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Posts posted by (XBOX)DynamicDiode

  1. I believe that this warframe might be nerved if actually born... beside that point 


    1. Rampart summoner might actually make Void very easy, in PVP this is actually highly annoying since Chroma actually exists as a 2 in 1 warframe as well. Id probably make this  a skill that transforms the player into a rampart. some Loki/Rhino action lol.


    2. Barricade seems like a great idea another kind of Electric Shield seems legit enough to me however, this might be difficult for spawning and lag. Great skill as a defensive warframe. id elaborate on how this is used though in infested missions where enemies are swarming you. Can you multiply this? Does it have a cooldown time? 


    3.Turret might be a graphical waste. However, to each his own. Its more showy in my opinion than practical since Mesa has a skill that makes guns especially pistols very dangerous. If turret were a skill to the point you envisioned it simply needs to be a buff where ammo 9 doesn't matter what weapon)  is set to infinite for a set period of time and has a long cool down . This i believe embodies the vision of a Turret 


    4.Protoshield = Supremely overpowered due to the fact that this is basically Electric Shield + Limbo in addition its going to be hard to use in practice not necessarily theory. This i can see being used in mobile defense and survival and probably interception. However the best part about this skill is that it follows the player which has not been seen yet. 


    Again this is only my opinion i could be totally wrong about what i have said however, it looks like a very tanky warframe 

  2. Welcome to a game that is better than Destiny by miles. I remember the first time i joined this game never knew what to do had someone just invite me on a mission at random joined the Harbingers Alliance never turned back. I play this game along with Pokémon the most. 



    Download the app for alerts 

    Download the app for your console so you can message your friends when they are on

    Spend a few plat on warframe slots

    Use Warfare WIKI 

    Actually play the story missions otherwise you will become bored just fulfilling missions for the planets 

    This game is built for playing with friends unlike Destiny so its is encouraged to make friends and talk to people on your headset 

    NO question  and NO planet is stupid, WIKI changes periodically so def ask questions 

    Stay away from the hell that is the trading region unless you desperately need parts and if you do READ the current pricing on parts do not let people fool you with pricing 

    Don't be discouraged if the random drops are not to your liking , sell sell sell and upgrade mods to your best 


    Lastly HaveFun because this game is fun ! 

  3. The first sentence after Dear All was wrong in all forms. I can use Volt perfectly without having problems. Just mod him right and its A-OK!


    My Build is Basic... Its Energy Siphon, Redirection and vitality (cause you need atleast Redirection, but why not both), Quick Rest and Rush (cause why not have some speed and stamina), Fleeting Expertice and steamline for max efficiency (minus duration), intensify and Transient Fortitude for power (minus duration.. again)


    This build RIGHT HERE can take down any horde of Moas without problem. Shock spam without even thinking of running out of energy.

    While not being able to run more than 1-2 second with Speed, you will still get around 6 seconds of Electric Shield, in case of something bad or you need that extra damage done right there and then, with low cost too!


    Last.. You can spam overload. Nuff said.


    So... I suggest you write something else than "I know everyone has played Volt and had trouble with him..." cause I call bullS#&$. While Excalibur Prime, Loki And Volt were my first frames, Volt was probably the best frame I had. And to this day, he is still there, being used to F up even infested. If you can play with LOKI without abilities and stamina mods (goes for RUSH too) you can play with any frame. I rest my case.. The Defendant (Volt) wins the case.

    #1 ....im not sure what you mean by formatting error, a letter starts with a  salutation :) 

    #2 your build is great for your kind of gameplay , i need heavy duration because of who i play with , i use mogamu's build basically and Calypso's

    #3  that might not be true if you are being energy siphoned by infested, hence why id like to see an augment in the warframe not a  rework of this favored glass cannon

    #4 this isn't a court case haha. Many people carry my sentiment as well as have a volt that they care to play more of  in varying missions ; which is why person such as myself care about posting something about the beloved warframe. 


    Lastly, your cursing gets in the way of making sentences connect together. the last paragraph has two ideas in it which aren't connected by a main theme. First sentence you criticize my wording of a sentiment ...then curse, then you go into the war frames you first had and which was the best for you...the you curse and assume that i have played Loki , assumptions make an &#! out of you and me. So please leave the assumptions at home :) 

  4. Volt needs an augment that collects enemies together when he uses Shock so that Shock and Overload can do more AOE damage to them.  


    On-topic, use max efficiency always, and add duration for 2 and 3 or power/range for 1 and 4 as needed.  Just Redirection should be fine for defense but Vigor could also help out.  Warframes' armor is mostly irrelevant for all frames that have it less than 150, btw.  

     i agree with this ty. But i really doubt that they (DE's ) will give Volt anything remotely near 100 haha . 

  5. How is any of that wall an 'augmentation'? You must not understand the meaning of 'glass cannon', so here: deals a lot of damage, but can't take much. If you're having problems with shock and overload, your connection is probably the issue, both powers are do an immense amount of damage, overload especially around electronics.


    See armor from 15-30 and punch through  ^-^ thats augmentation of the characters stat and ability 

  6. Dear all ,


    i know everyone has played volt and has trouble using him so I'm recommending an augmentation to him. Im not going to be unrealistic as to posit some OP Buffing of his skills or whatever but what i will do is breakdown his gameplay mechanic and something that can and should be implemented into a quality build of the game further down the road. 


    So Volt as mogamu pointed out is super versatile and able to handle many rounds of different kind of events however, his best uses are in Capture, Interceptions, Spy and sometimes Rescue missions( stun). He is basically a Corpus and sometimes corrupted lancer nightmare. 


    However, once we run into things like Moa's of the higher levels and grineer bosses or high level enemies  with their fire spray it kind of goes downhill pretty quickly. 


    So as far as my build ive used MAXED : Constitution, Fortitude ( knockdown) purposes, Redirection,Vitality, Continuity ( regular), Streamline, Energy Siphon/Steel Charge (aura), Stretch,Flow/Narrowminded . Intensify 


    Weapons: Dakra Prime w/Crimson Dervish /Bo Prime Clashing Forest , Latron Prime 4 forma/Boltor Prime 4 forma/Hek forma'd as well, angstrum forma'd, hikou prime forma'd, AMPREX w/electric shield reeks havoc too 


    But once we hit the t4's that 15 armor is useless, even in grineer assassination missions i find once i get slightly hit with fire, its an instant knockdown and i get sprayed like no tomorrow. In addition corpus moa's are able to crack through a shield like butter so it would be helpful if armor increased a bit.


    i say an increase from 15-30 is fair enough at least for the iteration of the next build or "priming" of volt. ( which should have a hammer btw ^_^)  


    My second qualm about Volt is the inconsistency of shock and overload. Sometimes it takes about 2 seconds for the ability to actually track to enemies. I know that some have resistance with heavy armor however, i feel that if shock and overload are the most spammed skills in late game or even during defense in the void it should really be able to track the enemy within a single cast ( not multiple) because this burns energy unless you're energy siphoning in a team. Shock is really good in the lower tiers but some strength should be added to this in his prime version to actually make it viable late game because i find myself using speed usually to run do slide attack in order to clear through the room. 


    In addition i would find it useful that overload tracked a bit better as well just because it does heavily rely on clustering enemies and the environment. So i would suggest a punch through of some sort ( if there is I'm mistaken) however, id suggest a 20% chance to punch through would be really generous so the enemies that tend to hide behind small cover can still be hit even with 10% of the damage. 



    That is all. I just really want to see a Volt Prime, its time he got some attention as well as Ash since Loki got some love early on. Please leave comments below. Thanks! 



  7. HIGH crit primaries and a secondary like the nukor (bc volts shield gives unlimited range)

    Id go with :

    either Dread/Amprex

    Nukor/ embolist

    Dual ichors

    My orokin reacted volt runs amprex and patron prime and dread then it runs Thysis, nukor is cool but to each his own and dual ichors and dragon nikana .  all in all it depends on what rank you are, what you prefer to use and your play style if you're in an infested mission nucor isn't going to help much nor the dual echoers however, they smash everything else. Amperex is great overall if you spam thing s like electric shield and shock the crib goes through the roof. Nucor is the highest crit for side arms so mos def but i just prefer high status chance and dont like the charge on nukor. 


    If you prefer to use heavy weapons for melee go with something like gallatine and add add something that does extra electricity damage plus freeze damage it more or less guarantees stun or slow. The other choice is scindo or scindo prime. 


    As for rifles i use the latron prime because it was easier to get and forma for me, what people do not tell you is that you need to forma Amprex at least 4 times to make it OP. Formas can be picked up easily on defense missions ( blue print at least) or if you want to buy it, its 20 plat. If you're doing speed missions like capture or interception dread will be a waste of time as it is a bow but it is super useful in most situations. 


    id read Mogamu's guide on volt so you see how it plays and head on the wiki for weapons you aren't sure about. Sure it'll be hard to check the conclave rating on your warframe from this at first but you'll get used to it. 


    id make sure to have something like knockdown resistance because if you're in defense being knocked down by anything can be annoying .


    As far as modding goes  for sure : constitution,vigor, energy siphon  (aura) , stamina or shield recharge then whatever else. 

  8. - Is it possible to add a visual indicator that a mod is used on the active sentinel/sentinel weapon?

    - Will the login rewards get a revamp? Getting tired of getting Common rewards after 7 days, or getting Dual Zoren or Vauban blueprint over and over again.

     I'll take you dual zoren off your hands haha 

  9. Q1: Wil althere be a Volt Prime warframe and or blue print?  I.e. Can it be like Nikana where you need to have a volt in order to make Volt Prime


    Q2: Is there an easier way to consolidate mods  in order to save space on a warframe and weapon? i.e. lowering overall drain  no matter the mod 


    Q3: Will there be more additions of weapons for the dual series?  I really love the Akmagnus and AkStilleto but anything else pretty much sucks Dual Ether and Dual Ichor are great but what about something like a side wep for Nikana 


    Q4: Will you add secret attachments which have to be crafted? I love the idea of the Edo attachments but it would be really cool if volt had a raiden secret attachment set which can ONLY be crafted using non-decayed but only 1 time use resources.  Or Frost has something like Sub-Zero like Cryomask and gloves , spaulders, and boots. 


    Q5: What will be in the next update aside from bug and glitch fixes to animations and the jumping mechanic? 

  10. I think it has to be a mixture of your play style and grabbing empty mods.  I  know for certain that i grab up tailwind  and rhino stomp a lot unranked (despite being a Volt)  and mixing and matching them per warfare configuration is your best bet. Like i know that  config A would have all my maxed out things when i load out then my Config B would have some unranked things like an unranked shock  and unranked speed. However, these are rare to find. People have them though hand it might be best for you to trade or look in your clan for people who have unranked mods . 

  11. Hey bud, I will send you an invite in the morning and then introduce you to people when we're both online :)

     Hey i was on this morning so we didn't have time to chat but i made a Latron  , Nyx Prime Helmet , a few orokin derelict keys  and two void keys. I have done two assassination missions today.  I leveled the Latron up to level 7 and maxed out my Amphis. Im not sure how i can make it stronger. I killed Vor again so i got the blue prints for Cronus and Seer. I also have blue prints for oberon chassis, systems, rhino helmet, systems ,double ether and skana. So if anyone needs these things to be made I'm totally down to make them.  


    i am a heavy farmer i just need people to run missions with me on earth for interception so i can finish that up and get to the boss and start with Mars missions and Jupiter. 


    I am looking primarily for a Latron prime blueprint, Dragon Nikana blueprint, nyx prime blue print ,nyx prime systems bp, nyx prime chassis bp  and anything for loki prime bps 

  12. Welcome to Harbingers recruitment thread.


    If your looking for a clan I first have to ask if your 16+ and have a headset? If your answers to this are yes then you are eligible to join this great community!



    Harbingers believes in having quality members over quantity so while we only have 40+ members each of them is personally welcomed and introduced to the members to play with. Our leaders will take the time to do some games with you while our other clan mates are in game to give you all the opportunity to relax, get to know each other and make some new friends!


    While many clans just want you within their ranks to have you as a number and to see what you can do for them, we are far more interested in building a sense of community so that if your new player or a veteran you will be able to meet players to play both this and any other games with at virtually any time as we have members from all over the world!



    We have very few rules, asking only that you refrain from racism, sexism or any form of discrimination.



    Our clan has 95% of all research done which is FAR more than most clans with 10 times our numbers have and you can become as involved with clan management as you want - meaning that if you just want to play then you can but if you want to be a leader then with a little time and patience that can happen too!!



    Finally we are also in the largest Alliance of clans in Warframe which means that we have our own (Alliance) solar rails and we usually have FAR more members online in Alliance chat if your looking to sell something or if your looking for a game on one of the few times that we don't have members online.



    If you have any questions or would like a clan invite please feel free to mail me (NSA Hanoth) over Xbox Live.


    I hope to hear from you soon!



    Hi I'm on Xb1 and i would like to Join the Clan, i play M,W,Thu,Sat,Sun once I'm not doing exams. I am  Grad student and as such i try to run some games in the mornings then late at night. I prefer to play in a 3-4 person team and i prefer to run in the void, mobile defense, defense, survival,and exterminate.  If i have to run interceptions please cover me as i am a new player and am between my volt and nyx prime ( building it as we speak) . 


    Pleasure to meet you. 

  13. Exalibur is not squishy, its well known that having him modded with something like Fast Deflection and Redirection and vitality make him "non-squishy" He is average nonetheless but persons still use him to tank for grineer missions. 

  14. Thank you so much everyone, i plan on getting Soma when i have enough credits and rank high enough but, for  right now i have a Latron and will build a Latron Prime once i get the chance. 


    I have Akmagnus because mine impacts heavily and i will take the advice of the person who said who said to get AkStilletos i dont really like viper that much from reading the wikia. 


    As for melee weapon I'm still in the air as my Amphis is  rank 28 and i haven't used my Skana that i made yet. I am not sure how i would get to the dragon nikana . Any advice? 

  15. Volt rank 25 master rank 1  

    Primary Weapon: Latron,Paris,Cernos   Goal : Latron Prime/Soma  

    Secondary Weapon: Akmagnus  Goal: Dex Furis  

    Melee: Amphis  Goal: Dragon Nikana  


    Abilities : Speed, Electric Shield , Shock  


    Playstyle : Run Speed with Amphis / Dragon Nikana  & Shock ( Offense)  

                       Run Speed with Akmagnus/Latron  with Electirc Shield SPAM ( Defense)  

                       Run Speed to  area with high concentration of fire with High Stamina Mod  Amphis  and Overload( Defense)  


    Overall goal : HIgh Crit, High AOE , Stun and Tanky  



    Help with advise please !


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