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>Be Gode

>Walking down hall with GF

>GF:  "There are black spots in my vision and my head hurts a little"

>Me:  "Let's get you to the Nurse's office, that doesn't sound good"

>GF:  "Nah I'm sure it'll be fine, probably just tired"


MFW people need to go to the nurse but won't




Freakin' black spots and headaches, you need to get going now, that's almost certainly a migraine

Nurofen is good for migraines, if she won't go to a nurse at least get her one of those.

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>Be Gode

>Walking down hall with GF

>GF:  "There are black spots in my vision and my head hurts a little"

>Me:  "Let's get you to the Nurse's office, that doesn't sound good"

>GF:  "Nah I'm sure it'll be fine, probably just tired"


MFW people need to go to the nurse but won't




Freakin' black spots and headaches, you need to get going now, that's almost certainly a migraine

This story is fake bcus no one who posts on LPW can have a GF.




But srsly she needs to get that checked out.

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This story is fake bcus no one who posts on LPW can have a GF.




But srsly she needs to get that checked out.

Too late now, last period started


S'gonna suck to be her in a little bit




I mean, I tried though, we literally walked right by the nurse's office

Edited by Dogefighter
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80 dollars too, when you can get the same thing for 60 from PSN.




Still doesn't change the fact that GOTY copies of games tend to be made no matter what.

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80 dollars too, when you can get the same thing for 60 from PSN.




Still doesn't change the fact that GOTY copies of games tend to be made no matter what.

Name one GoTY other than Bloodborne that wasn't earned?

Edited by (PS4)Pharen
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Name one GoTY other than Bloodborne that wasn't earned?

Borderlands didn't get the big award.


It was selected GOTY but some little indie journalism place, and was runner up, but not GOTY.


Shadow of Mordor didn't get GOTY iirc but it has a GOTY edition.


Borderlands 2 was the same way as BL1.


And those are the only three games off the top of my head that have GOTY editions, excluding, like, every bethesda game.


Inb4 FO4 gets a GOTY edition.

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Borderlands didn't get the big award.


It was selected GOTY but some little indie journalism place, and was runner up, but not GOTY.


Shadow of Mordor didn't get GOTY iirc but it has a GOTY edition.


Borderlands 2 was the same way as BL1.


And those are the only three games off the top of my head that have GOTY editions, excluding, like, every bethesda game.


Inb4 FO4 gets a GOTY edition.

Payday 2 has a GOTY edition.


Think about that.

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Borderlands didn't get the big award.


It was selected GOTY but some little indie journalism place, and was runner up, but not GOTY.


Shadow of Mordor didn't get GOTY iirc but it has a GOTY edition.


Borderlands 2 was the same way as BL1.


And those are the only three games off the top of my head that have GOTY editions, excluding, like, every bethesda game.


Inb4 FO4 gets a GOTY edition.



Payday 2 has a GOTY edition.


Think about that.

Borderlands 1 and 2 both won 4 GoTY awards. Payday 2 won 2, even though I don't think it deserved it. Shadow of mordor won 3 GoTY awards. Fallout 4 lost out to Witcher 3 which won 6 GoTY awards.


The one I'm most disappointed about is Destiny won 2 GoTY awards, thankfully Bungie seem to know that people will hate them if they release a GoTY.

Edited by (PS4)Pharen
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Borderlands 1 and 2 both won 4 GoTY awards. Payday 2 won 2, even though I don't think it deserved it. Shadow of mordor won 3 GoTY awards. Fallout 4 lost out to Witcher 3 which won 6 GoTY awards.


The one I'm most disappointed about is Destiny won 2 GoTY awards, thankfully Bungie seem to know that people will hate them if they release a GoTY.

They kinda did.


Legendary edition, does the same thing a GOTY edition typically does.

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They kinda did.


Legendary edition, does the same thing a GOTY edition typically does.

Yeah, but to brand it as GoTY would fuel the salt considering the amount of people who don't think Destiny should have even been in the running for a GoTY, myself included. Also legendary edition is a throwback to the halo days.

Edited by (PS4)Pharen
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Yeah, but to brand it as GoTY would fuel the salt considering the amount of people who don't think Destiny should have even been in the running for a GoTY, myself included.

Whether they deserved or not is up to opinion.


I honestly think most games that get awards don't deserve it, doesn't mean I get salty over a GOTY edition being released.


Glad Witcher 3 got as many awards as it did though.

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