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Spectra Needs Some Love.


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it's a shame really, because it's such a fun gun... but it's performance is a joke.

it's only remotely useful on light infested due to the 3x damage. against everything else? absolute garbage.


it's especially painful when compared to the the hikou which:

- is easier to craft (no forma!)

- has no mastery rank requirement (vs spectra's 4)

- has a vastly superior effective range

- does way more DPS

- has far superior ammo economy

- has the exact same damage type

- has two polaritys built in, vs spectra's 0.


there's probably more, but i think that's far too big a list already.


but, even if hikou/etc were nerfed, spectra still wouldn't have a place because it's just an all around weak gun.


for spectra to truely shine it needs to be absolutely unmatched at cutting down light infested.

that's already the place where it is best at, but due to it's weak damage output it is terribly outclassed by pretty much every other pistol at killing them.


I feel like, due to the fact that it produces a steady stream of numbers, that the best way to give it its much needed boost would be a suberb crit profile. but a straight up damage boost would do the job too.



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I wanted to make it a part of my Lanka+Spectra+PlasmaSword+Vauban setup.

I'm still leveling it and have no catalyst installed yet. However, the performance is average.

I was more happier with hikou, kunai and even dual viper.


Considering infested secondaries this gun is useless, even for mastery. 


I regret that forma I spent on it.


As long power creep exists there will be only couple of weapons that people would want to farm/have for "end game".

The rest will be useless.


I made a proposal to prevent power creep by implementing weapon tiers with scaling, allowing upgrade of low tier weapons for "end game use".


>>> https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/99726-weapon-balance-tiers-and-sidegrades/#entry1133921 


Why not to allow people to use weapons they like as effective as high tier weapons by spending more time via formas.


So the idea of difference between low tier weapons and high tier weapons should be in polarity slots and required time to make low tier weapons work similar to high tier weapons in late game and not in theoretical DPS numbers.



Vulkar is Tier 1 weapon and available from beginning, no polarity slots

Lanka is Tier 7 weapon and available at mastery rank 7 with 3 polarity slots


Both maxed and polarized (formaed) to high end level should have similar DPS with a maximum difference of 5-10 % (so that Lanka is still better than Vulkar).


Additional balance screw could be the amount of polarized slots (installed formas). increase of damage by 5 % for each polarity (forma) (cap at 6). Same could be used for other stats. for example critical chance etc. That means low Tier makes less damage at beginning, but can be maxed for late game use.

Edited by Voidflow
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