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Posts posted by Kisho3

  1. O.o


    Math, erg.


    But yes, going back to the arsenal screen every time I want to commit changes, only to have to go right back in is SUPREMELY annoying. There shouldn't even BE an apply button on the screen - I'm not going to change mods around just for poops and giggles. Please, for the love of the Lotus, fix this!

  2. Operation Arid Tears


    Yea, allot of people missed out, hell I only got to use 10 of my keys, but guess what... Thats because I wasn't available. DE owes me about as much as I owe it, a fat load of nothing. The event was scheduled, and alerts were sent out, the diligent people without anything else to do got to go to the party, everyone else had to go to work or feed the dogs. Welcome to the real world.


    This is the only problem I had with the event - overall it was fun to run (and ran we did) with clan members toward the goal of new maps (to say nothing of a new planet on the star chart).


    My problem is that the event was supposed to run for 6 days. When I was finally able to log in to play Monday after work I was disappointed to find that the event had ended prematurely. Now it's my turn to stomp on the ground like a two year old. 


    (+1, btw)

  3. I'm not sure what kind of ships those are in the background.


    IF they are Tenno ships (which would make sense that they look similar to Corpus ones, as Corpus salvages a lot of Orokin tech), then this is most likely Excalibur looking at what has become of the Milky Way during his long sleep, and being sad at what has transpired those thousands of years he was sleeping.


    I'm assuming this pic is meant to depict Excalibur's feelings about the world (or, rather, galaxy) once he sees what has happened to it after getting out of that place where he woke up.

    Wow! My favorite so far! Alternatively, this could be just before cryo sleep, that planet in the background could be the Tenno home world. Maybe the real Lotus was back there, and now she's just an AI. After all, we do anything that she asks of us.

  4. if you see a skull on a mission, that means nightmare mode is enabled. it can mean a number of things (or a combination of them)

    - no minimap

    - vampire (health drain, kill enemies to regenerate)

    - no shields

    - energy vampire (energy barely to no regenerates, even with energy siphon at max)

    - timed run (kill enemies to lenghten the time limit)




    Don't forget about low gravity, and defense missions that's start at 15 or so.


    The worst combo I've had is no minimap, no shields and energy vampire on a defense mission (with no indication of how many rounds we had to survive).


    It was A BLAST!

  5. I thought that was intentional - so when someone "accidentally" hits the button before everybody's made it on the elevator they can reverse it without having to ride it all the way up or down.

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