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Posts posted by czcbibliothekar

  1. 56 minutes ago, Ryunokage said:

    DE's hinted that the cysts have something to do with an up coming quest line. I imagine they need time for the plague to spread before they start the mission that ties in with it.

    It's not like they had a problem with introducing new stuff that you need to farm before you can do the new quest (or reworked boss or w/e) in the very same update in the past. And while I haven't been the most social player in the past year, only playing PUGs when I had to (mostly for Sorties), not wanting a big pink blob that I might not be able to get rid of again on every single frame makes me avoid other players like the literal plague now. My vanilla Nyx already contracted it, but I re-built her for the Graxx skin anyway (because NyxP doesn't lose all the slapped-on bling when you equip the skin), so there's nothing lost if I push her out of the airlock.

    In my eyes, this was an absolute douchebag move from DE and I doubt that any future development will change my opinion on the topic.

    33 minutes ago, Fylas said:
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    as a class 5 cephalon he's entirely artificial it seems, he has absolutely no morale in any form like human slave mind series 2 cephalons like ordis 


    Or he's the future equivalent of Josef Mengele turned into an AI.

  2. 8 hours ago, Ryunokage said:

    When the alignment system is fully fleshed out, we'll beable to change our alignment through our behavior in game.

    Still, it's an awful idea to only add that part and leave the rest for future updates. That's like forcibly becoming a vampire in Skyrim's Dawnguard and having to buy yet another DLC to get rid of it again.

    At least they could have added that Ordis notices that thing after a day or two and sends us to Simaris, who brews up a concoction that needs plants and some other stuff from all over the solar system but removes the cyst (even if it's just temporary, until someone infects you again).

  3. I just thought, that rather than Infested Salvage, I'd like to play Colony Defense for Nidus' parts. It'd even make more sense to me, helping Mycona or other, similar colonies, and being rewarded with stuff they found.

    Basically, Colony Defense is the first mission of The Glast Gambit, just as endless mission. You have to guard a number of gates to keep the colonists safe. The active objective wanders around the map with each wave, like it does in Uranus defense missions. If you manage to hold back a wave, the gate is closed for now - until a Juggernaut comes and breaks it open (you don't have to fight a Juggernaut each round, that's just for storytelling reasons). If Infested break through, they'll try and kill the colonists. All colonists dead and you lose. Colonists can be healed by AoE heals like syndicate operatives or specters, but they don't respawn. So be careful, Tenno.

  4. To make more clear what I'm talking about: I just got hooked by a level 20 Scorpion while bullet-jumping at full health (Saryn with 925 health, 300 shields, 446 armor) and died. Instantaneously, without bleed-out. That is not something that should deal enough damage to down me, let alone insta-kill.

  5. Since this morning (so U19.5.3, I guess), I've had it happen multiple times over multiple missions, that I just died instantaneously. Meaning, there wasn't even bleed-out, even though my friend and squadmate was still alive and well. Same happened to him.

    I could understand if I were blowing up myself with Zarr, but there's something wrong with having to spend a revive because you got no bleed-out when you're not solo.

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