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Posts posted by Dromenon

  1. I noticed this while trying to farm juggernauts on Eris exterminates, but it appears that the level or the difficulty of the exterminate would go down when there was a kuva siphon mission on that specific node. Note: I was not playing the kuva siphon itself, just the normal exterminate that is normally on that node. The kill requirement went from ~120 to ~80, and juggernauts stopped spawning, as well as the mission enemies going down in level from ~40 to ~25. 

  2. Alright so basically I previously posted this before in the wrong subforum, but I think this is the right one.

    Since the release of focus 2.0, I've been very excited to try out the new Madurai school, as it's everything that I expected from it when I first chose it. However, I was somewhat disappointed to find out that the damaging abilities you gain from it do fire damage. I understand that it fits with the whole theme of the focus school (and with the names of the abilities), but operators are primarily useful and are really only used when fighting sentients/eidolons, so I feel like it doesn't make sense to have the dps focused tree be on equal footing or below with other schools when fighting them. I would love to see Madurai really shine as much as the other schools do when in the hectic eidolon battles.

  3. Since the release of focus 2.0, I've been very excited to try out the new Madurai school, as it's everything that I expected from it when I first chose it. However, I was somewhat disappointed to find out that the damaging abilities you gain from it do fire damage. I understand that it fits with the whole theme of the focus school (and with the names of the abilities), but operators are primarily useful and are really only used when fighting sentients/eidolons, so I feel like it doesn't make sense to have the dps focused tree be on equal footing or below with other schools when fighting them. I would love to see Madurai really shine as much as the other schools do when in the hectic eidolon battles.


    So I realized that this is in the wrong subforum, but I can't figure out how to move this post or delete it, if anyone could help that would be great

  4. So this probably won't be much of a priority, but if you're using a spear to fish while on a dashwire and aim, your warframe starts playing the throwing animation on loop, and you can only throw when the looped animation would actually throw.

  5. 8 hours ago, hukurokuju5 said:

    5 second reload is too much of a handicap for what the weapon actually does


    15 hours ago, Dromenon said:

    "I feel that it could easily be improved just by halving the recharge delay, and maybe adding a meter or two to its range. I don't feel that damage is that much of an issue, as beam weapons don't usually scale that well nor are that great overall, but it's just a fun gun to use that I feel could use some quality of life changes.

    Conclusion: Great proof of concept with the recharging weapons, please make more that result in less suicide"


  6. 53 minutes ago, MRmailman69 said:

    I still think that reload is ridiculous and this comes from someone who mains a tigris.

    I'm confused I used to use the tigris all the time and the reload was never a problem for me

  7. Edit: It's fixed! Kind of... 


    Alright so a little preface, I don't normally post on here but something about the cycron intrigued me enough to inspire me to write this.

    (also my thoughts on the cycron are at the bottom if you don't want to read things)

    When I first saw the cycron, I was honestly really excited, I always love corpus weapons, and this one looked unique enough that it caught my attention. I waited for the clan research to finish because I heard that it was very cheap to build, and as I was waiting, I saw countless review videos about it saying that it was the worst weapon that exists in Warframe. So, very cautiously, I tried it out and the two most glaring things about this weapon are:

    a) why is everything on fire literally all I did was put damage mods on this, and

    b) this reload speed feels like an asthmatic snail doing a marathon.

    Allll right, I can now see why it comes with two dash polarities, one for each reload speed mod. I slapped both on, realized I needed a potato to see what it can really do and voila, I had a decently modded regenerating-disc-beam-gun-thing. Now, bored out of my mind waiting between nitain alerts and trying to think of anything but my impending paper due, I decided to max out the cycron. Yeop. My goal is to put on 6 forma by the end of the week.

    I'm currently 3 forma deep, about to hit my fourth, and all I can say is: I really like the cycron. Now of course it still has its glaring issues, like its 2.6 second recharge delay even WITH both reload mods, as well as its innate heat damage, but I still like it. I love its 3m punch through, I love its 100% heat procs on anything it touches, and it does high enough damage where I can take it into basically anywhere on the star chart. However, the thing I love the MOST of anything is the recharge mechanic itself; now it's kind of gimmicky, with the whole boasting about unlimited ammo ordeal, but waiting 5 seconds for a standard reload would be actual hell. Waiting five seconds where you can do literally ANYTHING to fire again is very liberating. You can roll, cast any ability, even swap to ANOTHER WEAPON, and it will still be reloaded when you're done. That is why I think that the cycron is worth a looking at instead of being dismissed as mastery fodder.


    In short, here's what I think:


    Decent damage

    Great crowd control


    Punch through for days

    Fire, do anything, fire again


    Awkwardly staring at an enemy for 2.6 seconds while you wait for your gun to recharge

    Innate fire damage isn't the most useful, but it's still better than innate frost imo

    Having to give up two mod slots just for reload speed mods

    Somewhat short range


    I feel that it could easily be improved just by halving the recharge delay, and maybe adding a meter or two to its range. I don't feel that damage is that much of an issue, as beam weapons don't usually scale that well nor are that great overall, but it's just a fun gun to use that I feel could use some quality of life changes.

    Conclusion: Great proof of concept with the recharging weapons, please make more that result in less suicide


    Yours truly,


  8. To be honest I've been playing Nidus in conclave and I love him, you just gotta think more along the lines of luring people to where you want them to go or predicting where they're going to land. It takes some getting used to but it's so satisfying to just tank a full magazine, go undying and end up killing the other person. In terms of the bugs, I've personally never experienced them but I hope they get fixed soon.

  9. So I just got Nezha and I was messing around seeing how the agile animation set would work with some of the primaries. What I found was that with bigger guns like the opticor, Nezha's arm would be bent at such an angle that his hand would be turned a full 180 degrees. Weapons I've noted so far are the hek, torid, supra, strun, phage, opticor (very noticeable), latron prime, ignis, convectrix, and many, many more.



  10. Okay, listening to this Yoshida Bros' song...I never got this from Warframe. Ever. This is way too Feudal Japan. Yes, the Tenno have a lot of Japanese-derived things and mannerisms (but even the Tenno written language looks closer to West Asian or way-too-stylized cursive), but Warframe isn't just the Tenno; everyone else in Warframe are very not Japanese.


    The reason I'm still playing Warframe is because DE is taking up the torch of what Homeworld attempted 15 years ago with Space Opera: it's not just about explosions and lasers and gruff bounty hunters, it's about the iteration of human cultures across an increasingly large expanse of frontier (at least that's what it seemed like DE was trying to do, listening to the original Dark Sector vid). And we get to be the coolest part of the story of human migration: a ritualized and deified warrior caste. The cherry on top? The Orokin are dust and we get the run of the solar system, completely unchecked. "Power Overwhelming" defines the Tenno experience right now. Sometimes it's boring, sometimes it's awesome.


    In your terms:


    So yeah right now it's pretty much that in case anyone was wondering. And also in regards to the yoshida brothers, perhaps it may have been the clan I was in or something else because looking back yeah I think more of the clan than the game itself.

  11. Are you talking about the overall feel or the feel of the music? Because I've noticed there's been a bit of a change in the overall feel too (not that that's a problem)

    Not really so much as the feel of the music, I rarely even play with it on anymore, but just I found that the best way to express the overall feel of something was with genres of music.

  12. These abilities seem amazing, I would honestly love to see some of these in game at some point, especially her ult! However, I would recommend her second ability just do a set damage and have life steal and maybe recover life support in a survival if you get a kill(?). But overall this concept is amazing from the looks to the idea of the abilities!

  13. I don't think that (s)he is referring to the actual music so much as using it as an analogy. For example, a place you would go to listen to jazz has a very different mood than a place you would listen to dubstep at. It's not so much the actual music as the tone and the people - the general feel.

    Yeah sorry about being so weird and nonsensical about this topic (yes nonsensical is a word), it's just that I was wondering if anyone else noticed the dramatic change in feel of Warframe. It went from ninjas and samurai being traditional badasses to a super futuristic, almost cyberpunk, feel.

  14. I wasn't entirely sure where to put this topic, but this forum seemed like the best fit. I'm not really complaining, but I just want to point out something about the tone of Warframe and how it seems to have changed dramatically. Sadly, I'm not the best at describing tones of most media like Warframe, but music seems the easiest comparison. Warframe, at least in my opinion, has changed its overall tone and feeling from something that the Yoshida Brothers would've written (the songs Cherry Blossoms in Winter and Storm if you're curious) to something more along the lines of Glitch music or Drum and Bass. Again, I'm not saying this is a wholly bad thing, I was just wondering if anyone else noticed a change like this over the course of Warframe.

  15. Obviously Prism is inefficient, but I feel like we're using two different ultimates. Prism for me does roughly low 60s damage to enemies with some resistances to Radiation (even when it's super close to them, and it's hard to keep it there since it bounces around like nuts), and maybe 300s to ones weak to it (only for a split second since it bounces away), and even with Stretch, I haven't seen the blind do much more outside of blind a couple mobs close to it.


    SoH is obviously bad and everyone will agree on that.


    As far as Eclipse goes, I'm not a big fan of it being triggered by having to stand in certain situations as you can often die, expecting the reduction, or do little damage, expecting the buff. Perhaps it could be a gradual decrease of the buff you were standing in and an instant buff in the one you just swapped to. Like I said, good concept, but poorly executed for a fast-paced shooter.

    Non-hostile/sarcastic question, who were you using prism against and where? Because I've been running tower IV defenses and survivals and it's been holding its ground. The perk isn't so much as the massive damage, as the massive number of targets over a fairly long period of time.


    And about Eclipse I could honestly care less about the defensive part of it, I just mainly focus on how its damage boost works really well with HoM, and also i guess it depends on maps you're on. For example, Ceres is a horrible place to use eclipse, while places like Pluto and the Void are excellent places for it.


    Also just to make sure we're getting similar results, my build is to use Energy Siphon, Continuity, Redirection (really anything you want to use, I'd not recommend a natural talent for the D slot), Constitution, Intensify, Fleeting Expertise, and stretch, everything but redirection maxed.

  16. Ok, after reading this entire thing, i'm concerned that you're not even playing on the same frame that I have been. So far, Mirage has been my favorite frame I've ever played. Firstly, Hall of Mirrors is still great, even post-fix, it vastly increases damage, especially when combined with Eclipse, secondly, I do agree with how SoH is the "bad ability" on her, thirdly, prism's damage suffers against only really infested due to the fact it's radiation damage, and its CC is not weak, it is possibly one of the best ones in the game next to nova, seeing as the range of the blind is immense and lasts for a very long duration if you mod it that way (which you should because every ability minus SoH is improved through it. Additionally, she is not as squishy as you say, seeing as enemies also target your Hall of Mirror holograms, and lastly, you keep saying she's so efficient, and say she doesn't even need that much power, and then complain about prism taking up damage, duh, it's going to take up energy, it's an ultimate ability the best thing a warframe should have, dealing damage to literally everyone in a massive range over time and ends with a stun that affects even more, through walls.


    P.S. The whole no team play thing, a few frames have realistically no team play, just a few things that with a long stretch of the imagination could be considered team play: Ash, Nova (no, her ult doesn't count if prism doesn't, exception being -power strength), and Saryn (Molt is as flimsy as tissue paper). These frames are rarely criticized for having no teamplay because their killing ability is very high.



    Dromenon, The Trickster

  17. I would either like to see Apex Systems, the Dark Convent (seeing as we're going with dark things), or like Dark Enterprises to make it sound more like a large scale alliance than just a few members or a small clan.

  18. The problem isn't that they're introducing new weapons that COULD be in clan tech, as they're just themed, that's it, but the problem lies in the fact that the new weapons are generally better than the clan tech weapons. The original intent in clan tech weapons is to reward players for working together and joining a clan with higher tier weapons and also flashy weapons. And to all of those who said "why should you have to join a clan?", the point of clans is to increase the feeling of community of the game, by giving people others to play with if they want to. Also clans fit into the whole thing and usually people in the times that the themes are based off of were in some sort of clan or guild.

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