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Posts posted by Galaxy-Train

  1. its not useless at all... its not a warframe you would pick at the beginning, but once you acquire a sentinel.

    i like this concept a lot, its extremely well done =] the skills give room for a lot of creativity and have synergy with each other. great idea!

    The problem is, though, that all of its skills rely on a factor outside of the warframe itself. Keep in mind a Sentinel is not like a weapon in the sense it is not mandatory to have equipped. It's not a matter of "if you don't like it don't use it".

    The frame itself lacks any amount of stand-out power; all its abilities refer to the sentiel, which reverses the roles somewhat. If DE wants to implement Sentinel abilitie,s that's different, but make a warframe for the sake of making a warframe, not a glorfied Sentinel.

  2. It got 'fixed'..they do 150 each now. But i would say they should do even more damage. Psychic bolts are nowhere near other damaging abilities, even if they have tracking, they just come in a pack of 5. And yes the tracking needs improvement. We could even say they should just go through objects, since they are 'psychic' bolts. 

    Well, if all five hit the same target, that target suffers 750 damage (which cuts it in half for extra style points). I've also noticed that they have innate stagger ability, which can normally push enemies out of cover for a second or two. Now, I personally its current functionality is perfect, but I suppose allowing them to move through walls would eliminate my biggest concern.


    I just want to avoid completely overhauling abilities or outright replacing them. I feel they can all be improved if they're lacking, and all have their place, instead of simply scrapping them and thinking up something new.

  3. Suggestion:


    Psychic bolts - increased damage, reduced energy cost to 25 from 50, increased number of bolts.


    Absorb - base damage, taunt (similar to loki's clone), rework

    Psychic Bolts' damage isn't the problem. At max level, Nyx throws 5 for 125 each. That's 625 total damage. The problem is that they're inaccurate and have a tendency to fly right into the ground. As it stands, the bolts fly unguided upon cast until you "focus" them. My suggestion is to make them hover and follow Nyx, inert, until she focuses on an enemy.

    The bolts themselves are great at hitting hard-to-reach targets or enemies behind cover, it's just their behavior that makes it a gamble.


    Absorb, however, needs two slight changes, and the obvious aggro mechanic. Have two radii, a small one that surrounds Nyx that absorbs the damage as per usual, and a larger effective radius; any enemy inside of it is forced to attack Nyx and then takes damage from the absorbed amount.

  4. The only things that need to be changed with Nyx Psychic bolts and Chaos, and in very minor ways:

    Psychic Bolts should hover over Nyx when cast (i.e. Homing Soulmass from Dark Souls) instead of immediatly flying forward, and seek targets when she aims at them, like normal. This eliminates any bolts from flying straight into the ground, as they sometimes do.

    Chaos needs to have to radii: a small one that aggros all nearby enemies to attack, and a second one that returns all damage absorbed to each enemy in a larger radius.

    That's how you fix Nyx.

  5. Seems like he'd only be good at defense, and nothing else.

    Usually frames have at least one offensive ability to quickly and efficiently dispatch enemies, but with only barrier-like mechanics, and a directional stealth, I can only imagine him being a one-trick pony.

  6. I don't see the point of most of these abilities.

    Warp is like a watered-down Teleport with possible negative consequences since you don't exactly know who you'll be warping to.

    Grapple, like other suggested flight mechanics, wouldn't be useful since warframes have innately high mobility. Besides, new tilesets would have to be made to accomodate this ability since there doesn't seem to be an abundance of high ledges and vantage point from which you could grapple.

    Richocet would be an easy-mode "kill everything" button. Grab a Gorgon, hit 3, shoot the walls and stand back. The increased damage just makes it even more absurd.

    And I don't think you understand how high 200% crit chance PLUS 300% crit damage would be.


    In short, I don't think this kit would work for a "sniper" warframe. I don't think a sniper warframe should even exist; the combat style would stifle the naturally fast-paced gameplay.

  7. "Realism" isn't exactly a good argurment, since we're wall-running space ninjas in the future. There isn't much realism to draw from.

    Anyway, the way the power/mods system works allows a large amount of flexibility in how you build your warframe.

    Also, due to the minimum mod slots of each power, you do already (soft) unlock them at certain levels.

  8. It really could be used either as Mind Control or as a stun + high priority marker.

    I use it on heavy units, and if the team wasn't already shooting it, the glowing outline does help. If they don't, then great! Let Mind Control play out and have the unit die to its former allies.

    Your suggestion of making it more noticable would only draw more attention and fire from your friendlies.

    The only way to avoid that outcome is to make the MC'd unit ignore damage from your teammates, but let's not make that change.

  9. Except, late game, that answer will always be "No." Enemies have ludicrous DPS, tearing you to shreds in seconds unless overmodded for tanking, and have similarly high HP, making even elemental bonus Ultimate attacks ineffective. (If it can't one shot the crowd you just stood in front of to use it, excepting heavies, you are dead.)

    Then don't cast your ult. Save the energy.

    In the case of Banshee, use it on sonar instead.

  10. Such skills should be viewed as high risk, high reward situations, not crutches.

    In which case, the problem falls to the player's decision-making skills. Ask yourself this when in such a situation: "Will the damage I take while casting X outweigh the damage X puts out?"

    If yes, don't cast X.

    If no, cast X.

  11. My biggest hangup with Tesla is the unlimited amount you can have deployed.

    There's no maximum amount, and the only real inhibitor is Vauban's energy pool and the 40 second timer on each.


    It makes defense missions too damn easy, and I don't even have a Vauban.

    As for Vortex (I made a thread about this on General Bugs, but I'll repeat myself to bring it to peoples' attention): using Rhino Charge or Slash Dash within Vortex's pull range -- regardless of direction -- can stop the animation short and waste energy.

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