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Seasonal Exclusives


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A lot of games other than the one I mentioned in the OP has seasonal exclusives. I just used Airmech as an example because its the only game I know of where almost every exclusive is seasonal.

Also lets not get too into semantics here, but 3 pages in I posted my response to whether seasonal items are considered exclusive or not, and the fact is, if they are only available for certain events, then they are still exclusive, regardless of whether said events are seasonal. As long as people are excluded from obtaining something, then the item could be argued to be exclusive.


We are beta testers. We provide feedback on what we think would improve the game. That is exactly what I am doing. Nothing more.


Actually Ancient's have their head as their weak spot, but it is armored. Their legs are unarmored, hence a weapon like the Dread needs to be aimed at their legs to do full damage. With armor piercing weapons, shooting the head actually works better. Corpus Crewmen have a similar quirk.


Part of the reason I made this thread, is because I think this is what the silent majority wants. This community is made up of very vocal minorities. You'd think that every single change DE implements is mostly despised if you only listened to the forum's response, but ingame many of the players actually enjoy most of the changes, which shows the huge contrast between the frequent poster's opinions and the silent majority. I think the divide on whether one-time exclusives are a good thing or a bad thing is another example. I suspect that overwhelming majority of the players would prefer it if exclusives would make reappearances at later dates, but I think that its an overly vocal minority of frequent posters who think otherwise.


Obviously, but that doesn't mean having them return is a bad idea either.

Bingo. That is the biggest problem I have with non-cosmetic exclusives. They are just a huge turn off for people who join the game and realize they can never get them. If they were seasonal, then at least they could stick around until the weapon they want is back for another event.

You kinda proved my point there. That makes them non-exclusive if we do it YOUR way. Seasonal weapons aren't exclusive, so they shouldn't be called exclusive. They should be called seasonal.


Aside from that, it takes away the special feeling you get when you own of those guns. Knowing that you, an experienced, veteran player have a machine that no new player can get no matter how much money they throw at their DE makes you feel special. Seasonal weapons sort of make it "Well, I could always get this later... might as well just throw it out now for that other great weapon I want." They aren't special at all. You always know that any Tom, Dirk or Jane can just walk in and get it whenever the event happens to pop up again. It makes them expendable, no different from weapons in the market. You always know that you'll be able to get them later.

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You kinda proved my point there. That makes them non-exclusive if we do it YOUR way. Seasonal weapons aren't exclusive, so they shouldn't be called exclusive. They should be called seasonal.


Aside from that, it takes away the special feeling you get when you own of those guns. Knowing that you, an experienced, veteran player have a machine that no new player can get no matter how much money they throw at their DE makes you feel special. Seasonal weapons sort of make it "Well, I could always get this later... might as well just throw it out now for that other great weapon I want." They aren't special at all. You always know that any Tom, Dirk or Jane can just walk in and get it whenever the event happens to pop up again. It makes them expendable, no different from weapons in the market. You always know that you'll be able to get them later.

How the hell did I prove your point? Seasonally exclusive items are still exclusive. Exclusive doesn't mean "one-time", it merely means that others are being excluded. Quit with the semantics, they have no bearing on the overall point being made.

I have no idea what you are talking about regarding a special feeling in having these guns. I didn't earn them, me being experienced or veteran had no bearing on me getting them, and even if I did put forth a lot of effort for them, it doesn't actually make me feel better knowing that other people can't get them. It actually annoys me that a balance changing item is permanently locked out of reach of other members simply because they didn't play this game back in open beta.

Yes, you can always get seasonal weapons later. After a YEAR. Unless you were a closed beta member, that is longer than the entire time you have been playing this game. They are still FAR more exclusive than weapons on the market.

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About the " I'm so Special" thingy, that's bullS#&$. Sorry, you're just making yourself feel better than newer players. 


I saw in some posts ago something about in the lines of "If you work at a job for 2 years and get a promotion and another guy who just joined a week ago gets the same promotion, you would be pissed."

That's RIGHT. I don't want people to get my stuff. Atleast, not by DOING EASIER things than me. But does that mean they NEVER should be given a shot at it? 


You also don't see many people conplaining about Braton Vandal, Lato Vandal, or sometimes even Excalibur Prime (Despite they not being THAT exclusive. You can buy them after all.) And nop, it's not because they're killing exclusives and everybody who doesn't got it should stick with a less powerful version of the item. Let's take Braton Vandal. Compared to the MK-1 Braton or even the Braton, it's not much difference. The damage, fire rate, etc is all slightly compensated or just a minimal upgrade. If you look at it very hard, it's a rare skin of the Braton.

But something that is rare, unobtainable, and CLEARLY more powerful than any version of their class. You can potato/forma/insert all of the mods you can into the Strun, Boar, or whatever the Hek you're using and it will still be overshadowed by Strun Wraith.


I love the exclusives, but it's not for their trophy-nature. It's because they're just the better at what they do. And new players should be given a shot at it, after they're proven of thier skills. (Mastery rank level-up challenge maybe?). Hell, they could even come WITHOUT the slot and potato.

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So what if people miss out on it? Tough. Life is not fair. Plenty of other weapons to go killing with, and you can bet that there will be more 'exclusives'  and even better weapons coming in the future.


There is a skinned Braton that is only obtainable from joing warframe from a certain site. I can not get this. Am I bothered? No.


Primed Chamber. Haven't got it, can't get it. Am I bothered? No.


Braton Vandal. Haven't got it, can't get it. Am I bothered? No.


You get the picture.



The main problem is that weapons grinding is the content of the game. A game where a good chunk of their content is unobtainable to  new players isn't exactly inviting new customers.




About the " I'm so Special" thingy, that's bullS#&$. Sorry, you're just making yourself feel better than newer players. 


I saw in some posts ago something about in the lines of "If you work at a job for 2 years and get a promotion and another guy who just joined a week ago gets the same promotion, you would be &!$$ed."

That's RIGHT. I don't want people to get my stuff. Atleast, not by DOING EASIER things than me. But does that mean they NEVER should be given a shot at it? 


You also don't see many people conplaining about Braton Vandal, Lato Vandal, or sometimes even Excalibur Prime (Despite they not being THAT exclusive. You can buy them after all.) And nop, it's not because they're killing exclusives and everybody who doesn't got it should stick with a less powerful version of the item. Let's take Braton Vandal. Compared to the MK-1 Braton or even the Braton, it's not much difference. The damage, fire rate, etc is all slightly compensated or just a minimal upgrade. If you look at it very hard, it's a rare skin of the Braton.

But something that is rare, unobtainable, and CLEARLY more powerful than any version of their class. You can potato/forma/insert all of the mods you can into the Strun, Boar, or whatever the Hek you're using and it will still be overshadowed by Strun Wraith.


I love the exclusives, but it's not for their trophy-nature. It's because they're just the better at what they do. And new players should be given a shot at it, after they're proven of thier skills. (Mastery rank level-up challenge maybe?). Hell, they could even come WITHOUT the slot and potato.




A few posts back I already suggested the idea of having non-event versions of the exlcusives that come without the catalyst and maybe even the polarities and simply have a different skin/non-event color scheme.
Edited by GSGregory
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Hmm a second quote seems to break the forums.


A few posts back I already sggested the idea of having on-event versions of the exclusives that come without the catalyst or even polarities and simply have a different skin/ non event color scheme.

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How about Dojo Weapons? They're clearly more powerful than anything you can buy with plat instantly. And why you don't see people "whining" about them being trophies or whatever? Because you need SKILL to get the resources credits mastery time to build them. The fact I can have the most potent sniper rifle in the game by killing motionless npcs isn't very rewarding. IF you could get SnipeVandal (or an non-exclusive version with same stats) by getting an, let's say, Mastery Rank 6, it would feel more rewarding, because you had to beat the challenges. Not to be lucky to have a free weekend.

I'm reinforcing this point here: Old games and new games both are "satisfying" to play when they're fun (doesn't seem to be the problem with the game) and the rewarding factor. Back then, in older consoles like PS2 or even SNES, when you beated that terrible boss that wiped the floor with your nose, you felt good. DAMN GOOD. Subconsciously, you felt good because you became more skilled on the game, beating with ease what was hard to do. The game would usually give you a reward for doing that. Usually a key item or a powerful weapon. 


But newer players CAN DO what you did. Maybe even better. But they're stuck with lower-leveled equivalent gear.

Edited by SlashW
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Because skill is something that takes time to develop. If you suddenly make it take lots of skill to get a new weapon, Players are going to start crying and whining that they cant get it yet, because they arent good enough. No matter what you do, Players are going to whine and be jealous.

There are loads of Exclusive gear out there that i can't get...And im totally ok with that. It means more of a challenge for me. People said, in this thread, that the Snipetron Vandal is so much better than the rest...Sure, for now, i can agree with that. But that doesnt mean the other sniper rifles can't be made powerful. If weapons with greater and greater damage are the only thing you play this game for, then i have no sympathy for you or anyone else. I can have just as much fun with Aklatos as someone with an Acrid. Yeah its much more damaging....but its not as much fun for me.


Skill is something which develops at a different pace for everyone. You can be playing a game for ten years but there will be some playing for like 6 months and still be able to beat you easy, if the game is skill based. There is nothing in this game that test your skill, period. Even the toughest nightmare mode can be made easy with some frame/mod combinations (*cough* rhino + rage *cough*).


And btw, snipetron vandal is not undisputed best, lanka is equivalent, its just player preference. People usually hate projectile so they prefer s.vandal and furthur lanka has mastery 7 requirement.

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Wouldn't mind the mods becoming a cyclic thing. but the weapons, no. Vandals are for beta's only. When the game is full released, i don't think anyone should get them. Wraiths, I don't see why not. I'm assuming wraith weapons are going to be a thing, so if they are, let those be the ones who are part of the cycles.

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Skill is something which develops at a different pace for everyone. You can be playing a game for ten years but there will be some playing for like 6 months and still be able to beat you easy, if the game is skill based. Very true, but we arent talking large spans of time here, We are talking a matter of Weeks, not years. If the requirement to get, lets say a S.Vandal, is to Get 500 One-Shot kills on heavy units, Then a new player wouldnt be able to do that for quite a while. In any scenario even remotely like that, Players would whine constantly about how hard it would be to get that weapon, and there would be another thread just like this one.  There is nothing in this game that test your skill, period. Even the toughest nightmare mode can be made easy with some frame/mod combinations (*cough* rhino + rage *cough*).Im completely aware of that, but if you tell that to even a moderate player, they will just see it as bragging, because they don't yet realize what they will be capable of someday. Hell, When i first fought the newly buffed Hyena, I was in a max frame, with all maxed gear, and i couldnt even touch his health. Now, me and a couple friends just went around One-Shotting every boss in the game, Just because we could. I wonder how many people will believe that.


And btw, snipetron vandal is not undisputed best, lanka is equivalent, its just player preference. People usually hate projectile so they prefer s.vandal and furthur lanka has mastery 7 requirement. Again, I totally agree with you there. But i was making a point that most everyone else has said, that the Strun Wraith and the Snipetron Vandal are considered to be the best at what they do, and are exclusives. Personally, I still prefer Dread, Kunai, and Duel Zorens as my favorite loadout.

Edit* One shotting all the bosses that CAN be....You cant OneShot Vor, or Krill, because they are staged bosses. We one shotted them when they were finally able to be killed though. Also, up till now, I didnt think it was possible to OneShot Jackal, I had thought he was a staged boss too. Apparently, I was wrong.

Edited by Aigloblam
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Wouldn't mind the mods becoming a cyclic thing. but the weapons, no. Vandals are for beta's only. When the game is full released, i don't think anyone should get them. Wraiths, I don't see why not. I'm assuming wraith weapons are going to be a thing, so if they are, let those be the ones who are part of the cycles.


Just wait for next dojo sniper, most likely ppl will forget s.vandal ever existed.

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Very true, but we arent talking large spans of time here, We are talking a matter of Weeks, not years. If the requirement to get, lets say a S.Vandal, is to Get 500 One-Shot kills on heavy units, Then a new player wouldnt be able to do that for quite a while. In any scenario even remotely like that, Players would whine constantly about how hard it would be to get that weapon, and there would be another thread just like this one.


Agree with your points, but getting 500 headshots is skill not skill enough. A vauban can do it faster than other frames, suspend=>shoot=>suspend=>shoot.


Skill can only be measured in fair environment, say a player is transfered to an instanced zone, and given a temporary warframe and a temporary weapon, and THEN asked to perform a certain task. Now, no matter how long the player has played, this temporary warframe and weapon is going to be same for everyone, thus "fair".

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It's not that things shouldn't be exclusive; exclusives are a cool way to reward long time players.


It's that exclusives shouldn't make others feel inferior in effectiveness, and the current exclusive weapons do. If they were more like a Braton Vandal, then it would be fine as it's mostly a sidegrade to the Braton. (I'm not saying the Braton and Vandal damages are fine in the current game, nor am I saying the Strun Wraith should have been balanced around the Strun. Stay focused, please.)


So while exclusives are cool, they aren't cool when they clearly outshine other weapons. If your ego needs an exclusively overpowered weapon to feel superior, you're the one with the problem.


+1 to OP's idea even though I have the above mentioned exclusives.


Also, power creep is not a valid answer to these exclusives. Just because the Snipetron Vandal may be replaced in the future with more creep doesn't mean exclusives going forward shouldn't be looked at.

Edited by gell
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Agree with your points, but getting 500 headshots is skill not skill enough. A vauban can do it faster than other frames, suspend=>shoot=>suspend=>shoot.


Skill can only be measured in fair environment, say a player is transfered to an instanced zone, and given a temporary warframe and a temporary weapon, and THEN asked to perform a certain task. Now, no matter how long the player has played, this temporary warframe and weapon is going to be same for everyone, thus "fair".

For starters, Thats a damn good plan. I like that A Lot.


But that wouldn't help, Because you would have players whining about not being good enough to get the weapon.

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 I really don't see why this thread is continuing. If something is posted as exclusive, it should remain that way. If not, it wouldn't be exclusive. I have no problem with future event weapons being given out multiple times if they were never marked as exclusive. What else is there to discuss? It's not like they've stopped coming out with awesome weapons or even special ones(like primes, which are always obtainable(most)).



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 I really don't see why this thread is continuing. If something is posted as exclusive, it should remain that way. If not, it wouldn't be exclusive. I have no problem with future event weapons being given out multiple times if they were never marked as exclusive. What else is there to discuss? It's not like they've stopped coming out with awesome weapons or even special ones(like primes, which are always obtainable(most)).




Show me where they actually said the weapons discussed in this thread were exclusive. I've checked every event and none of them use that word. People use the word "exclusive" because they appear to be exclusive, and so it gives them valid reason to ask for them to be released again.


A lot of people on this forum seem to think DE said the weapons and mods were exclusive. DE never said that. Those were interpretations by people, and I assume you as well. Go ahead and show me where DE said they were exclusive and therefore would never be released again.

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Not divided or shared with others; one of many definitions of Exclusive.

So, if you have chances of obtaining that weapon later, it's not exclusive.

Ammo mutator mods are not exclusive, cause they're going to be released later on.

Actually it still is. It's just exclusive to a wider array of people now. In order for it to be "not exclusive" it would have to be perpetually obtainable by everyone.

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Exclusives should remain exclusives. That's why they are calling them like that. Those are not "Weapons That-Will-Be-Obtainable-Even-After", they are exclusives. Look for the definition of this word, because suddenly lots of people don't really know what does it mean.


Besides, DE stated, that NONE of these exclusive weapons will be possible to obtain again. NEVER. And this is one of their best decisions.



They wouldn't be Exclusives IF they could be obtained by everyone, everywhere, whenever.


As much as I would LOVE to get the Braton Vandel, I don't plan on it, and while it sucks, That's just the fact of life, some times you miss opportunities.


and it is not like having the Strun Wrath or the Snipertron Vandel somehow magically invalidates everything in the game. This of it as being a reward for being faithfully involved in the game.


New people will just have to start making their own story from when they start playing... that's how it works.


I Agree with you, The Chance To Get An Exclusive Item Should Be The Future Players Drive To Keep Playing.

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Show me where they actually said the weapons discussed in this thread were exclusive. I've checked every event and none of them use that word. People use the word "exclusive" because they appear to be exclusive, and so it gives them valid reason to ask for them to be released again.


A lot of people on this forum seem to think DE said the weapons and mods were exclusive. DE never said that. Those were interpretations by people, and I assume you as well. Go ahead and show me where DE said they were exclusive and therefore would never be released again.


 I'm not going to go on a long quest to find it, but when it comes to vandals, It has been confirmed by DERebecca that the Vandal series weapons will remain exclusive and not available anymore in the future. Look it up. As for Strun Wraith, I haven't searched to see if it was marked with an exclusive status. If not, I'm fine with that weapon being obtainable in the future.

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Not divided or shared with others; one of many definitions of Exclusive.

So, if you have chances of obtaining that weapon later, it's not exclusive.

Ammo mutator mods are not exclusive, cause they're going to be released later on.

they never did say ammo mutator mods were exclusive though just said that we will get new mods.

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 I'm not going to go on a long quest to find it, but when it comes to vandals, It has been confirmed by DERebecca that the Vandal series weapons will remain exclusive and not available anymore in the future. Look it up. As for Strun Wraith, I haven't searched to see if it was marked with an exclusive status. If not, I'm fine with that weapon being obtainable in the future.


Right, so my point is that most of the things in discussion in this thread are actually not exclusive, so the existence of this thread and why people are still talking is justified. Some folks think all the event rewards were exclusive, which really clouds the discussion, then we have half the people here arguing over the definition of "exclusive," which is actually a contextual word, meaning the actual usage of the word partially determines what it means. The only thing that should not be released again is if DE says those exact words. Anything else and people will argue till the end of time since in this thread alone there are multiple definitions.


However, the OP didn't even say every weapon was exclusive, but people who replied very much against him acted as if he did. He was suggesting that any weapon that wasn't exclusive would hopefully be released again in other ways, and I think we can all agree on that (except elitists who want everything to be exclusive even if they weren't). Until DE says specifically, we really shouldn't define what is and is not exclusive.

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 I'm not going to go on a long quest to find it, but when it comes to vandals, It has been confirmed by DERebecca that the Vandal series weapons will remain exclusive and not available anymore in the future. Look it up. As for Strun Wraith, I haven't searched to see if it was marked with an exclusive status. If not, I'm fine with that weapon being obtainable in the future.

I personally don't give a damn how about SVandal and Wraith or exclusivity bragging rights. What annoys me is there no equivalent versions that are non-exclusive. Hell, make a sniper rifle with the same (or with tiny sidegrades) stats and I'll be happy. Same with the Wraith. That's why I'm not complaining with Lato/Braton Vandal, the'yre more skins and sidegrades of the weapon than not actual upgrades.

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