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Is Update 10 Some Sick Joke?


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This game was perfect, I guess you could even say I may have grown an addiction for the game, haha. That is until update 10 has come and just 180'd my whole perspective on this game.. Where do we start, the stamina changes, they don't seem that bad until you actually start playing with this new system, what kinda of "ninja" gets winded after a few sword slashes??? I mean come on DE.. This game is basically getting a bullet to the head with these changes, now with that said lets get to the real problem with update 10: Nekros. I can't help but to think back to the update 10 video speaking of "the last hours of development," in that video Nekros was showcased and just bragged about, we were teased with all of his new moves and this new boss was introduced and showcased. Not once in this video do I remember them informing us that it could take 50+ hours in order to obtain this warframe, some warframes were already a huge grind to obtain already with the extremely low drop rates, but now you choose to make Nekros beyond impossible for the casual warframe player. This is extremely unfair for free players and just cruel to tease that much with content only to make it a huge grind for a key to grind those keys to make another key to fight is new boss you have given us for a possibility at a Nekros part, IF you're lucky enough... I really hope that something is changed and rethought about this whole key system, not everyone has time on this game to just grind their heart out only to have their time wasted by receiving nothing or the same part from this boss after hours of their time getting these required keys. I'm just bringing this to the attention of DE in hopes of getting something changed here, judging by all of the negative feedback on update 10 I really am hoping for a change.

Edited by StepCrow
Cringe 2013 name... egh. 11 years though, huh? Game's doing great.
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so you want Nekros for free, huh? WTH people...just play the damn game and you will get enough parts for the keys, explore the maps for once and open every locker...

I don't want Nekros for free, I am stating I like how they have warframes laid out to be obtained now, I don't have all day to spend on this game grinding missions for a key to grind those keys for a key to kill a boss that has a chance at dropping it, I'm just stating they should rethink this whole thing.

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This game was perfect, I guess you could even say I may have grown an addiction for the game, haha. That is until update 10 has come and just 180'd my whole perspective on this game.. Where do we start, the stamina changes, they don't seem that bad until you actually start playing with this new system, what kinda of "ninja" gets winded after a few sword slashes??? I mean come on DE.. This game is basically getting a bullet to the head with these changes, now with that said lets get to the real problem with update 10: Nekros. I can't help but to think back to the update 10 video speaking of "the last hours of development," in that video Nekros was showcased and just bragged about, we were teased with all of his new moves and this new boss was introduced and showcased. Not once in this video do I remember them informing us that it could take 50+ hours in order to obtain this warframe, some warframes were already a huge grind to obtain already with the extremely low drop rates, but now you choose to make Nekros beyond impossible for the casual warframe player. This is extremely unfair for free players and just cruel to tease that much with content only to make it a huge grind for a key to grind those keys to make another key to fight is new boss you have given us for a possibility at a Nekros part, IF you're lucky enough... I really hope that something is changed and rethought about this whole key system, not everyone has time on this game to just grind their heart out only to have their time wasted by receiving nothing or the same part from this boss after hours of their time getting these required keys. I'm just bringing this to the attention of DE in hopes of getting something changed here, judging by all of the negative feedback on update 10 I really am hoping for a change.



digital high five +1, btw awesome name!


I have ranted about endless grind fest before, I just seemed to challenge them to up the stakes! They asked us, "Do you hate life yet?" And some goon said "no" Their answer, "You will NOW!"

Edited by ZeroPhobic
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Man just relax a bit. It's important to realize that Golem is currently the last boss. Why should it be instantly reachable? Remember that Jupiter is getting replaced by Corpus Gas Giant levels next big update, Golem isn't meant to be there.

It's balanced from the standpoint of a new player, Nav cords are available from the very beginning level, allowing you to have dozens (hundreds even) by the time you are ready to face him. It may be a little annoying for us crusty old beta testers, but sometimes you have to balance around something other than the people who've been playing for 400 hours already.

Edited by ValhaHazred
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Did I just imagine them saying that the new Golem would replace the old one?


I just don't understand why they would hide such a great tileset as the Orokin Derelicts behind a grindfest... for the sole purpose of getting people to pay for Nekros? Hopefully at a later date they will slot this tileset into the existing solar system in Jupiter and other Infested areas.

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Man just relax a bit. It's important to realize that Golem is currently the last boss. Why should it be instantly reachable? Remember that Jupiter is getting replaced by Corpus Gas Giant levels next big update, Golem isn't meant to be there.

It's balanced from the standpoint of a new player, Nav cords are available from the very beginning level, allowing you to have dozens (hundreds even) by the time you are ready to face him. It may be a little annoying for us crusty old beta testers, but sometimes you have to balance around something other than the people who've been playing for 400 hours already.

But you also need to look at this HUGE jump they just made from how warframes were obtained compared to how Nekros is obtained. Huge difference.. Huge.

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I think their original plan was to move volt to new corpus boss, Alad V, in the new planet.

Somehow they end up like this.

I think they were going to kill off Volt frame Nova for the crime. Have a long trial where it comes out she is a stalker spy,  they have to nerf her into the gorund, but she slept with Rhino and is having his baby, but he doesn't know it. The Forum goes crazy and she gets hauled off to warframe jail, they have the whole PS4 launch and she is talked about in whispers for years. "Nova who?" people will start to say. Years later a Stalker comes after a bald old retired Rhino and looks a lot like him (especially around the eyes) and kills him in his worn out old bath robe and boxers while he is still in his favorite comfy chair (the one with the hole in it) then one day we wake up and it was all a bad dream and we go back to preU10 days. I could be wrong though, you never know.

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On that I can agree. Just look at the cost. Amount of credit that had to be spent to acquire this guy is supremely huge.

Not to mention this whole key system is a completely blindsided surprise to everyone. When were we informed of this?? I would love to know. I wouldn't have as many complaints if it wasn't grinding containers for a key to grind for another key to grind for a possibility at a 1/3 of 3/3 part for Nekros.. This is complete insanity. DE are not thinking about anyone who doesn't have time to hardcore grind on this game, but enjoy it, they are making it so you either have to do a huge chore, or pay approx. 20 USD for this warframe.. It's senseless and greedy in my opinion.

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Not to mention this whole key system is a completely blindsided surprise to everyone. When were we informed of this?? I would love to know. I wouldn't have as many complaints if it wasn't grinding containers for a key to grind for another key to grind for a possibility at a 1/3 of 3/3 part for Nekros.. This is complete insanity. DE are not thinking about anyone who doesn't have time to hardcore grind on this game, but enjoy it, they are making it so you either have to do a huge chore, or pay approx. 20 USD for this warframe.. It's senseless and greedy in my opinion.

 I could not agree more, I'm in college and have very little time to play. Over the summer it was fine to sink a huge amount of time in the game for whatever reason, but now I simply can't. I want to enjoy my time with this game and not grind and grind some more only to find out I just started an uphill grind for a frame. For me it will be easier to buy the frame, but that takes all the fun out of earning it. I really have zero options with this update. They are not thinking of the casual players at all. The people who have nothing better to do are tickled pink about this update and are giving thanks to DE for it, but for the busy people, this update is just a big middle finger.

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Man just relax a bit. It's important to realize that Golem is currently the last boss. Why should it be instantly reachable? Remember that Jupiter is getting replaced by Corpus Gas Giant levels next big update, Golem isn't meant to be there.

It's balanced from the standpoint of a new player, Nav cords are available from the very beginning level, allowing you to have dozens (hundreds even) by the time you are ready to face him. It may be a little annoying for us crusty old beta testers, but sometimes you have to balance around something other than the people who've been playing for 400 hours already.


If Golem is the 'Last boss' why is it that any old sod can buy the blueprints for the keys from the market, then farm the required resources in early missions.


Also I bloody well hope that Jupiter isn't getting replaced with corpus that would mean that, outside of the silly Orokin derelicts missions, there would only be one infested planet left, Eris. There are other gas giants in the solar system it doesn't have to be Jupiter, but then again knowing DE and their knowledge of physics and astronomy they'll probably make the Corpus gas planet on a new planet which isn't even a gas planet and put it in the wrong part of the solar system. Meanwhile failing to update or change the existing, lacklustre, levels.


As for your point about us crusty old beta testers, I agree, this game should be based around new players as a games first impression is extremely important... But all this hiding stuff away in more voids and not updating the current stuff isn't helping new players in the slightest.

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 I could not agree more, I'm in college and have very little time to play. Over the summer it was fine to sink a huge amount of time in the game for whatever reason, but now I simply can't. I want to enjoy my time with this game and not grind and grind some more only to find out I just started an uphill grind for a frame. For me it will be easier to buy the frame, but that takes all the fun out of earning it. I really have zero options with this update. They are not thinking of the casual players at all. The people who have nothing better to do are tickled pink about this update and are giving thanks to DE for it, but for the busy people, this update is just a big middle finger.

You are completely right. The only people who bash us who have school, jobs, family or even relationships to maintain seem to be just those who can spend all the time in the world on it just going and going(and trolls of course :D). I personally don't want to ruin my experience by buying this warframe, but with my limited time on the game it seems I have no choice. But I will not because I feel that is what they are doing.. It seems to me that it is just sheer greed, either that or they are trying a new system to obtain warframes, which I don't agree with seeing as they didn't keep the casual gamer in mind when they implemented this.

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This was their response to Vauban's blueprint-obtaining method. Just like they wanted Vauban to be different, so is Nekros. It's not about making the entire game grindier, as the other frames are still obtainable in a pretty quick fashion (unless RNG god hates you), but it's apparent the Nekros frame is supposed to be a response to the random rarity of Vauban alerts.

They didn't do it to the entire game, just Nekros. Or, you can buy him. :P

I don't find this senseless or greedy because it's more likely drawn out in order to buy DE time for future updates. People always get things really fast in games, faster than they can develop and then people cry they're bored of all the new content and want newer content. It's not about being greedy and making you buy Nekros. It's just having different ways to obtain things, especially when new things won't be coming for a while. Update 11 may just be the launch update.

Edited by gell
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This was their response to Vauban's blueprint-obtaining method. Just like they wanted Vauban to be different, so is Nekros. It's not about making the entire game grindier, as the other frames are still obtainable in a pretty quick fashion (unless RNG god hates you), but it's apparent the Nekros frame is supposed to be a response to the random rarity of Vauban alerts.


They didn't do it to the entire game, just Nekros. Or, you can buy him. :P

You haven't been paying attention to the thread have you?

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You haven't been paying attention to the thread have you?


I read the whole thing, so yes, I have paid attention to the thread. I don't see your point.


This jump in obtaining Nekros is the same experiment they tried with Vauban. Subsequently, there were other frames that were even easier to obtain (I got Nova in 4 raptor runs in the first hour of release). I don't think this will be the common method for obtaining frames from here on out. It's just another frame DE wanted to be rarer.


I also saw your point about not wanting to cheapen Nekros by buying him but it doesn't matter. It's the option for folks who want him fast. He's supposed to be harder to obtain. 


Don't take this as me loving grind; I'm very much against it. There's room for some grind here and there, but I often argue against it. I think it's fine in this case, although I would put in high drop rate for the parts from the new Golem to offset the "cost" of getting new mats to craft keys to fight Golem.

Edited by gell
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So first thing, Warframe was and is far from perfect, it's good they are working on it.

Second thing, before we cry about the stamina changes we should see if stamina mods are maybe finally a viable option.

Third and last, i do agree that they totally overshot it with the steep derelict key crafting requirements. Don't care about nanospores, BUT 3k circuits EACH time i want to run a boss for a CHANCE at Nekros component BPs, with a 6 HOURS cooldown? You know how many times you have to run bosses only to get measly returns? If systems BP from any normal frame is already so rare sometimes you have to do well over 50 runs to get it... Imagine what an absolute grindfest it will be for Nekros.

I have 300 hours logged into the game by the way, i don't think i'm writing this from the perspective of a newbie.

Edited by NIL0S
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Second thing, before we cry about the stamina changes we should see if stamina mods are maybe finally a viable option.

Loki with max stamina recharge. Still have to stop and walk a few meters. Ridiculous thing is, this doesn't affect helicoptering at all. Are you trying to make it so that newbies have no chance in hell to catch up with us?

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Relax man this is just the first stage of update 10. I am sure DE would change some stuff and I don't think the new boss is the "last boss" cause there are still many more things that are yet to be implemented into the game. However, I have to agree that obtaining this Nekros can really take up more time as compared to Vauban because pretty often, there are alert mission having Vauban's part as the reward. BUT I do remember in the live stream, they said they want to replace the J3 golem with the new one and transferring volt's parts to another boss. Maybe DE are just testing the new things out? Time will tell man. How's Life?

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