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Titania Rework Idea

(XBOX)Weird Reaper

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Alright before I start this, I do want to point out that I am indeed new to Warframe and will probably be pushed aside by my opinion on this. Also this occurred late last night while maxing out Titania for MR, so nothing is seriously harden out. So I hope you enjoy! 


This rework idea is basically scraping most of her kit and redoing it and adding new things to it, so she can be more of a combo frame. Also this rework idea has not been fully thought out on the range, damage, ect. at this time, because I honestly do not expect this to get any comments or views.


Ability 1: Flutter (50 Energy)

This ability allows Titania's razorflies to go towards an enemy (having to click on the enemy) and does damage (unsure what amount). If the enemy dies before the timer runs out, the razorflies will go towards another enemy in range(unknown range distance). If the swarmed enemy is in so and so radius(very close radius) to other enemies, the other enemies will be harms for half damage.


Ability 2: Lantern (25 Energy)

Place a beacon of light the draws the attention of enemies (Much like Octavia's 1 and 2, as well as Saryn's 2) .  Has the chance(should start out low and increase when ability is ranked) to drop enemies weapons. (This is supposed to be like a combo with Ability 1). It does no damage and does not draw fire to it. It will draw enemies attention to it and have them walk towards the beacon, like a moth to a lamp. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) If an enemy hits the beacon they will be stunned and stay stunned until the ability ends.


Ability 3: Nectar (75 Energy)

An enemy is turned into a flower, which causes Titania's razorflies to go towards it and drop energy or health (50/50 chance of either). Rank 1, 2 health or 1 energy, Ranks 2, 4 health or 3 energy, Rank 3, 5 Health or 4 energy. (The only reason for more health is because she doesn't have much armor or shield, also this would make her more useful as an adc/supp type which would interesting.) Once the ability ends the flower withers and disappears.


Ability 4: Razorwing (Same Amount)

Keep this ability roughly the same except add more shield in this for her and increase razorflies' damage.


Passive: Tribute

The more razorflies that are out (Ability 1, 3, and 4), the stronger a random buff is given to Titania over an amount of time. The buff lasts 1 or 1.5 minutes and does have a 1 or 2 minute cool down depending on the last buffs strength. Buffs available: Increase razorflies damage(highest is 2-2.5x damage, depending on the damage of the razorflies if they are changed), Increase duration of abilities (3-5s, depending on the duration of the abilities, affects 1 and 2), or add 1 extra energy or health to Nectar if Ability 1 and 2 are active at the same time. There will be a timer at the bottom showing how long the next buff is, a cool down timer with pips and show a picture of what the next buff is. For the last buff, ability 1 and 2 have to be activated together at least 1 or 2 times before the cool down timer ends. These buffs can only be activated by the certain ability(and after a cool down) and during a cool down will show pips of the how many razorflies need to be activated (activate ability 1, 3, or 4 for razorflies) before the next buff so it can be increased.



As stated above, I did not go into to much depth of these abilities. I would go in depth if I knew this would actually be put into the game, but I highly doubt it would be considered for it. But I did want to put in my input of some possible ways Titania could be reworked. She is an interesting and unique frame that allows her to go into her own archwing mode on land and it would be awesome to have more people to like her kit and play her more. If there is anything here you did or did not like let me know and of course don't take this to seriously, it was all in good fun! Thank you for your time and I hope you have a wonderful day! :)

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