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Posts posted by l_am_the_Dragon

  1. Explanation:

    I have constructed a throne in my orbiter to sit on while I browse missions etc. There is literally no point to it other than to look over bearing and amazing. 

    Outside of throne

    That is my throne. (I know, it's amazing, you should see it while moving)

    Now, since the plains dropped, I can no longer clip through my throne and sit among all the various moving things. I know it's not important but I felt that I should report it. 

    This is what I see when I come out of a mission: 

    Inside of throne

    It's easily worked around by opening the menu and clicking into arsenal etc. I cannot move from this state without doing this. 


    Edit: 24//10/17 Still ongoing, sometimes I can brute force out of it at random, but it's very hit and miss. 

    Seems to only be a thing with the ayatan status, not the drums.  


  2. Can't help in regards to map, it's a bit confusing at times but usually the yellow chevron thing is the target.

    Second:  Level up mods, especially that redirection and vitality, they're the bread and butter.

    Third:  Get new weapons, even upgrading to the Braton is a good idea and building the cronus that Vor drops is good too.  If you have the cash maybe consider the strun, it's a decent shotgun available at the start. 

    Fourth:  Some weapons do indeed have polarities.

    Last:  Level up the ones you like, in a weeks time getting a warframes abilities to level 3 will seem like the easiest thing in the world to you. 

  3. So, we were doing an orikon derelict defense and something mad happened, something we had to watch back to check for because the chance was so miniscule.

    We hit a glaive, in mid air with the ogris, causing me to explode myself.


    To make it worse instead of getting the res via my team mate he attached a bounce to my crotch, causing him to be flung away from me every time he tried to revive me. 



    Skip to 30 minutes in for thr ogris shot.  Other things in this video:  Using bounce to protect the pod via liberal application. 

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