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Posts posted by (PSN)Tripsdaddy84

  1. First of all I'm not being graded on my punctuation, it's a post I don't need the criticism, and yes I did my research but everything I found was posted over a year ago.  I never said I had a problem with how it works I would just like to know exactly how it works.  Personally I don't mind pumping plat or money into this game cuz I love it and the more I spend the more DE has to make the game better,  and add new content so wasted was a wrong choice of words as it is never wasted for that I apologize. I ask for help (as these forums are for) and just catch crap instead.  As you see on this post alone I keep getting different info, one statement contradicts another and so on.

  2. That is what I heard but 3 times I PUT 2 exact imprints tall bulky lotus and got back short bulky lotus will post pics if I have to when I get home but 3 times this happened so it is leading me to think it is a glitch that DE needs to look at so this post is really for DE so I hope they see it to clarify and I'm not sure if it is a console only issue I am on ps4

  3. thank you for your reply I know that the "omega" is a player made name it just represents a tall and bulky kubrow but if it is "genetic" breeding then 2 prints of the same kubrow should yield the same kubrow and I would be okay with it if there wasn't a 3 day wait for it to mature It would take forever to get the kubrow I want I'm a dedicated daily player but it would take forever I don't know I want to have some beautiful kubrows but it seems to be to crazy and with me being max rank I'm running out of things to do at least if they took the wait out of maturing it would be much better

  4. Yea that is what it seems to be but then it's not genetic coding 2 prints for the same kubrow should yield that exact kubrow that's what I don't understand and everything I read and researched say 2 of the same imprints has a 100% chance to give you the same kubrow

  5. I have just recently started with kubrow breeding and I get and understand that for the most part it is completely random which in my opinion really nullifies the imprint process as far as genetic coding there should be some control as to what I get but there has not been and even more the one consistent seems to be that if you put 2 imprints for the same kubrow you get the same kubrow back which makes sense but after spending 2000 plat on imprints to get myself beautiful a line up of omega lotus kubrows in every breed and I put 2 imprints for the same kubrow in and get a different kubrow out one time it happens I can call a glitch but so far 3 times 3 sets of imprints 3 kubrows I put in 2 prints for the same omega lotus and got a bulky lotus in return it lost all of it's height all 3 times wasting the prints so I would like to know what's going on if it's a glitch or is it just so random that there is no point in purchasing imprints cuz there is no guarantee that you will get the same dog DE please help me understand I do love this game no matter what I just don't like to waste plat cuz it does come out of my own pocket I do not sell anything I just give it away to help new players       

  6. My PSN ID is tripsdaddy84 it's also my warframe ID feel free to contact me anytime and if you need general help in game with missions etc.. I am a high level player that doesn't know all but a lot and I am a daily player on all the time so feel free to add me in game through warframe friends or on psn I'm always willing to help, all I ask is if you have a lot of questions please have a mic most answers are to much to type on ps4 

  7. I'm still looking for a clan I did get contacted by smaller clans but I really want to be in a larger clan at least storm but prefer mountain or moon.  Like I said I am a really good solid player always willing to help with anything I am considerate and mature and very loyal I'm looking for a clan to call home as long as the game exists all I ask is that the clan is active contact me here or psn @ tripsdaddy84 I will be playing on and off most of the day today and I do have a mic if you want to speak to me directly after playstation network is fixed and comes back on

  8. Hey fellow tenno I am 30 years old mastery rank of 15 very close to 16 I've been playing since the release of the ps4 it was the first game I played on the new ps4 and have been hooked on it ever since. I have a mic I play daily and follow all dev streams I'm just not happy with my current clan it has over 100 players and only about 5 of them are on at a time and can never get help for tower missions even with the alliance. I do not want to pay insane fees I'm just looking for an active solid clan with good alliances I always chip in on clan builds etc.. and I don't have a problem playing with females etc.. so if you think I can benefit your clan contact me here or on psn @ tripsdaddy84 and I'll switch clans if your clan is what I'm looking for hope to find a good clan also I'm looking for an active storm to

    moon clan

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