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Posts posted by Rahetalius

  1. I'm not here to start another "vote with your wallet" argument here. Just hear me out for a bit.

    For starters, it's a well known fact that since Nyx Prime Access ended, the community (for the most part) has been crazy about the return of Targis Prime. And who wouldn't be? It's hands down one of the sexiest looking cosmetic armor sets in the game. The community craze over a single cosmetic is noteworthy. It's an important detail here that I'll get back to later.

    When Frost Prime was un-Vaulted, a lot of people were overjoyed for the chance to get him and avoid the middle man that is Trade chat. However, the biggest problem was that the only way to get the Misa Prime syandana was by forking over $60 to repurchase Frost Prime and his weapons, with a bit of Plat and a Prime Extractor thrown in for good measure. 

    The devs took note of the criticism about the Vault Pack, with [DE]Drew stating that they'd be listening to feedback for "next time".

    Allow me to reiterate what [DE]Drew has stated.

    "We can't make any changes to this pack (it had to be organised well in advance), but we're listening to feedback for next time. If changes make sense, we'll make them."



    Judging by how DE has done the EXACT same thing with Mag's Vault Pack, it's almost clear that no planning of any kind was made. It seems kind of a joke to think that in the 

    6 MONTHS they had to make another Pack for the next Prime Vault un-sealing, they basically said, "Meh, people will buy Targis Prime for $60."


    DE knows that we want Targis Prime, and they could EASILY make a killing by putting up an alternate choice for $20 to $30; such as Targis Prime along with a small amount of Plat and Boosters, kind of like a cheaper version of the Prime Access accessories pack. What makes no sense is that they're basically using the Targis Prime cosmetics to push through an overpriced pack that comes with outclassed weapons and Mag Prime. Even with Targis Prime thrown in, that IS NOT worth $60.



    DE literally had 6 months to make a new Vault Pack and instead chose to do the exact same thing.

  2. 4 hours ago, kkinnison said:

    His passive is a joke.  Rather switch out his 1 for something like a Sentry gun that can scale each time you cast it.  and this tesla replace Bounce.

    I found more use out of Tripwire against infested.

    I'll agree with you on the passive being bad, but not the sentry gun. I get that a LOT of people want Vauban to have a turret of some sorts, but the thing is that Tesla has the potential to BE a turret; it's just really really really weak, (which is why I stress so much that it be buffed; so it can have SOME utility in higher levels if not more damage). Bounce definitely has to be killed off much like Super Jump, with that leaving an extra spot open for a new ability. I'd honestly opt for some sort of grenade that buffs nearby allies, but almost anything will do.

  3. 4 hours ago, (XB1)Rey Za BurreI said:

    Vauban needs a turret or hack ability, seriously.

    I would call Tesla a 'turret', but it's so weak that it doesn't do anything useful outside of low levels. 

    Hacking on the other hand, might be a niche ability to use (judging by the small component of the game that is hacking), unless it's made as an ability that can convert enemy robotics to allies.

  4. Let me clarify that I'm not saying "OMG the Vauban changes are terrible". I'm saying that they could have done something better with him. 


    Point #1: Vauban's passive

    For starters, the Armor passive. While I'm not a fan of it by any means whatsoever, I can live with it. Considering how squishy Vauban is, I'm honestly surprised they didn't give him some type of "Gain X% damage reduction when your health is at X amount", or at least a weaker Quick Thinking as a passive. Given his beefy appearance and engineer theme, I assumed DE would give Vauban a passive that would either increase the effectiveness of his powers when a certain requirement is met, or a passive that would make him harder to kill when he gets low on health. Instead, we got 25% bonus Armor for each nearby Warframe. To me, this passive fails on two levels.

    -For one, it puts solo players at a disadvantage. I have no problem going on Public matchmaking when the situation calls for it, but why should I lose out on a passive simply because I prefer playing alone? 

    -Secondly, the bonus Armor given is low. For example, if you're playing regular Vauban with 3 other people, you'd have about 87.5 total Armor, which is right around the 20-25% range of damage reduction. This might sound nice because "more Armor is always great", but the reality is that not only does the passive force you to stick near your allies, (which is a death sentence if Bombards, Bursas, or Infested Moas are around) but the tiny bonus Armor you get is meaningless in the endgame. Vauban's a great CC frame because his Bastille, Vortex, and Minelayer ignore enemy level. It doesn't matter if you're on Earth or in Sortie #3, if you throw down a Bastille into a crowd, they're ALL going to be suspended. However, while Vauban's abilities don't have a problem with enemy levels, his passive DOES. Bonus Armor doesn't mean a thing if you're up against level 100+ enemies that can 1-shot you, regardless of your bonus Armor.


    Point #2: The uselessness of Tesla

    Then there's Tesla. I understand that first abilities aren't supposed to be strong at all points of the game, but that's why they offer some utility. Volt's Shock may not do much damage, but it's a guaranteed stun that CHAINS off enemies. Frost's Freeze can also be quite weak in the endgame, but it can be applied onto surfaces with a single cast, allowing for multiple enemies to be slowed at once should they run over it. Even Hydroid's Tempest Barrage can be used to keep enemies pinned down, despite having absurdly low damage. The reason why Tesla is so unusable outside of level 10 is not because the damage is low, it's because the proc chance is NOT 100% like Volt's Shock, (which doesn't make any sense considering Tesla is also an electrical shock) meaning that you're forced to spam Teslas in an area to get the most out of them. That's not how first abilities should work. Moreover, Tesla was untouched in the touch-up to Vauban, confusing me even more. Does DE not realize that quite literally 85% of Vauban players if not all don't use Tesla in the Void, Sorties, or anywhere that isn't Earth?


    Point #3: The mixed Minelayer bag

    Minelayer's weird. I like it and I don't like it at the same time. When DE announced they were giving an Ivara-like mechanic to Vauban, I was thrilled to say the least. When they revealed Minelayer in Devstream 74, I wasn't sure what to think. 

    -Bounce was kept, which I know satisfied those who DO use Bounce. I don't like Bounce, but I don't hate it either, so I just leave it alone for the most part, much like I did before Minelayer was added.

    -Trip Laser. Let that sink in. Trip Laser is basically only viable against enemies that run and only run to attack you (basically Infested and to a smaller extent, melee Grineer and Corpus enemies), meaning that you're limited to ONE faction to use Trip Laser. Trip Laser only has a knockdown and a stagger to offer, having 0 damage on its own. Honestly I just see Trip Laser as some frivolous gimmick put in 'for the lolz'. Trip Laser DOES have some merit when put on doorways, since it stops enemies momentarily. Because Vauban is primarily a DEFENSIVE Warframe, Trip Laser's only useful against Infested, particularly on Defense, Mobile Defense, etc. In game modes like those, the objective is to keep enemies away from a certain location or it's game over. The thing is, if the point is to keep enemies out of your hair, a Repelling Bastille is better than Trip Laser hands down, and Repelling Bastille has been a staple in anti-Infested Vauban builds since its creation. 

    -Shred could have been great, but the base Armor removal duration and ragdoll ruins it. While having an ability that temporarily removes enemy Armor is great, that ability is immediately counterproductive if it RAGDOLLS all the debuffed enemies everywhere. Even if you have the aim and quick reflexes of a god, you still have less than 6 seconds to make use of the Armor shred duration. I feel Shred could be a LOT more useful if the ragdoll were removed, but the base Armor shred and Armor shred duration be increased in order to compensate.

    -Concuss is great. It's without a doubt the best Minelayer ability we got.


    To summarize, I'm a little bit disappointed at what we got from Vauban's Minelayer, his passive, and the ignoration of Tesla. I hope I'm not the only one who feels this way.

    Sincerely, a slightly disgruntled Vauban main.

  5. For the most part, I quite enjoy the Vauban changes. However, it is not without its flaws.

    -In my eyes, Trip Laser is only useful against Infested much like how Bounce is only useful against Corpus. Outside of that region, it's just a meh usage of space for what could have been another ability.

    -Repelling Bastille still doesn't work properly; there are occasions when enemies just waltz right through without being repulsed.

    -Tesla wasn't touched at all. Why, exactly? I get that first abilities aren't meant to be 100% powerful in the endgame, but why hasn't Tesla at least had its proc chance buffed? Volt's Shock has a 100% proc chance and it can chain, stunning whatever is unlucky enough to be nearby. Oberon's Smite has a 100% knockdown AND Radiation proc chance to the first target hit, and then the homing orbs that appear after have a chance to also apply Radiation. Frost's Freeze has a 100% proc chance and can be applied to surfaces to slow down oncoming crowds of enemies. While Vauban's Tesla DOES deal more damage over its entire lifespan than any of the previously mentioned abilities do, it deals it in intervals of 150, meaning good luck being even remotely useful against enemies that are higher than level 20, combining that with a proc chance that's negligible.

    -There are some times when Vortex doesn't properly pull enemies in its radius.


  6. I feel that the reason they're giving Vauban an 'additional Armor for each nearby ally' passive is because Vauban Prime might have significantly higher Armor compared to the base version, much like Ash Prime and Volt Prime.

    With that in mind, a tanking playstyle might be viable for Vauban Prime, which intrigues me to say the least.

  7. This is NOT mine; this was created by Luxrae on the Warframe subreddit.



    "Why are you doing this?"

    "They laughed at the both of us. Called us unpredictable, impossible; chaotic even. I'm doing this for the future, to give anyone who can find him a chance. Our only hope is for someone to unearth this place and claim the contents within. Months, years, decades, however long it takes."

    "But where are they now?"

    "Dead. This blasted virus is spreading faster than anyone imagined. I can't say I feel terrible for seeing them be the first to go."

    "How long will he stay here?"

    "Child, you are a curious one, aren't you? He will remain here until someone worthy can find him. Take him. Use him. Understand him."

    "But what's so special about him?"

    "He's special because of who he is. He represents the pinnacle of our finest workmen. He's by far the most technologically sophisticated one ever developed."

    "But why?"

    "Because when ramparts begin to crumble and even the safest bastion is claimed by the Great Plague, he will reign supreme."

  8. I honestly don't know if I like or hate this.

    On one hand, since they're basically the combination of a Corrupted Mod and an Augment but for a Warframe, that piques my interest.

    On the other hand, they make Prime Warframes a lot better than their original counterparts, which are already in a bad spot due to being Mastery Rank fodder.

  9. 23 minutes ago, Major_Phantom said:

    Vauban - Outdated ability(bounce pad). Requires an Excalibur-level of a rework.



    IMO, Vauban doesn't require changes as drastic as Excalibur's rework.

    -Tesla needs a higher proc chance. Maybe 50% will be enough for it, maybe not. 

    -Bounce needs to be outright replaced/removed, as Parkour 2.0 makes it a waste of an ability.

    Bastille and Vortex are fine.

  10. With the 'next Prime discussion' thread blowing up,

    I felt I could throw out my 2 cents to remind all of you guys about things related to the 'next Prime'. Here are some things I see that I'd like to clear up.

    "Banshee is next to be Primed next b/c I like her."

    -For one, simply because you like a frame does not mean that it will be Primed. Secondly, the Priming pattern has ALWAYS been male -> male -> female -> female, and there is no reason to completely ignore the pattern now.


    "Oberon will be Primed soon because he has a Deluxe skin."

    -I can see the logic behind this, but let me remind you of this. Just because a frame has a Deluxe skin does NOT mean it will be Primed.

    Allow me to give you an example. Saryn's Deluxe skin was released back around Update 17, and yet she was Primed just 2 months ago. 


    "Oberon will get a rework soon and a Prime because of his sudden Deluxe skin."

    -Going back to the Saryn example, Saryn wasn't reworked until Devstream 61, which was LAST OCTOBER, not to mention that DE has made no mention of an Oberon rework yet. I'm sorry to all of you Oberon lovers, but just because he's getting a Deluxe does NOT mean he's guaranteed to be Primed. Banshee's Deluxe skin was teased last year, and yet we got Saryn. DELUXE SKINS ARE NOT AND HAVE NEVER BEEN RELATED TO PRIME WARFRAMES. If that were the case, we would have received Rhino's Palatine skin and Loki's Knave skin a LONG time ago.


    "So who will be Primed next, if not Oberon?"

    -I apologize if I was unclear. Oberon STILL has a chance of being Primed within the next few months because of his age, but given that Vauban and Nekros are much older, it's not likely that Oberon will be a Prime soon, unless DE pulls out a rework from nowhere.


    "But what about Nova Prime? Doesn't Nova Prime kind of prove that ANY frame can be Primed at any moment?"

    -Okay, for those who are not aware, Warframes are Primed in the order of male -> male -> female -> female, with the oldest frames having highest priority. Every single Prime frame has followed this rule, with the exception of Nova Prime. Trinity SHOULD have been Primed first since she was the oldest female frame, but Nova was Primed instead. Why?

    Because Nova was a popular Warframe, and because it was nearing the holiday season. Priming a popular frame around Christmas time = EZ MONEY.


    "So is Vauban Prime confirmed?"

    -Not exactly. I personally believe that Vauban will be Primed next, for a few reasons.

    1) Vauban's barely received any attention. The last mention he got was back in Devstream 68, when DE stated that barely-used abilities like Bounce were being looked at.

    2) Vauban's identity. Everyone knows that Vauban is that one frame who is absolutely terrible to obtain without Platinum. Now consider Vauban Prime, who I assume will carry on the principle of being difficult to obtain- because Vauban. It wouldn't make sense for Vauban Prime to be easier to obtain than regular Vauban, because not only would the regular Vauban become Mastery Rank fodder, but the Vauban Prime parts would certainly cause the Trading economy to go out of control, much like Ash Prime when he was released.


    "Okay, I guess I understand, but how are you so certain about all of this?"

    -I apologize if I sound like an arrogant **** by saying this, but I've predicted Trinity Prime (although tbh it was kind of obvious she was next) and Saryn Prime (I predicted her LONG before Saryn Prime was confirmed at the Comic-Con afterparty) on the subreddit. I'm not saying I'm the absolute expert on everything Prime, I'm only saying that what I know is better than that one bloke on Region chat who absolutely swears that Valkyr Prime is next.


    So that's everything off my chest. I hope this was of aid to you and your understanding of Prime Warframes. Thanks for reading, and have an awesome day.





  11. 9 hours ago, (XB1)N3RD Whale said:

    (NOTE: That I will constantly updated this thread when info is released also feel free to give any info you might find helpful tor words the next primed frame and weapons or even companions) 

    I know we just got saran, nikana, and Spira prime but what's next the only possible prime male frame is as follows Oberon, nekros, vuaben, hydroid, and limbo. To be honest I can't see vuaben or limbo becoming primes vuaben is from alerts and limbo is a quest so why would people do the quest if there are prime variants. It would only make sense if there was an extension to make those questions frames primed like a prime BP from a void quest mission *hint* * hint* DE.:satisfied:

    Just because Vauban and Limbo have different acquisition methods doesn't mean that they won't be Primed. That's the same thing as saying "Ash shouldn't have been Primed because he drops from Manic Grineer" or "Nova shouldn't have been Primed because she was designed by the Tenno High Council".

  12. 6 hours ago, Ellthan said:

    Normally the order is vauban, nekros, valkyr, mirage, oberon, hydroid.


    But seeing as nobody uses vauban outside LoR/hieracon and everybody seems to be ghashing over oberon lately and since prime accesses goal is milk as much money as humanly possible my bet is oberon-nekros or nekros-oberon.


    I mean seriously, how many people do you guys actually know that main vauban and would buy vauban prime access compared to nerkos/oberon?



    I main Vauban. I might buy Oberon Prime Access if Oberon gets tweaked a little, but Nekros Prime I absolutely would not buy. Not because Nekros is a bad frame, but because Nekros Prime would be the same "rape your 3 key", but in gold.

  13. 11 minutes ago, (XB1)Koolster 998 said:

    I've been wondering now for a while, when will the prime vaultbe re-opened? Its been a while since frost was available, and I really can't wait for Mag, boar and dakra - I think - to be made temporarily available. When do you guys think it will be? Do you guys think it will be mag? or ember?

    The next Prime to come out of the Vault will be Mag and her respective gear.

    You'll have to wait a bit though, because typically Primes are Vaulted/un-Vaulted before the newest Prime is released.

  14. I really despise seeing Limbo in the poor state he's in. Reminds me of a few days ago, when I was leveling on Draco with some randoms, one of which was leveling Limbo. Another guy in the squad realized this, and never left spawn, simply saying:

    "nope not dealing with limbo or kavats"

    basically making the other 3 of us do all the work.

    I always have a blast doing solo missions with Limbo (he's my 2nd favorite frame, right next to Vauban), but it's a shame to see him so.. weak. Despite the Limbo Theorem portraying the original Limbo as a 'brilliant mathematician who can jump from one dimension to the next', the Limbo we got is really underwhelming. Like Brozime has said in his Limbo review, Limbo doesn't feel like the master of his own plane. If anything, it's a little awkward to use Limbo at times.

    Going back the topic at hand, Limbo really does need to be visited again by DE. Hopefully they'll rework him soon.


  15. 19 hours ago, VampirePirate said:

    We want to know about Typhus and Hennya and if they will ever become warframes in the game.

    Now that we have operators, will they be playable for 'operator' missions that do not involve using warframes?

    Can we have missions that involve traveling inside the data matrix of the computers we hack with our operators?

    What is the next prime?  Banshee or Valkyr?  (Seems like it's going to be Banshee)

    Will you please make Loki's decoy invincible for the duration?

    The Prime order is Male -> Male -> Female -> Female.

    We've already gotten Trinity and Saryn Prime, so the next 2 Primes will be male.

    The top 3 most likely MALE frames that will be Primed are:

    1: Vauban

    2: Nekros

    3: Oberon

    But only 2 can be chosen. Cross your fingers :P

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