sounds in synchrony.

    Now take one of those guys who got into the "dubstep wagon" for money, for example: Nero

    Same phrase looping over and over, the whole song sounds like made on FL Studio by a unexperienced person, yet he's very famous and definitely not a beginner.

    You may not like real Dubstep and that's fine because its a matter of personal taste, but when criticizing anything, not only music, you must have at least a little of technical knowledge and be careful to not throw some words that could mean "OMG THIS SUCKS" or "MY TASTE IS BETTER THAN YOURS". Even if I don't like something, I can still distinguish really well what is poorly made and what isn't.

    @Topic: Being more clear, I enjoyed the tune you made <3

  8. Pretty good work, but that's not dubstep, is just techno with a slightly different BPM.

    THIS is dubstep:

    Heavy, epic, not irritating voices changing pitch or random noises.

    Protip: Skrillex f*cked up all dubstep genre, he popularized Complextro (electro genre) as dubstep or brostep (which doesn't even exist).

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