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Posts posted by -cS-dalonico

  1. hace 1 hora, ALEX_IV dijo:

    Healthy? Really? Sorry but that is just bull. Disallowing you to forma them is not nonsensical, it's logical. Again, they are not umbra Warframes, they are supposed to be a step down.

    You can't have everything. There is already a good build diversity, 3 mods aren't going to affect it, considering they are just upgraded versions of other mods.

    I kinda agree on that it doesnt hurt to have some differentiation between frame types (normie/prime/"umbra"-if its even going to be a "new class" and not just this excal thing)

    we already have base stat differences that are kind of important when looking at many normie vs prime instances. 

    BUT I would agree on that if theres not going to be more umbras... these mods (polarities) should be fitable(form-able/polarizable) into the existing frames (or at least the primes? idk)

  2. En 21/5/2018 a las 0:44, Sibernetika dijo:

    Oh wow so offended that people want to stop leeches in an intense game mode where they are causing the efficiency rating to drop faster because they aren't contributing one bit... And you're response is don't do pubs? How about we try to prevent leeching so we can jump into a pub game and go for it instead of sitting in recruiting 1st to find a team 

    if you cant solo anything in this game you're just lazy. z8 eos is ez af. get over it for this at least; you dont need help.

  3. just dont pub then. And if you're an inefficient player, or just incapable of solo-ing whatever youre after (which you can do with pretty much any goal within this game btw), THERE IS THE RECRUITMENT CHAT FOR YOU TO GET A TEAM WILLING TO DO WHATEVER THEY MAY AGREE WITH YOU.


    you cant just assume the game will serve you sugar daddies for helping your life get ez-er


    will you complain next about how no one pubs decent radiant relics aswell?


    mind your own business.

  4. I wanted to title this: "revert this UI change or give us a toggle." but w/e

    PC here.

    Give us the ability to to use WASD/arrows in menus again, or at least some toggle to allow for it

    what on earth were you thinking while deciding that taking away the ability to move through menus with WASD/arrow keys was a good idea?

    some ppl like small menus. some ppl like low sens. cursors. 

    Some ppl. just accept that using the kb is faster; even easier. 

    ... please.

  5. 3 hours ago, Tacritan said:

    And thats it? You call THIS a rework? :facepalm: More tentacles and movement during the puddle for energy cost? Guess I had my hopes too high.

    tbh at least they didnt change him into an entirely new thing (which most likely would've ended on them ttlly fcking him up) :)

  6. Oks. I thought it was exact same as acolytes. -based on some others complaining about so but in the main thread-

    Wanted to make a more visible complain -in case it was like that- so mb it would get some attention/change

    My bad n ty. :b

  7. On 10/4/2017 at 8:41 PM, ---RV---Maniac said:

    My clan reached the hardcore tier as Moon clan, 1 of only 2 across all platforms. if I choose to give away the ignis wraith, Im more entitled on that choice than 99.9% off all players. And it actually makes me happy that it upsets people like you. The Event wasn't fair on all tiers and alot of people have been exploiting new players with ignis wraith.

    That also reminds me, if anyone wants ignis wraith for free and doesn't have it, feel free to pm me ingame.



  8. 22 minutes ago, taiiat said:

    i think it actually looks good, a nice effect for a User Interface to look simulated.
    i don't find it impacts my navigation of the Arsenal/Foundry and Et Cetera, i'm probably reading the text rather than using the pictures.

    but, more importantly, the 'fading' seems to have made a huge impact on Spot Load Hitches, that have been around for a bit, affecting lots of systems that shouldn't be having these issues in the first place (and for years, weren't).


    are those being significantly affected according to their descriptions, have Warframe on very slow local storage (or something else that could make loading of data be very slow)?
    because i recorded a couple clips and Frame Stepped them, and the time from the initial fade to solid isn't particularly long, in many situations it takes atleast this long for that UI item to come fully into view anyways, before this was even a thing.
    case studies:

    it is horrible. if you just scroll down you dont see anything but a blank space all the time. feels CHEAP.

  9. after this last update some feature was imposed to make all the images for stuff in menus from foundry, drone selection or arsenal make a "Fade In" animation (from a blank screen) and dude: ITS HORRIBLE.
    Im on a brand new SSD and this crap is annoying AF. not just all the item images do the fading-in in the foundry, each stupid time one goes into it, but also once you scroll past over n come back to an item it then reloads it again. super annoying for finding stuff in the arsenal aswell since one have to always wait the half or full sec for it to load the damn image of the weapon/frame; making the search for what one wants 1-more time consuming (given that one cant look for the image but rather lf the text) 2-as said b4: ANNOYING. Obnoxious.

    Cant anything be done without breaking something else? who tought this would even be a good idea? I'd rather 73824456237569385x having to deal back with the grandpa-sized menus than with this bs man, for real.


    & I am not running the game on a toaster. samsungs latest evo ssd, 5th gen intel i7, gtx760. makes me want to pull my hair off every time i have to switch frames or w/e, ffs, it takes longer to load the little images than to load the actual 3d models + textures!!!!!!!!!!!!?????!??!?!?!??!?!?

  10. Im on a brand new SSD and this crap is annoying AF. not just all the item images fading in in the foundry, each stupid time one goes in, but also once you scroll bast over an item it then reloads it again. super annoying for finding stuff in the arsenal swell sine one have to always wait the half or full sec for it to load the damn image of the wewapon/frame

  11. 21 hours ago, egregiousRac said:

    Quality question: Why does the UI render and then get scaled up instead of scaling up and then rendering? I can understand icons looking awful and low resolution, but the text is absolutely terrible, as are many basic shapes. You are using bloody Flash, it's supposed to be vector!



    the update didnt help anyone. 4k players do complain about it being ugly. you habe still to rework text rendering as stated in the post.


    anyway, kinda ty for at least saying that you're not done with it and lest HOPE YOU DO actually work on it to have it done right asap; instead of leaving it in a corner as with many other stuff...

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