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Posts posted by Badchaff

  1. Hi there,

    Adding to this thread. I've been trying to do some Phobos run to finish off the Mitter for Mastery Rank. Was worried I was going to run into RNG problems with drops, but now I've got something else in the way. XD

    As mentioned above, the hit box for the backpack is currently bugged.


    It seems that there may be two issues at hand.


    1. The invulnerable areas of Lieutenant Lech Kril seem to overlap over the weak spot's hit box (shooting at the weak spot without punch through does not register a hit, but hitting with a weapon with punch through does hit and trigger the pipes to blow off)

    2. The hit box for the weak spot/backpack is not located where it should be (stray shots with punch through aim at other parts of Kril that are not directly where the hit box should be for the weak spot have triggered the the pipes to blow)


    Additionally, Kril seems to have some periodic (non-consistent) habits of partial awareness of invisible targets. By this I mean when using forms of invisibility such as Loki, Kril's character model will follow player movements to ensure he is always facing towards the player. This movement was directly linked to player movement as he would immediately move opposite to the player to maintain his back away. However he will not run at or shoot at the invisible target.

    The hit box issues seems most prevalent as a quick look on Steam Warframe discussion boards and the Lieutenant Lech Kril wiki page has many players describing issues of the same nature when fighting Lieutenant Lech Kril on both Phobos and Ceres.

    And in case anyone comes here hoping for a fix, currently the only user based solution to this problem is, as pointed out above, to use AOE damage such as the Tonkor.

    Hopefully this gets fixed soon as I'm sure many people are running into this frustrating problem!|


  2. Hi there,

    I've recently noticed a trend with quite a number of my alerts where the mission type on the alert changes upon loading the game.

    At first I thought this was the case where Lotus would change the mission type during the mission, but this seems unlikely as the mission initially loads the incorrect mission before a "change of plan/mission" message from the Lotus is displayed.

    This post in specific is related to the recent Mars Nightmare Alert on Spear for Accelerated Blast where it was listed as a Deception mission. However upon loading, instead of the usual Deception Mission message the Lotus gives it gave an Assassination mission message instead.

    In the end after reaching the target location, it appears as though it had loaded "The Sergeant" assassination mission (due to the arena layout). However the assassination target would not spawn and therefore the mission was uncompletable.

    For reference, the previous missions that bugged out were also deception missions as well that had turned into Mobile Defence runs. This is the first time it has bugged to an assassination mission.

    Let me know if there is any other information I can provide to assist in rectifying this bug.




  3. Hi there,

    Also adding to this. Had this happen to me and a fellow clan mate who had also spawned out of bound/in a wall.

    There is no way to re-enter the map other than jumping off into the abyss. 

    The temporary fix so far is using the /unstuck command, but I have ran into other where the /unstuck command has simply placed them somewhere else that is inaccessible. 

  4. Hi there,

    I've been having a very consistent problem ever since Update 16 (possibly longer, but I cannot recall as the crashes were much less frequent before).

    In a nutshell, the problem is that the Bug/Crash Reported that pops up after the Client crashes or the Unstuck command is used always fails to connect to the error report server.

    Weirdly enough before the last screen, there is a confirmation screen the report has been submitted. But after clicking on next the screen afterwards consistently displays "Connection Fail".

    At first I assume the bug report has been submitted due to the submission confirmation screen, and the final screen is displayed - however the consistently of this occurring (every time) and the fact often I encounter the same bugs lead to me to suspect the crash reporter to is failing. 

    Let me know if any other details can be provided for more clarity. 


  5. Hey there,

    Just adding to this thread.

    I've had this happen on multiple tilsets, with the most recent one on a Grinner tileset on Uranus. 

    It's a pretty annoying bug especially while playing solo since when you get hit by something while on the elevator and flung up, you will get stuck in the ceiling without even the sweet release of death to comfort you. :(

  6. Hi there,

    Also chiming in to confirm this. Spent about 15 - 20 minutes stuck on the Esprit Vauban Alert. As above, it was meant to be a Mobile Defence per the alert. The mission was an interception mission instead. Initially the mission played as normal, but was impossible to finish at the end as it needed us to kill all the unending waves of enemies. 

    Tried to do a few work arounds to fix the issues including a host mitigation, but nothing worked and noticed some people got stuck in a cycle of coming back into the mission again into the same situation despite the mission objective being completed. So the only option was to leave without the reward. :(

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