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Warframe 'sharpnel'


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(I'm not an artist, but if anyone would like to draw up some concept art it would be awesome, I'll post a picture so everyone can get the feel for the style I have in mind)

Health - 100.0 (300.0 at rank 30)
Power - 100.0 (150 at rank 30)
Armor - 30.0
Shield Capacity - 100 (300.0 at rank 30)
Shield Recharge - 25.0
Sprint Speed - 1.15
Polarities – 4x = / 1x D / 1x –

Hair Trigger (25) - Shrapnel materializes a revolver in his hand and fires a fast series of 6 shots. (Animation, fires fanning the hammer)

• Hits enemies for 20/40/60/80 armor piercing damage each shot to all targets in a small cone. This is increased by power strength (Focus)
• Range of 2/3/4/5 in-game meters. This is increased by Power Range (Stretch).
• Staggers all damaged enemies.
• Hair Trigger has a cast time of 1.5s, and ~1m width at point blank range and ~3m width at max range
• Can be used while sliding, but not in the air or wall running.

Frag (50) – Shrapnel throws a fragmentation grenade. (Animation materializes a grenade and throws it, thrown much like Vauban's Tesla Coil)

• Hits enemies in an area for 150/200/250/300 armor piercing damage. This can be increased by Power Strength (Focus).
• Explosion Area of 1/2/3/4 in-game meters. This can be increased by Power Range (Stretch).
• Damaged enemies are ragdolled.

High Velocity (75) – Shrapnel materializes high velocity rounds for all nearby warframes.


• Grants all allies 10/15/20/25% stun chance (additive), and all projectiles become hitscan.
• Duration of 15/20/25/30s. This is increased by power duration (Continuity and Constitution).

Lead Storm (100) - Shrapnel materializes akimbo uzi’s in his hands and begins firing in all directions. (Animation, much like gunkata from the movie Equilibrium)

• Hits enemies for 15/30/45/60 armor piercing damage 20 times over 5 seconds. This can be increased by Power Strength (Focus).
• Cast in an area of affect around you, dealing damage over time to targets who are not behind cover.
• Range of 10/12/14/16 in-game meters. This can be increased with power range (Stretch).
• During the animation all damage received is reduced by 90%.



Materializing animation looks like a blueprint being constructed with digital coding.


shrapnel noun    (Concise Encyclopedia)

Originally, a type of projectile invented by the British artillery officer Henry Shrapnel (1761–1842), containing small spherical bullets and an explosive charge to scatter the shot (Hair Trigger) and fragments of the shell casing. A time fuse set off the explosive charge (Frag) late in the shell's flight, when it was near opposing troops. The resulting hail (Lead Storm) of high-velocity debris (High Velocity) was often lethal; it caused most of the artillery-inflicted wounds in World War I. In World War II a high-explosive bursting charge that fragmented the shell's iron casing made shrapnel balls unnecessary; the term shrapnel came to be used for the shell-casing fragments.

I will continue to edit as I receive critiques.

Edited by Aeraxis
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I don't understand the logic behind the name if only one ability involves explosives. 


Also "High Caliber" doesn't work. Caliber is a measurement of bore diameter. Providing team mates with larger ammunition would be meaningless as the weapons would be unable to use them. If it's going to be armor piercing damage, it would make more sense for the ammunition to be armor piercing discarding sabots (APDS), jacketed rounds, and/or high velocity ammunition.


Personally I think 3 would be much more useful and fitting to the name if it provided team mates with explosive ammunition that deals splash damage in a very small area like 1-2m. 

Edited by Karma_Ghost
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I don't understand the logic behind the name if only one ability involves explosives. 


Also "High Caliber" doesn't work. Caliber is a measurement of bore diameter. Providing team mates with larger ammunition would be meaningless as the weapons would be unable to use them. If it's going to be armor piercing damage, it would make more sense for the ammunition to be armor piercing discarding sabots (APDS), jacketed rounds, and/or high velocity ammunition.


Personally I think 3 would be much more useful and fitting to the name if it provided team mates with explosive ammunition that deals splash damage in a very small area like 1-2m. 


The name choice isn't meant to describe the frame as a whole, how does the name Vauban describe what his powers do? or Rhino? Saryn? It just sounded like the right choice, the name of the warframe isn't meant to describe every single power, its simply to add flavor. If that is how things are supposed to be Rhino would need to be renamed because Iron Skin has nothing to do with it, and rhino's also don't Roar.



As for High Caliber, I do understand where you are coming from, but putting High Gran would sound odd, and Rubedo Jacket sounds odd. You could have given a suggestion on the name for that power. But giving teammates explosive ammunition would sort of become a problem if players are up close and personal with shotguns/high rate of fire weapons, they potentially could one shot themselves or severely hurt themselves killing point blank targets, making it become not so effective as a stun chance and additional armor piercing damage.
Edited my main post for changes.
Edited by Aeraxis
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The name choice isn't meant to describe the frame as a whole, how does the name Vauban describe what his powers do? or Rhino? Saryn? It just sounded like the right choice, the name of the warframe isn't meant to describe every single power, its simply to add flavor. If that is how things are supposed to be Rhino would need to be renamed because Iron Skin has nothing to do with it, and rhino's also don't Roar.


Saryn = Sarin (GB) nerve agent = Poison


Sebastien Le Pestre de Vauban, engineer known for designing fortifications


A charging rhinoceros conjures up an image (for practical purposes) of an unstoppable force. Admittedly roar doesn't make sense. While the name Iron skin doesn't make much sense, it still fits the theme of having a thick hide.


The names are all fitting to their themes. I didn't say at any point that it has to describe every power. I said the name is only relevant to one ability of the four. And even then, shrapnel in the strictest definition refers to projectiles (i.e. shot and BBs) embedded in artillery shells and other explosives. Most grenades don't actually contain shrapnel. The flying bits are fragments of the grenade case/body, hence the term frag/fragmentation grenade. 


In regards to caliber issue, the simplest change would be anything involving high velocity or high density. Remember F=MA. You can increase both of these without increasing exterior dimensions.

Edited by Karma_Ghost
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Mind explaining the name Ash for me then? Shuriken/Teleport/Blade Storm don't reallyanything to do with what is left over after a fire. Smoke Screen can kind of fit... but not really since that's smoke and not ash.


And Excalibur? Only one of his powers has anything to do with a sword, Slash Dash, what does Radial Blind/Super Jump/and Radial Javelin have to do with a Legendary Sword?

Edited by Aeraxis
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"Ash was originally named Smoke, before that simply Ninja." - Warframe Wiki


The name Ash is presumably a reference to Smoke screen. Where there's smoke, there's (usually) fire. Where there's fire, there's Ash. Smoke often carries ash as well.


The name isn't a direct as others. I would imagine DE's choices are very limited in this case. There aren't many words relevant to ninja that would make sense to the predominately english speaking player base. The original name was fitting, but it was boring and redundant when all tenno are ninjas.


They could have made a historical reference like Vauban. The only issue I see with that is the ones that are famous enough to be recognizable have been used in pretty much everything else involving ninja.


3/4 Excalibur's abilities fit the theme. Slash dash is obvious. Radial Javelin is throwing mutiple swords (not sure why its called javelin). Radial Blind references a special property attributed to Excalibur in Le Morte D'Arthur. Super jump is the only ability that has no obvious connection.

Edited by Karma_Ghost
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Mind explaining the name Ash for me then? Shuriken/Teleport/Blade Storm don't reallyanything to do with what is left over after a fire. Smoke Screen can kind of fit... but not really since that's smoke and not ash.


And Excalibur? Only one of his powers has anything to do with a sword, Slash Dash, what does Radial Blind/Super Jump/and Radial Javelin have to do with a Legendary Sword?

Ash is coupled with smoke and there's a constant stream of smoke coming out of his arm. Excalibur's Slash Dash has him swinging his sword, Radial Blind has him hold his sword up in the air and blind people, and Radial Jav is him flinging Skanas all over the place. Also Excalibur was the sword of king Arthur and Excal is the face of Warframe. 

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(I'm not an artist, but if anyone would like to draw up some concept art it would be awesome, I'll post a picture so everyone can get the feel for the style I have in mind)


Health - 100.0 (300.0 at rank 30)

Power - 100.0 (150 at rank 30)

Armor - 40.0

Shield Capacity - 100 (300.0 at rank 30)

Shield Recharge - 20.0

Sprint Speed - 1.15

Polarities – 4x = / 1x D / 1x –

Hair Trigger (25) - Shrapnel materializes a revolver in his hand and fires a fast series of 6 shots. (Animation, fires fanning the hammer)

• Hits enemies for 20/40/60/80 armor piercing damage each shot to all targets in a straight line. This is increased by power strength (Focus)

• Range of 2/3/4/5 in-game meters. This is increased by Power Range (Stretch).

• Staggers all damaged enemies.

• Hair Trigger has a cast time of 1.5s, and ~1m width

• Can be used while sliding, but not in the air or wall running.

Frag (50) – Shrapnel throws a fragmentation grenade. (Animation materializes a grenade and throws it, thrown much like Vauban's Tesla Coil)

• Hits enemies in an area for 150/200/250/300 armor piercing damage. This can be increased by Power Strength (Focus).

• Explosion Area of 1/2/3/4 in-game meters. This can be increased by Power Range (Stretch).

• Damaged enemies are ragdolled.

High Caliber (75) – Shrapnel materializes higher caliber rounds for all nearby warframes.

• Grants all allies 10/15/20/25% stun chance and +5/10/15/20% armor piercing damage.

• Duration of 10/15/20/25s. This is increased by power duration (Continuity and Constitution).

Lead Storm (100) - Shrapnel materializes akimbo uzi’s in his hands and begins firing in all directions. (Animation, much like gunkata from the movie Equilibrium)

• Hits enemies for 15/30/45/60 armor piercing damage 20 times over 5 seconds. This can be increased by Power Strength (Focus).

• Cast in an area of affect around you, dealing damage over time.

• Range of 10/12/14/16 in-game meters. This can be increased with power range (Stretch).

• During the animation all damage received is reduced by 90%.

I will continue to edit as I receive critiques.

I feel like these abilities are kind of redundant and also detract from the feel of the other abilities. Tenno powers are supposed to be exactly that, powers. They aren't supposed to be a bunch of guns and grenades. Also Equilibrium sucked... 

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Not quite redundant, Hair Trigger is a bit like slash dash/rhino charge/ice wave, but instead of being a single shot straight line of damage, its a multi-shot which makes it different from the rest. Frag, we don't have any grenades as a primary or secondary weapon, the only thing close to this power is tesla coil and that doesn't have anywhere near the same effect, so I see no redundancy there at all. High Caliber is a bit like Rhino Roar but its more aimed toward CC instead of damage. Finally Lead Storm, much like Banshees sound wave meets Excaliburs Radial Javelin, targets behind cover will not be hit by the ability, but it will hit multiple times during its duration much like sound wave but far more times for far less damage.

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Not quite redundant, Hair Trigger is a bit like slash dash/rhino charge/ice wave, but instead of being a single shot straight line of damage, its a multi-shot which makes it different from the rest. Frag, we don't have any grenades as a primary or secondary weapon, the only thing close to this power is tesla coil and that doesn't have anywhere near the same effect, so I see no redundancy there at all. High Caliber is a bit like Rhino Roar but its more aimed toward CC instead of damage. Finally Lead Storm, much like Banshees sound wave meets Excaliburs Radial Javelin, targets behind cover will not be hit by the ability, but it will hit multiple times during its duration much like sound wave but far more times for far less damage.

It still kinda feels like everything is just a variant of the Typhoon Explosive System, though.

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Never played that game before, is it any good? But now at least I know what everyone is talking about lol, I didn't know that that was the picture I posted, I was just googling pictures for badass agent trench coats for about 20 min and saw that picture and it fit the type of style I had in mind.

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Never played that game before, is it any good? But now at least I know what everyone is talking about lol, I didn't know that that was the picture I posted, I was just googling pictures for badass agent trench coats for about 20 min and saw that picture and it fit the type of style I had in mind.

Heh. Well, DX: HR is quite a great game. If you are interested in it, you should wait for the Directors Cut version to be released. ( or you could pirate the previous 2 games )


I really didn't expect Adam Jensen to appear in your Google Image Search...




*Immediately Googles 'badass in trench coat'*


Whoa, first page results are Adam Jenson and JC Denton.

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