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Posts posted by DarthCariss

  1. This is essentially what I call an "industry beta". Meaning it's a beta in name more than function. It has the level of polish and content of a full release while retaining the beta title for various reasons.

  2. Maybe knockdowns/stuns would be more interesting if we actively did stuff during them? Like maybe when we get stunned we do a little QTE (Quick Time Event) where we push a few buttons in sequence to get out of the stun/knockdown. Mods could make this QTE process easier/faster. This way we're at least doing something during the stun instead of just waiting, while still making these moves challenging and breaking up the standard flow of combat.

  3. The Lotus wears a mask that covers her eyes, suggesting she might not have any. If the Lotus is the same race as the Tenno, it would make sense that Tenno have no eyes either. I think Alad was being literal when he said we don't have any eyes.

  4. "Desecrate needs to work on killed enemies in death animations/ work on all enemies with 0 HP/ Needs a passive feature to keep corpses within range of Nekros from despawning, until they are out of range or Desecrate has been used."


    This sounds super great. I love the idea of Desecrate as a power, but it's so buggy and hard to use. Corpses vanish so fast, death animations can last a really long time, and it has serious issues in laggy games. Improving these things sounds wonderful. If making corpses stick around longer is too taxing for the game, maybe bodies could leave behind bones (or just a single bone, skull, or whatever works) that take less resources to render but still lets the player know they can use Desecrate.

  5. This is pretty cool. Good way to advertise the game. I almost never buy game or logo'd T-shirts or clothes or anything because I feel like I'm paying to advertise somebody else's product, but this is great. You'll get people like me that wouldn't buy your clothing stuff normally, but like you enough to wear it and advertise when you give it to me for free.

  6. How do you feel about people using Conclave score to select players for groups? It's not uncommon now to see requirements for conclave 1000 for certain tough missions, like T3 defense. Additionally, do you plan to discourage or encourage this kind of behavior?

  7. I personally think Desecrate sounds good, but how useful it is depends largely on how it works.


    Does it only spawn extra loot on a single body, or every body within a certain range?

    Does it work on bosses?

    Can it spawn more mods as well as ammo/health/energy/resource drops?


    And of course the usual things like cast time and energy cost will affect how good it is.

  8. My liking of "Search the Dead" largely depends on what it actually does. The description for it in the Necro thread makes it sound pretty useless. Simply grabbing loot isn't exactly much of a challenge in most cases so I don't see much point in needing a power for it. On the livestream however, it sounded more like it was making bodies spawn EXTRA loot. Now that is much more interesting and worthy of using. It could essentially make Necro the resource farming Warframe, which would at least give it a viable and often used role even if isn't terribly great in combat.

  9. Volt used to be my favorite frame but he has since been replaced. Not just because of weak offense, but speed buffing the entire team largely turns me off from using Volt too. He used to be great because I could use speed to loot a bunch of the lockers and item chests while still keeping up with the rushers. Now it just makes them run faster too so I don't gain any ground.

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