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The fate of Alza's children. Bold, Normal and Purple text is Liz, Underline is Me, I've made Alza Italics in this for ease of reading.Bold = HannahNormal = Reaper LizPurple = Eloise II (Alza's Daughter, named after her Grandmother)Underline = Aldrian (Alza's Son)Italics = Alza (just for this) 

...Where are we?You're at my place. W-why are we here? You are here because your true nature, or, I should say, one of your true natures drove you both to nearly killing each other. I-I don't really remember what happened..B-but I'd never hurt Eloise, she is my sister! W-what Ald said!I just wanna go home... *shows them the video of them fighting* Oh.......I-I'm sorry Ellie..I don't want to hurt my sister again..W-what do we need to do? I'm sorry too, ald... I'll do anything you ask, Ms...? Hannah. And you two will be living with me indefinitely, or at least until you learn how to control your powers and resist the urge to kill needlessly... *hugs ellie*T-thank you Ms. Hannah.Please teach us everything! *hugs ald back, and sniffles* It'd be easier to show you... Follow me. A-alright..*holds ellie's hand as they follow Hannah*Don't worry, I'll never let anything happen to you Elllie! T-thanks al....*leads them to a museum**brings them to a painting of Liz*I assume you know who that is? Oh course, that's grandmother Liz!But why is her picture here?Is she important or something? Actually, yes. She's the reason this whole reaper society was founded to begin with. She refused to reap the soul of Elizabeth Chan, and after others were sent to kill her as punishment for it, she annihilated them all... So, I and a few others founded this society to both prevent reapers from abandoning their duties, and killing each other, as you two would have if I didn't stop you... *shivers*I had no idea grandma was such a scary person... Grandma was that strong?S-she never did anything around us.. Yes, she is. Though I assume she didn't show you two so you wouldn't become afraid of her, or because her time as a demon muddled her memory... *kicks down the door, radiating edgy reaper energy*WHERE HAVE YOU TAKEN MY-*sees al and Jr**ahem*Hi kids!^_^*hides behind al*I'll let them explain what's happened...*poofs away* O-oh hi grandma Liz..*keeps standing infront of ellie*Umm.. ..I'm sorry, did I scare you?Don't worry, I would never hurt either of you...H-Hannah told us everything, grandma... Eh?What do you mean?What's she talking about, al? U-Umm.. Ms Hannah told us a story about you and someone named Elizabeth.*sniffle*S-she brought us here because we tried to kill each other..Because of our powers.. she said we have to learn to control them. She did, did she?Well, that story's true...And is that why you two disappeared?Your mother's been worried sick...And I'd thought you'd have more time, I mean I only became a reaper when I was sixteen... *holds al and Jr close*It'd be best for you two to train with Hannah for now, okay? *hugs back tightly*O-okay grandma Liz..We will, please t-take care of mom!*starts crying**hugs them tighter*Sh, sh... You don't need to go right this second, and even then, alza and I will still be able to visit you two...Why don't we go say hi to your mom?She'll be thrilled to see that you're both okay... R-really?!We can go see mommy?*sniffle* *smiles*Of course.Just hold onto my hand, and we'll be there in a moment, al.*hesitantly hugs Liz's arm* A-alright..*takes liz by the hand*It's okay Ellie, it's grandma Liz! *sniffles* *warps all three to alza*Look who I found safe and sound, alza...*smiles**hug tackles alza* *gasps and hugs ellie tightly and kisses her*W-where were you?! I was s-so worried!*sniffle**runs up and hugs alza from the side*Mommy..*sniffle*Oh ald, I missed you so much..*pulls him into the hug too* *hugs alza tighter and sobs incoherently* They... The day they disappeared, the reaper within them awakened, and they nearly killed each other... Fortunately, Hannah will train then to control their abilities and killing instinct... *hugs ellie back*I-I see..*sitting next to alza hugging her**smiles and pats ald's back*That's terrible..I don't really know Hannah..But it sounds like this is something that has to be done..*sniffle* Don't worry...We'll be able to visit them whenever we want, and Hannah is a reaper who's a dear friend of mine. W-why can't you train us, grandma?...I'll tell you about that when you're older, Ellie. Okay?Okay... *wipes ellie's face with a handkerchief*I trust you Liz, they'll be in good hands..*hugs ald*I'll make sure to visit you both.It just can't be too often or it will interfere with your training.*sniffle*It's okay mommy.. don't cry again.. *holds alza close, and kisses her*Thank you, alza.I trust everything has been put into perspective, then? *kisses liz back and sighs*Yes.. please take good care of them Hannah..*hugs ellie and ald*You two behave yourselves.Y-yes mommy..*wipes his face*I promise I'll take care of ellie. I-I'll do my best, mom... I intend to. When they're ready, I'll take them back to start training. *sighs*I'll miss you both very much..*hugs and kisses them one last time**takes ellie by the hand*A-are you ready ellie? *squeezes al's hand* Uhuh... *poofs the three of them back to the reaper world**training ensues*Alza.. You know what this means, right?You never lost control... *smiles*Y-yes.. you're right.*wipes her eyes*I'm so h-happy they are o-okay liz..*hugs liz and starts sobbing* *holds alza close*Sh... There, there... What's wrong, alza? I'm just so happy they're alright..Even though you said they were fine I was so worried.Then after listening to what happened..*sniffle*It's fortunate that Hannah found them when she did.. *Time passes at an accelerated rate in the reaper society**Eloise and Aldrian return home about two years later**They completed their training and have aged to about twenty two years old* ...I'm nervous Ald.It's okay Ellie, no need to be nervous.*hugs Ellie**smiles*You're right..*knocks on the door*Who is it?*opens the door*A-ald.. Ellie?*tackles them both to the ground*Y-you've gotten so big..My babies..*starts crying*It's okay mom.. D-don't cry..*hugs alza**sniffle*It's nice to see you again mom..*hugs Alza and starts crying*


That wss a good read.

*slow clap*

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Huh, I had forgot about that.

I bookmark these things if I don't have time to do so, then read them later whenever I can.

Was reading some stuff and found this one in the pile.

Also, my sincerest apologies if I have been annoying lately.

It's just that the depression is at it's peak again, and I'm not made of steel.

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I bookmark these things if I don't have time to do so, then read them later whenever I can.

Was reading some stuff and found this one in the pile.

Also, my sincerest apologies if I have been annoying lately.

It's just that the depression is at it's peak again, and I'm not made of steel.


You're never annoying.

D'aaawww what a cute little couch demon you are. Who's a cute couch demon? You are! You are!



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I bookmark these things if I don't have time to do so, then read them later whenever I can.

Was reading some stuff and found this one in the pile.

Also, my sincerest apologies if I have been annoying lately.

It's just that the depression is at it's peak again, and I'm not made of steel.


No problem man, depression is a thing and it's a *@##$.

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