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Posts posted by NethLX2

  1. I wouldn't stop at just the hit-cross around the crosshair, I wish the HUD was customizable as a whole. Have all the displayed functions modular so you can (re)move, resize and recolour them by your desires. The way it is set up is great for immersion untill you actually want information feedback.

    The Crosshair as a whole features things that seem pointless at least to me.

    Somebody tell me what the function is of the two quarter circles.

    I'd rather have them gone or resized and representing my health and shield for more functionality (read survivability :p)

    Or useless four dots that "represent" skill availability except the colours are so obscure I can't tell the difference.

    I'd much rather see my numeric energy value displayed alongside the four dots with them resized and with different colour schemes.

    I would also prefer the debuffs around my crosshair or anywhere more in my view rather than the top of my screen.

    My two cents

  2. Same thing, finished the mission, the inbox pops-up as soon as I return to my ship and the UI becomes unresponsive. So I'm stuck with an unintentionaly activated booster that runs out on saturday... thanks for nothing.

  3. The only way to balance the pvp frame vs frame would be to have them balanced separately from pve and take personal modding out of the equation.

    Also the way the ticket system is set up too strongly favors defenders. Add to that the spectres and turrets.

    I believe having set stat increases for the warframe and weapons you pick is the only way to even attempt balancing.


    Either that or have a separate pvp loadout with pvp rebalanced mods if you're deadset on keeping the personalization intact.

  4. But the market is only platinum orientated, because the players make it so.
    If the price drops, a percentage of people will stop selling, thus lowering the supply and stabilizing the price.
    It seems to me people are giving too much weight to a feature that was added for convenience rather than actual impact.

  5. I don't get why this is an issue to begin with.
    The natural diminishing prices just mean it makes rare mods that much more accessible for people who might not have the time/ willpower to go grind for them.
    Not to mention it makes the economy, as it is now is more accessible for the smaller wallets.
    Making content more accessible is wrong now?
    Getting things cheap is bad?
    Also the OP assumes you have to trade mods for platinum...I can't speak for everybody, but I've traded plenty of mods for other mods.
    To add to that a "soulbinding" system would make it a lot more annoying to help clanmates/ friends as people have pointed out.

    Lastly I see what is supposed to be the "problem" from the OP eg: Prices dropping
    But I fail to see exactly WHY it is a problem to begin with...

  6. I actually love the way Bladestorm works! It's so much fun when you make enemies glitch out on defense and effectively can't continue. Or when you start floating through the sky unable to do anything but walk around.... Good times, good times.


    On a more serious note, I think a self-buff idea would benefit the Frame's actual gameplay aswell as undo some bugs that go with the teleporting-stab Uber.

  7. Is that confirmed for all of the dashingesque skills then? Because it really does feel like the dash range got increased for me and I equiped it after having used the Dash maxed out.

  8. I think if you want to go with "Samurai" it would be more fitting to call them Space Ronins. But I think Ninja is still more accurate of a comparison to the Tenno.

  9. For Excaliber the range increase is good for Radial Javalin and Radial Blind. It doesnt seem to affect the jump. For the Dash it's really up to personal prefference. Hitting more enemies is nice, but it puts you away further from your group. I feel range on Dash makes it a little less forgiving in use.

  10. So basically how does the number for the accuracy statistic translate into the actual mechanic for "hitting where you aim your gun"?

    I see "100" values thrown on various weapons, assuming these are very accurate, but the weapons themselves aren't actually all that accurate.

    It just strikes me as odd when a LEX is pin-point on the mark with 100 ACC, but for some reason a Gorgon, Sicarus and Burston are supposed to be as accurate.

    While true for the LEX trying this out for the other 3 mentioned guns the first shot isn't even close to pin-point accuracy.

    So are the values given currently wrong and in the process of being corrected (which I'm kind of assuming) or is there something I'm missing here?

  11. You should just pick a gun that compliments your playstyle.

    The natural effective range and unique abilities for weapons should be your prime concerns in choosing a gun. Anything else is just modding.

    As long as you don't pick a MK-1 Braton you should be fine with anything you pick.

    Although for the shotguns you should just pick a HEK and learn how to "handle the small mag size" (read: don't miss).

    To hop on the e-peen-bandwagon, my burston one-bursts everything that isn't a heavy mob or boss. Granted I need to land one headshot, but it's a 3-shot burst, how hard could it be to land one headshot...

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