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Posts posted by Odeh

  1. You're working very hard, but you have to actually put yourself in the position of players. Some of them, all of them, many of them.

    What's it like to start out in Warframe with a clean slate? Pick Excal, Loki, or Mag?

    What's it like to be a long time player and find out your favorite frame which you forma'd 3 times was nerfed to hell?

    What's it like to be a player playing in constant fear that what he invests his PLATINUM on today will be absolutely useless tomorrow?

    What's it like to be a player who plays a game made by devs who have been proven to lie and go back on their word?


    Oh man, I feel sorry for the people who had to pick between Boring Frame, Loki, and Bowmag. I picked Loki, but at least we had Volt when he was good, instead of Mag.


    Hey, remember when Grappling hooks? (Though, I think this addition is stupid.)

    Remember when trading?

    Remember when Armor 2.0?

    Remember when chat and contacts were updated to work well?


    I dont.


    Will there ever be a time where a Dev will tell the Publishers or whoever actually runs the studio to "F*** off" and make something the best way they can?

    Maybe. DE wont be one of them.

    Devs gotta eat~

  2. Blah blah blah blah blah.
    Rushers bad.
    Dis update gud.


    You are the only person so ignorantly defending this to this extent.

    "It's fine for me, I do fine, everyone else should do fine."


    Ontop of the bullS#&$ they already added (and messed up) with this "Update," the stamina is the worst one.



    There is negative reasons to not go fast during regular, Non defence, missions.

    Gotta collect materials? Bossing and Defences are the best places for those, with very few exceptions.

    And for bossing, what should one do? get to the boss and kill them, not loiter around going into every side room to pick up an energy orb.


    Despite what Steve or anyone at DE says, this game IS a GRINDING game, and when it comes to grinding, speed matters.

    No one should spend 30 minutes for 5% of something theyre making or grinding.

    In that same 30 minutes one could do 15, 2 minute runs and get MORE.

    (or, you know, be smart and just do a defence mission.)


    And if the implement working stealth mechanics, do you think going slow is the smartest idea?

    You move slow enough where you have to clear every god damn room, when you should have basically just walked and gunned through.


    Other than that, play how the F*** you want.

    Dont worry about how other people play and whine enough where theirs gets destroyed and only your way is "the right way."

  3. I dunno get whats even going on...sounds like two clans going at each other for reasons I cant even comprehend.

    Ya guys wanna compete for realzies?  Wait for a pvp overhaul and do it there, cause zoren coptoring isn't exactly a benchmark test of skill.

    Still, grats on winning, i got my 100 points solo so can't complain.

    Edit: That southpark clip sorta express's my reaction at the vid/decleration....I was one of the bystanders confused by it all xD


    Killing each other shows skill?

    Haha, oh wow.

    Who ever has the best forma'd Ogris and Acrid wins, basically.


    Also, you cant show skill in this game.

    It's too easy.

  4. I cant take anyone who types so... incorherently, seriously.


    A couple tips:

    1) Grammar and Punctuation.

    2) No Needless Information (ie: "-at training for national guard," You dont have to explain your life story.)

    3) Dont admit to anything. Ever. (eg: "I have cheats, but I wasnt gonna use them for this!")


    I can barely understand the OP post, but from what I gather, you joined a game hacking/cheat site, admitted to having cheats/hacks for other games, and you want your account back?




    Though, It is S#&$ that you paid for stuff and now thats gone.


    2: You didn't lose anything but a few minutes of your life. You didn't lose your key or anything. S@^t Happens.


    4: ZOMG! You have to do void runs again ahhhhhh!!!! That's so life ending.


    You've clearly never ran a T3 Defence.


    Or you did, and arnt good at it.

  6. I'd perfer a SWAP GENDER BUTTON, because I'd rather put down a little plat to get that button than spend a lot more time building up a whole set of frames.


    I love the aesthetic design of Banshee. And I dont mind that It's a female frame, but to have it as a male would be great for me.


    Above all, I like CHOICE, without it being a tooth pulling experience.


    "You can chose any frame, and if you like, you can even change how that frame looks!"

    (By buying color pallets a new helm and Chasis)


    If not a button, why not have it like the Alt Helms? you build an "Alt Chasis"  and switch it with the current one?

    DE still can make money and no one really has to grind for it, other than waiting for an alert or two.

  7. The ideas for daggers and swords are alright, but I don't like the idea of making all heavy weapons bad against armor. AFAIK, warhammers and maces were implimented because blunt force trauma is much better agaisnt metal armored targets than slicing is. It's really hard to slice through well made steel armor, but the blunt force from a hammer or mace is transmitted fairly well through the armor.

    I like the current system where blunt weapons ignore armor and wouldn't want to see that changed. Implimenting a system where all weapons of a category have the same properties against defenses would be too restricing IMO. Why can't there be a dagger designed to rip and tear soft flesh, but at the cost of not being as easy to slip between plates of armor? The proposed system would also make the Frago identical to the Scindo in everything but cosmetics, and that's not cool. I like my giant axe and hammer being different and usefull in different situations.

    I agree, Frago would be great against Heavy armor, Scindo would be good against light armor, and various other heavy weapons would be between those and a sheild destroying heavy weapon (Plasma Great sword?).

    And Im not saying "Stay within these parameters," Each weapon can do something special or something a "lower tier" weapon can do, like a insanely fast but not as strong as it's counterparts heavy weapon.

    But it would be a better base than everything being a different skinned, sometimes different animated Skana. In terms of stats at least.

    (Though, I understand armors and such)

    if you guys make melee more effective and less effective on targets, it will make it much harder to people to solo a mission.

    Well, no. You know it tells you who youre going to face in the mission, right?

    Unless you just take the same weapon with +Elec and Fire damage against Grineer.

    (Which is pretty dumb)

    I switch weapons or just mods when I pick a mission.

    Solo or not.

  8. I think people forget to remember that this is a PVE game.

    Balance kinda doesnt matter in the sense that "we're competeing against each other, and that I have an advantage when I use a certain weapon or frame," when this isnt the case at all.

    Balance should be "Is everyone using this weapon because it's cool, or because it can be used in every situation."

    Or "Is everyone avoiding this weapon because it sucks in most situations"

    The bolt weapons should be their original damage with AP with slow firerate and flight time to emphasise "YOU NEED TO KNOW HOW TO SHOOT TO USE THIS WEAPON EFFECTIVELY AND EFFICIENTLY."

    Or just get a Hek/Bronco/Strun/Boar and stand next to something and shoot it.

    Or just get a Gorgan/Braton/Afurus and spray and pray.

    Or get a Latron/Sniptron/Lex and head shot everything.

    Or get a Burston/Aklato/Lato and go inbetween.

    IF you didnt notice each of the five sets of weapons have a thing theyre best at, but theyre not good at everything, nor does everyone like every kind of weapon. I personally refuse most automatics.

  9. While I do like me some hand to hand, I say no.

    Especially as a 4th slot.

    We already have melee weapons, a "fighting style" would just add unessesary things to do.

    More weapons that do this would be okay, like the Furax, but a whole new set of items for this?

    No thanks.

    "I have a highely effective gun. Naw, lets use my pistol. Scratch that Im gonna use my Sword. Even better, Let me just straight up use my hands and feet."

  10. I personally prefer to keep daggers and short swords in the same kind of tier, but I can see having Shortswords their own kind of "Niche" with that addition.

    I had completely forgot about BO, need to add that.

  11. It's simple really.


    Fast attack speeds (1.5+)

    Low to mid base damage (15-30?)

    Short range area of attack (Higher than hand to hand Melee weapons Shorter than a Longsword)

    Highest base crit rate (10/20% chance to crit?)

    (And a stabbing animation for the charge attack)

    Highly effective against heavily armored (Which was added, sort of)

    Reduced damage on sheilds (Corpus)

    Normal damage on unarmored (Infected)


    Mid range attack speed (1.5-) (Some swords can go higher, but to a point)

    Mid to high base damage (25-40)

    Mid to high range area of attack

    Normal base crit rate (5-10%)

    Normal Damage to all kinds of defences

    Heavy weapons:

    Slowest attack speed (1-)

    Highest base damage (40+)

    High range area of attack

    Lowest base crit rate. (5%-)

    (As, youre hitting a giant target with a giant hammer. Youll do a lot of damage regardless of where you hit them)

    High sheild damage (Corpus)

    Less effective on highly armored targets (Grineer)

    Hand to hand/Unconventional Weapons:

    Varying attack speeds

    Varying base damage

    Varying Range of attack (BO would have a long range of attack, while Furax would have the lowest)

    Varying Crit rate

    For example; You can swing a knife pretty fast, you can slip it between any kind of plate armor, and people survive stabbings.

    It takes a little bit more power to swing a sword as long as your arm. You have to take a bit more time and finesse to hit the sweet spots. I think a giant cut through your abdomen is pretty damaging.

    It takes a good amount of strength to pick up a sledgehammer. Unless a blow to a head, it isnt really a "critical," But since it is a large area getting hit, youre looking at a lot of internal bleeding and blunt force trauma. (Or a giant axe cut through you)

    Also, Fencing swords/Rapiers.

    Weeabs and edgy teen sythes aside.

    Unless youre already working on a weapon rework like you did for frames.

    (Additions and Tweeks thanks to Khodos)

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