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Team Energy Restore


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Nobody is going to use them. The only use for anything like this is one that heals the whole team fully, refills all of their ammo, or restores and overshields. The reason nobody used the old ones aside from ammo boxes is because they were too much trouble for too little benefit. In the places the numbers were enough, you didn't need them. In the places that you needed them, they weren't significant enough.


Making them work on the whole team and significantly raising the cost and annoyance in acquiring them isn't going to make anybody use them when we still decimate pre-80 mobs, and when post-80 mobs do five times the damage they restore.

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Check your dojo, there's advanced versions to be researched there.


I, for one, am pretty certain that, if the advanced versions restore a significant amount (50+) more, I'll be carrying them with me, team or no team. Especially since I like to carry other auras than Energy Siphon sometimes. Could easily be a mission-saver if there's a bugged out unit stuck in a wall somewhere in exterminate/defense and there's no energy around.

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