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(Recruiting) Clan Vashta-Nerada


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Everybody is welcome and so is your opinion!


Hello ladies and Gentlemen, I'd like to welcome you to the Vashta-Nerada Clan recruiting page :D Our clan consists of 21 members right now  and are looking to expand our small family (all members are from Germany, Europe and the USA and speak perfect english!) :D We already have our dojo completed, two dueling rooms, an obstacle course and the majority of our dojo weapons (but that won't take too long to finish, resources aren't an issue!) 


What our Warframe background is!


We came from another clan but things weren't working out so we branched out and created Vashta-Nerada! (The shadows that melt the flesh) I've been playing Warframe for 5+ months and DaJetLife has been playing for 7+ months. (So I'd say we're pretty seasoned in Warframe) 




1st: If you ever need help with ANYTHING in the game, please come to any of the players in the clan (We're more than happy to help you with whatever!) 


2nd: Right now we're using teamspeak that can hold up to 50 people. Here's the info to access it: http://www.teamspeak.com/invite/nrkgaming.teamspeak3.com/ (we have our teamspeak password info in the message of the day!)


3rd: It is Highly recommended that you have a mic and join us in vent/teamspeak! 


4th: After you join our clan, please sign up for our website to be updated on everything! If you'd like to give us suggestions for the website, clan emblem or anything else, we'd love to hear what your thoughts are :) 


5th:  If you do join us and you and another player have an issue in our clan, sort it out privately (Not in clan chat please) or If you can't reach a compromise come to the warlords Masterchops or DaJetLife (We're here to help! Not create more drama!)


Clan Emblem!


We're currently in the process of creating a Clan logo :D If you have ANY  Idea's for the emblem please let us know! We'd love to hear them! 


Offline time!


If you happen to be offline for 15-20 days, i'm sorry to say but you will be kicked from the clan (unless you notify us beforehand or if you're in the military) But again, please let us know! 


If us Warlords are going to be offline, we will post it in the message of the day before we are gone!




We're currently in the process of creating a website for our clan (not Enjin) If you're interested in checking it out here's the link: http://vashtanerada.webs.com/ (It's not complete XD) Again, if you have any input for the Clan website please let us know! 




Thank you for your time and if you like what you hear, please leave us your In game name below and we'll get to you ASAP!


Hope y'all have an awesome day!


Masterchops (Warlord)

DaJetLife (Warlord)

Edited by Masterchops
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Absolutely! Is your Ingame name Suddendeath178?



I sent you a friend request and I tried to send you a clan invite but it says you're already in a clan. Here's what you need to do good sir: Go to the clan tab and look for your name, right click your name once you found it and then leave clan. After you've done those steps please message me here to let me know  :) 


Thank you

Edited by Masterchops
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