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Posts posted by Cellidor

  1. On 3/24/2017 at 7:06 PM, Rubastax said:

    "A fully awakened Tenno can never be killed permanently - as proven in the War Within, during the Golden Maw section."

    The Golden Maw section didn't happen in the physical world, it happened within the Operator's mind. That's why when you complete it, you end up back where you were beforehand. That's why Ordis has no idea what you're talking about when it comes to "The Music" that he supposedly played. The entire section where you re-learn your powers is all the queen trying to take over your mind, hence why you hear her voice all throughout.

  2. Just two small ideas here I've got.

    1. While selecting and altering the colour of your Warframe, it'd be nice to be able to spin and turn them around, so you can get a better idea of what they'll look like from the side and back without having to leave the colour selection menu.

    2. While in the main solar system screen, I think it would add to the game to be able to freely rotate the camera around the solar system, get a view of things from different angles. Not a major change, but it'd add a nice touch.

  3. Hello all, Cellidor here.

    I just got into playing Warframe recently, and I'm loving how the game runs so far!

    I look forward to doing what I can to help improve the game and make it the best it can be.

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